Why do idiotic, dishonest JPP forum trolls keep trying to outwit me?

Grammar and punctuation exhibits an individual's intelligence. You are proof of this.

If you possessed the grammatical skills and intellect you imply that you do, you wouldn't have put an "s" on the end of "exhibit" because you were talking about more than one thing.


Grammar exhibts an individual's......

Punctuation exhibts an individual's......

Grammar and punctuation exhibit an individual's......

Lesson: Don't preach at others about that which you are not an expert on yourself.

Have a nice day.
Her grammar and punctuation is so bad that there are times it has been illegible.

Oh look.

Another grammatical moron calling out someone else's lack of grammatical skills.

The word illegible only applies to the actual VISUAL QUALITY of text, not the COMPOSITION of it.

Writing is only illegible due to factors like poor or sloppy handwriting, fading of the ink or other medium in which it was written or printed to the point that it can barely be be seen, extremely small size to the point of requiring magnification, etc, etc.

Once again, the lesson here is: Don't preach at others about that which you are not an expert on yourself.

Have a nice day.
Oh look.

Another grammatical moron calling out someone else's lack of grammatical skills.

The word illegible only applies to the actual VISUAL QUALITY of text, not the COMPOSITION of it.

Writing is only illegible due to factors like poor or sloppy handwriting, fading of the ink or other medium in which it was written or printed to the point that it can barely be be seen, extremely small size to the point of requiring magnification, etc, etc.

Once again, the lesson here is: Don't preach at others about that which you are not an expert on yourself.

Have a nice day.

If you can't read what you're looking at, it is illegible.

Stop pretending to be smart, nobody is buying it.
If you can't read what you're looking at, it is illegible.

Stop pretending to be smart, nobody is buying it.

No AnnieCroakley, illegible only refers to the low VISUAL quality of printed text that renders said text unreadable.

Look it up, moron.

And it's YOUR phony smart act that nobody is buying.
No AnnieCroakley, illegible only refers to the low VISUAL quality of printed text that renders said text unreadable.

Look it up, moron.

And it's YOUR phony smart act that nobody is buying.

No one is convinced you're anything but a dumbass NL.
No AnnieCroakley, illegible only refers to the low VISUAL quality of printed text that renders said text unreadable.

Look it up, moron.

And it's YOUR phony smart act that nobody is buying.

Are you claiming the term illegible only refers to something that is faded?
I tired to be nice to her once and offered her cheeseburgers from in n out. My generoiusity was returned with venom and her personally attacking me. I just wanted to do a nice thing, but desh, always full of hate, would see none of that.

So now we have two examples of me being extremely nice to desh, and her evil sociopathic nature wont allow her to participate in humanity. shame.
Are you claiming the term illegible only refers to something that is faded?

No, you stupid PCM.

Anything that is PHYSICALLY unreadable due to any number of VISUAL reasons, but NOT grammar, spelling punctuation or composition.

Sloppy penmanship is the most common reason for something to be illegible.

A good example would probably be anything YOU have ever attempted to write by hand.
No, you stupid PCM.

Anything that is PHYSICALLY unreadable due to any number of VISUAL reasons, but NOT grammar, spelling punctuation or composition.

Sloppy penmanship is the most common reason for something to be illegible.

A good example would probably be anything YOU have ever attempted to write by hand.

I wrote my phone number on your mother's ass. She called me which means it definitely wasn't illegible.
Yeah, you dumbilly rednecks are known for fucking your own family members.

Did your brother and sister join in or were they fucking each other in the next room?

It's quite easy to see that a dumb nigger like you has to change my posts when you've been embarrassed.