clearly you picked the wrong girl. I know lots of emotards that play games, women and men, so don't go blaming this on those of us with two XX chromosones.
Maybe the problem is that you're still fooling around with little girls instead of grown women.
Tiana, can you imagine if either you or me started saying the sort of things said by men around here? It’s funny how there is this mythology of the bitter, scorned woman, hell hath no fury and all of that, yet on this board, all of the bitter sisters are men!
She travels the nation looking for the "Girls Gone Wild" film crew so she can sleep with other girls for 'fame'...BTW - what's the info that you have on her?
I would think she would assume that he has the nuclear option.
Unless of course she does not know he knows certain things.
She knows of the possibility but didn't know for sure.
tell us what she did!!
So true. they come on here and use the C word, complain about women in general and there are no problems whatsoever. Let you call out someone for being misogynist once and suddenly your a shrew.
I know. And this goes for some of the men that I like here too. There is a lot of women suck, they’ve fucked me over, type of thing. Very bitter.
You know, I would give the same advice I give to girlfriends of mine: If the same thing keeps happening to you, stop blaming the men, and start to wonder, could it be me? Because if the same type of thing keeps happening? It is you.
I know. And this goes for some of the men that I like here too. There is a lot of women suck, they’ve *&^% me over, type of thing. Very bitter.
You know, I would give the same advice I give to girlfriends of mine: If the same thing keeps happening to you, stop blaming the men, and start to wonder, could it be me? Because if the same type of thing keeps happening? It is you.
lol you eat this stuff up don't you?
I'd rather not saaay, sorry to be a tease, just trust me it's good.
stop being a killjoy :/
I'm know there are some nice girls out there but I haven't seen them lately. Northeastern has a lot of stuck up "daddy's princess." type of girls. They have this attitude of they can do whatever the &%$they want I think.
I never saw any signs until yesterday t. I was shocked when she did what she did, it was incomprehensible to me. Didn't see it coming at all.
fine. send me a PM.
You'll feel much better about it. I promise.
That's why you date, to get rid of the crazies.I never saw any signs until yesterday t. I was shocked when she did what she did, it was incomprehensible to me. Didn't see it coming at all.