Why do girls like ruining lives?

Grind - Take a lesson and learn from these fine woman on this board. The earlier you learn the less chance you make a mistake with the wrong woman.
Seriously, why is it that girls like fucking everything up and then playing the innocent princess card all the while smiling gleefully on the inside at their harpy treachery?

Can someone please answer this for me?

Is there some special reason why they enjoy revealing personal and private information to one of your best friends because your best friend has a right to know about certain stuff, when clearly it didn't concern him at all?

Juuuuust wondering.

This was posted since I last logged on? And it already has 100 answers? Christ.
More background: I've known this girl for about a year or so, I thought she was nice but she's one of those people that has to take it upon themselves to "fix" everything. She feels justified in it and uses the excuse of "one day you'll appreciate what i did" (which is bullshit). So anyway, being the private person I am, she was my girlfriend for a while and I shared personal things to her about me. She was shocked to learn one of my best friends did not know this stuff. (It's not necessarily bad stuff just private stuff that I like keeping at arms length).

She decided that me and my best friend should have an honest relationship, so she decided it was a great idea to tell my best friend how I've lied to him for the last 1.5 about certain things (lol)...mostly white lies but also things that had nothing to do with him that I didn't want him to know.

So now I hate her guts and things are awkward between me and my buddy.


I like to keep those kinds of people in my dungeon.
It's the combination of extreme selfishness (having to acquire resources to care for people that come out of them), and physical weakness. These two traits together create a manipulation engine whose greed knows no bounds.
It's the combination of extreme selfishness (having to acquire resources to care for people that come out of them), and physical weakness. These two traits together create a manipulation engine whose greed knows no bounds.

thanks Darwin.
Back to Darlas post on men being the problem. Yep some of it fer sure. why I finally got smart enough to plan on not getting remarried again. Making a bad choice twice was my fault. but in all fairness the last one changed big time in midlife. I found out too late that her mothers family has mental issues that pop up in midlife. The first one..well I was just naive and stupit. The naive came from being raised in an isolated religious setting. the stupid well I have to take the credit for that :)

My best advise to all, look at your prospective mates families very hard. Most people do to a large degree become their parents. I did say most now.
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No I'm telling the truth. We never had any issues like this. I don't think she thought it was a big deal, to some people it might not have been but I'm an uber private person, and a principled one and what she did violated my sense trust and privacy. She's not some stuck up bitch or something like that, she was a regular down to earth girl that got way to over self-justified in her endeavors.

It won't really matter worth shit in the end.

Everything is relative Grind, nothing matters.
Well, maybe she’s bipolar. A lot of people have mental illnesses. Just look around this board.

WTF, I'm in counseling. Fuck that bitch and all 70,000 lbs of her. Heavy duty therapy. Who knew?!?!
So after reading this entire thread I have come up with a theory. I don't believe this girl coming clean to YOUR friend about YOUR personal business was about YOU at all. I think she, for whatever reason whether it be shes interested or wants a relationship with him, was looking for some kind of in with your friend. She didn't consider your feelings or your relationship with him for one second. This was a totally self absorbed action on her part.
Umm, may I refer you to post #3 of this thread?