Why do idiotic, dishonest JPP forum trolls keep trying to outwit me?

It's quite easy to see that a dumb nigger like you has to change my posts when you've been embarrassed.

Quit lying dumbass PCM.

We both know I quoted exactly what you wrote then you went back and changed your post.
If you possessed the grammatical skills and intellect you imply that you do, you wouldn't have put an "s" on the end of "exhibit" because you were talking about more than one thing.


Grammar exhibts an individual's......

Punctuation exhibts an individual's......

Grammar and punctuation exhibit an individual's......

Lesson: Don't preach at others about that which you are not an expert on yourself.

Have a nice day.

Life, get one
Oh look.

Another grammatical moron calling out someone else's lack of grammatical skills.

The word illegible only applies to the actual VISUAL QUALITY of text, not the COMPOSITION of it.

Writing is only illegible due to factors like poor or sloppy handwriting, fading of the ink or other medium in which it was written or printed to the point that it can barely be be seen, extremely small size to the point of requiring magnification, etc, etc.

Once again, the lesson here is: Don't preach at others about that which you are not an expert on yourself.

Have a nice day.

Clearly Annie doesn't know illegible from unreadable.
I didn't change your post, lying PCM.

I quoted exactly what you posted, then you went back and changed your post.

That's what makes you what you are, BOY. If you want to be a sub human, that's your choice. I have no problem with you choosing that. It's the best your kind can do.
That's what makes you what you are, BOY. If you want to be a sub human, that's your choice. I have no problem with you choosing that. It's the best your kind can do.

This ^ coming from the lowlife hillbilly PCM peckerwood who can't go five minutes without screaming a certain racist insult at anyone who disagrees with him.

Yeah, sure thing, peckerwood.

This ^ coming from the lowlife hillbilly PCM peckerwood who can't go five minutes without screaming a certain racist insult at anyone who disagrees with him.

Yeah, sure thing, peckerwood.


This ^ coming from someone that can't go 5 seconds without being a BOY. I'll make a deal with you. You stop being one and I'll stop calling you what you choose to be.
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This ^ coming from someone that can't go 5 seconds without being a BOY. I'll make a deal with you. You stop being one and I'll stop calling you what you choose to be.

I don't make deals with lowlife, peckerwood PCM trash, BOY.