Why do girls like ruining lives?

Some people are "fixers" .

Some people (often young women) feel the need to fix other people.

I withhold judgement on the young lady in question because of what Grind has said in totality about her.

From what he has said I lean towards thinking she is a fixer though.
So after reading this entire thread I have come up with a theory. I don't believe this girl coming clean to YOUR friend about YOUR personal business was about YOU at all. I think she, for whatever reason whether it be shes interested or wants a relationship with him, was looking for some kind of in with your friend. She didn't consider your feelings or your relationship with him for one second. This was a totally self absorbed action on her part.

I like this theory.
LOL true it was probably a little harsh, but i can think of no other reason for a girl to do something like that. Whatever info she shared wasn't detrimental...he just didn't want it shared. If this is, in fact, why she did it then Grind is so much better off with her out of his life.
Some people are "fixers" .

Some people (often young women) feel the need to fix other people.

I withhold judgement on the young lady in question because of what Grind has said in totality about her.

From what he has said I lean towards thinking she is a fixer though.

Desh. You're too nice. This has to stop at some point. I'm telling everyone about your play boy spread.
LOL true it was probably a little harsh, but i can think of no other reason for a girl to do something like that. Whatever info she shared wasn't detrimental...he just didn't want it shared. If this is, in fact, why she did it then Grind is so much better off with her out of his life.

Makes sense when you put yourself in her shoes. I'd never talk to my boyfriends friends about something he didn't want shared. Unless he needed a kidney or something life saving.

People don't need fixing...you must seek out a partner who thinks the same way...! Why is it that women of the liberal mind set find it necessary to correct ones personality...can't they just find someone who thinks like they do and move on...this applies to Liberal guys as well!
That's just what you get for demanding fifty gazillion dollars.

I told you it would bounce. That's not even a real number.

Alright smart @ss.

Here's a real number:

Here's a real frequency:

You better get me my money b!tch.