Innate sexual desires and thoughts are things that happen regardless of if people are married or not. Normal healthy men like to grab all pussy, but they often have marriage agreements to only grab the wife's. Each marriage is unique, and is nobody else's business.
It is not unusual for men to speak of their innate desires, but these lewd desires should stay in the locker room. It is kind to shield women from locker room talk, since they do not have the same innate desires and most likely won't understand.
I do not know what arrangement Trump has with his wife, and I don't know what adultery he has been involved with. It is nobody's business. As far as the locker room talk goes, the slime ball is whoever took the conversation outside of its natural habitat. Locker room talk happens in many places besides the locker room, but its natural habitat is wherever women do not have to hear it.
I do not know this to be true, but I have no doubt that righties would exploit the information the way lefties have exploited Trump's conversation. What would matter to me is that his personal sex life would stay personal, and that it would not be taking place in the Oval office. In Trump's case, I find him at fault for not recognizing that other people will exploit conversations like the one he had, just as easily as women let him grab pussy. He has a similar problem in the white house where he keeps picking political opponents who are his enemy.