Why do girls like ruining lives?


on indefiniate mod break
Seriously, why is it that girls like fucking everything up and then playing the innocent princess card all the while smiling gleefully on the inside at their harpy treachery?

Can someone please answer this for me?

Is there some special reason why they enjoy revealing personal and private information to one of your best friends because your best friend has a right to know about certain stuff, when clearly it didn't concern him at all?

Juuuuust wondering.
Seriously, why is it that girls like fucking everything up and then playing the innocent princess card all the while smiling gleefully on the inside at their harpy treachery?

Can someone please answer this for me?

Is there some special reason why they enjoy revealing personal and private information to one of your best friends because your best friend has a right to know about certain stuff, when clearly it didn't concern him at all?

Juuuuust wondering.
Because it's about her. Everything is about her. It's always about her. Screw you if you get between her and a pair of Manolo Blahnik shoes.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh, the bliss of relationships of the young....

She is testing you on how much bull crud you will put up with....if you are still around a year from now she will be singing your kudos.....and know you are marriage material! hahahahahahahahaha! Sorry Grind, i know it is not funny in real life, but part of all of this agony, will help you KNOW inside, when the "right" person is really there....

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh, the bliss of relationships of the young....

She is testing you on how much bull crud you will put up with...

I have a low tolerance for bullshit. She's unceremoniously discharged - I'm never speaking to her again. And I'm not even telling her that much.
I have a low tolerance for bullshit. She's unceremoniously discharged - I'm never speaking to her again. And I'm not even telling her that much.
I heartily recommend that you string the worthless cunt along rather than a quick discharge
clearly you picked the wrong girl. I know lots of emotards that play games, women and men, so don't go blaming this on those of us with two XX chromosones.

Maybe the problem is that you're still fooling around with little girls instead of grown women.
More background: I've known this girl for about a year or so, I thought she was nice but she's one of those people that has to take it upon themselves to "fix" everything. She feels justified in it and uses the excuse of "one day you'll appreciate what i did" (which is bullshit). So anyway, being the private person I am, she was my girlfriend for a while and I shared personal things to her about me. She was shocked to learn one of my best friends did not know this stuff. (It's not necessarily bad stuff just private stuff that I like keeping at arms length).

She decided that me and my best friend should have an honest relationship, so she decided it was a great idea to tell my best friend how I've lied to him for the last 1.5 about certain things (lol)...mostly white lies but also things that had nothing to do with him that I didn't want him to know.

So now I hate her guts and things are awkward between me and my buddy.

If she has broken your trust then heave the ho.

In your next relationship make it clear what you consider a breach of your shared information.
Most women are more verbal and emotionally open than most men. Realize the differances between the two sexes and then look for an untypical type of woman who better fits your ideal.

Most men take years to truely understand this and spend years looking for the right woman with their light sabers instead of their force.
Seriously, why is it that girls like fucking everything up and then playing the innocent princess card all the while smiling gleefully on the inside at their harpy treachery?

Can someone please answer this for me?

Is there some special reason why they enjoy revealing personal and private information to one of your best friends because your best friend has a right to know about certain stuff, when clearly it didn't concern him at all?

Juuuuust wondering.

Why do guys run after girls knowing they will screw up their lives ?

Answer: We are slaves to our animal side. Must reproduce at all costs.
Does Grind use the Nuclear Option?

Grind has blackmail material on this girl. Life ruining blackmail material.
Girl is threatening to tell other friends of Grind.

Grind has not yet brought up the issue of the nuclear option.
Grind will go to any lengths to shut this girl down if need be. This is very personal private information she's talking about.

Does Grind:

A) Threaten stupid bitch girl with the nuclear option so she stays in her place and doesn't fuck up my shit anymore

- or -

B) Try not to escalate the situation any further and keep nuclear option under wraps?
Desh I gotta say I think I like you now.

Yes, girls NEVER seem to understand that not all guys like to share feelings and personal stuff openly with others.

Luke use the force


and remember if this shit does get out your life will be a little weird for awhile but she may kinda be right in that it is very freeing to hold no secrets.

She was still wrong for outing anything you told her not to.
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Tell her what's up and that it's over. If you don't take BS, don't give it either. Inform her that you have mutually assured destruction and you do not fear using it.
oh. Yeah, that's effed up. telling personal things is an absolute no no. I had a best friend do that and then added in outright lies to a guy I was dating. I ended our 10 year friendship immediately and haven't spoken to her since.

Option A. What she did was completely unacceptable and she should learn to keep her mouth shut.
I would think she would assume that he has the nuclear option.

Unless of course she does not know he knows certain things.