Why do girls like ruining lives?

There’s something almost evil about you sometimes. “you’ll feel better I promise”

Can you imagine the dirt Tiana has on everyone here? She’s got some on me, I know that. She’s collecting it. But, for what purpose?

Shes got the big time dirt on me.

How much is the blackmail bill this month Tia?

Damn what just meeting for lunch can do to your life!
No I'm telling the truth. We never had any issues like this. I don't think she thought it was a big deal, to some people it might not have been but I'm an uber private person, and a principled one and what she did violated my sense trust and privacy. She's not some stuck up bitch or something like that, she was a regular down to earth girl that got way to over self-justified in her endeavors.

Maybe you are being too hard on the girl then Grind.

She really may have thought she was helping you lose irrational fears.
There’s something almost evil about you sometimes. “you’ll feel better I promise”

Can you imagine the dirt Tiana has on everyone here? She’s got some on me, I know that. She’s collecting it. But, for what purpose?

LOL. What dirt do I have on you?! Fortunately, I'm senile so any dirt is enjoyed once shared and forgotten a week later, unless I'm reminded.

But that does remind me of a South Park episode where Cartman convinced kids at a fat camp that candy bars were their friends and didn't judge them.
LOL. What dirt do I have on you?! Fortunately, I'm senile so any dirt is enjoyed once shared and forgotten a week later, unless I'm reminded.

But that does remind me of a South Park episode where Cartman convinced kids at a fat camp that candy bars were their friends and didn't judge them.


Well, I am not going to remind you.
Maybe you are being too hard on the girl then Grind.

She really may have thought she was helping you lose irrational fears.

I think on the surface level she thought that but on a deeper level she had this "i don't care I'm doing what i want" thing going on. When she told me what she did she was being very condescending and ho-hummed the whole thing when she knew I was pretty much freaking the fuck out.

To darla and ladyt, you got me pegged slightly wrong on this one. I'm very VERY selective with who I associate myself with and when I get wind of something like this I always cut them off immediately. Which I've done. Thought she was a normal regular girl and even yesterday morning we went to breakfast and were happy as can be, she was really nice. Then at night she turned into uber bitch. Go figure.
I think on the surface level she thought that but on a deeper level she had this "i don't care I'm doing what i want" thing going on. When she told me what she did she was being very condescending and ho-hummed the whole thing when she knew I was pretty much freaking the fuck out.

To darla and ladyt, you got me pegged slightly wrong on this one. I'm very VERY selective with who I associate myself with and when I get wind of something like this I always cut them off immediately. Which I've done. Thought she was a normal regular girl and even yesterday morning we went to breakfast and were happy as can be, she was really nice. Then at night she turned into uber bitch. Go figure.

Well, maybe she’s bipolar. A lot of people have mental illnesses. Just look around this board.
I think on the surface level she thought that but on a deeper level she had this "i don't care I'm doing what i want" thing going on. When she told me what she did she was being very condescending and ho-hummed the whole thing when she knew I was pretty much freaking the f*&^ out.

To darla and ladyt, you got me pegged slightly wrong on this one. I'm very VERY selective with who I associate myself with and when I get wind of something like this I always cut them off immediately. Which I've done. Thought she was a normal regular girl and even yesterday morning we went to breakfast and were happy as can be, she was really nice. Then at night she turned into uber *&^%. Go figure.

Ummm, you're the one who titled this thread, "Why do girls like ruining lives?" with a gross generalization of females. If she represents the norms in your life you need to take a step back and look at what you're doing wrong.
Ummm, you're the one who titled this thread, "Why do girls like ruining lives?" with a gross generalization of females.

oh come on that's just theatrics. I don't actually think all girls ruin lives. Only two people have ever pissed me off: mormon girl that tried to make me give up poker and all other fun things and now this girl.
besides who wants to hear the good stuff? It's the trainwreck stuff that's interesting so naturally it's heard about on here more from me than other things.
I can't imagine thread after thread of how great my girl is... I guess I better go find a "barf" smilie...
oh come on that's just theatrics. I don't actually think all girls ruin lives. Only two people have ever pissed me off: mormon girl that tried to make me give up poker and all other fun things and now this girl.

I thought this was mormon girl. how long were you going out with her?
No I'm telling the truth. We never had any issues like this. I don't think she thought it was a big deal, to some people it might not have been but I'm an uber private person, and a principled one and what she did violated my sense trust and privacy. She's not some stuck up bitch or something like that, she was a regular down to earth girl that got way to over self-justified in her endeavors.

Whatever possessed an uber private person like you to spill the beans? Was this test of her trustworthiness?
Now that you have vented maybe you can talk to her and come to an adult resolution.

I have found that the best thing you can ever do in any relationship in crisis is to pull your ass together and Act in the absolutely most logical manner taking others possible motivations in consideration and telling the person as calmly as you can how you personally felt hurt.

This is the kinda time in your life to challenge your self to be the best person you can possiblely muster.