See your post #555, Mr. Grumpy Pants...
In that particular post, you responded to ITN's post #545 by claiming that ITN was "incorrect on every count". In your violent fit of anger, you likely missed the fact that one of ITN's "counts" was that cars still use gasoline.
If he is "incorrect on every count", then it seems as if you are, in turn, making the argument that cars do not use gasoline.
ITN appears to be aware of how your anger issues are clouding your comprehension of the specifics of his posts and is now using your anger issues to his benefit.
I thought you just got done saying that you have placed him on your "Ignore List", yet there you go directly responding to him again...
Maybe you took his rather sound advice that ignore lists are an inconvenience and aren't worth using? It's not like that list makes you safer in any way, as he is still going to respond to whatever posts he feels inclined to respond to... This particular action essentially only stops you from being able to counter his responses to your posts... Your loss, really...