Let's go Brandon!
i don't hate gays, i hate you. you just happen to be gay and want to blow trump and kyle.
Now you really sound like a little girl.

i don't hate gays, i hate you. you just happen to be gay and want to blow trump and kyle.
You're just pissed because Ivanka is smoking hot and way out of your league in every way.
wow, two exclamation points are such a giveaway!! you really do imagine a lot of stupid shit for someone so severely retarded!! i bet your mom is so happy to see you trying to communicate, after all the doctors said your brain was fucked after the tragic goat blowing accident when the goat fell over on your head. but you showed them!! now you can almost spell the word "cheney!!!"
That's what you are reduced to? Pity.
LOL! So gay and racist didn't work, so you're on bestiality now. Come on, pussy, come up with something less adolescent.![]()
yeah, that's it. not creeped out by trump wanting to do her all the time. god, what a sick little bitch you are!! is there anything trump could do that could make you not want to blow him?
Hot conservative women just don't like lib pussies like you, sorry.![]()
it sure upsets your delicate snowflake ass, princess. why not take a midol and go have a lie down? if we need some coffee, we will let you know. now, scoot!!
Even her younger brother thought it was creepy. Is that normal in your world lol?
but what choice do they have when almost all right wingers who identify as male are gay and/or goatblowers?
You took two steps backward to gay. Come one, pussy, think up a new angle.![]()
Does her younger brother have X-ray vision so he can see through his mom?
The young man is looking in the exact same direction as most of the other people in that photo. Look at the eyes of the woman directly behind Biden. What is she looking at?
The fact that you are willing to put thoughts in a young boy's mind is what is creepy.
Now you repeat yourself with gaye and beastiality, little pussy.![]()
you are rambling again. take your meds before your mom sends you to your room without supper and bans you from watching hee-haw reruns.
Wow that's a lame excuse. Yeah, he's looking disapprovingly at his mom, not the creepy pervert sniffing his sister's hair.![]()
that's because you are gay and had a tragic goat blowing accident which killed all but 5 of your active brain cells. facts don't lie. just look at how fucking stupid your posts are!!
do you really think a kid that young has weird thoughts about an adult kissing his sister on top of the head, while he and his mom are nearby? it just proves what a severely retarded stool sampler you are.
Gay/ beast/ psych combo.![]()
"Weird thoughts"? The guy having weird thoughts is the pervert doing the sniffing.
is that the diagnosis the docs gave your mom about you? it fits.