"Why do Liberals think Trump supporters are Stupid?"

You have to fuck a Republican cretin to give birth to one.

Any woman who gives birth to a Republican should be burned at the stake like the witch that she is.

Even the victim of a Republican rapist would have the sense to abort.

Christ, I hate those fucking pachys.
You demonstrate, yet again, that you are retarded. Stephen Hawking wasn't retarded, he was brilliant. He had ALS, which gave him physical disabilities, but didn't affect his mind. What happened to destroy your mind?

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no. I'm pretty sure he was retarded.
Can you believe Hillary only got 232 votes? It takes 270 to win, and she only got 232! Trump kicked her ass with 306 votes to her lousy 232. Go Trump! Grab some pussy, they let you do it!
Of course, Trump only won because the GOP cheated and prevented thousands of legal voters from voting.
Of course, Trump only won because the GOP cheated and prevented thousands of legal voters from voting.

It gives me the warm fuzzies to see a lefty trying to marginalize the huge gap between 232 and 306. Lol, Trump kicked Hillary's ass pretty good...
Hello Evmetro,

I approve of grabbing pussy when they let you do it. Trump can grab all the pussy he wants, as long as they let him do it.

That is a chauvinist view.

Getting touchy-feely with other women is a violation of marriage vows.

It is not OK.
Hello Evmetro,

That is a chauvinist view.

Getting touchy-feely with other women is a violation of marriage vows.

It is not OK.

I am glad to see that you have these good values. We must keep in mind though, that other peoples values aren't any of our business, and may be different from our own.
Why? The trash-mouthed Hitler clone has done more positive acts in 2 years than Obummer did in 8 years

No he hasn't.

You've never had it economically better in your life.

Untrue. The market is down since the start of your Russia Tax Cuts. Corporate earnings for Q4 are going to be a disaster that will harm the market further thanks solely to your shitty policies.

I could write enough reasons to show that leftist are stupid to ware out my keyboard and turn my fingers to stubs.

You can't do shit and you know it.
It gives me the warm fuzzies to see a lefty trying to marginalize the huge gap between 232 and 306. Lol, Trump kicked Hillary's ass pretty good...

Obama had bigger margins. Twice.

Trump's electoral margin of victory was the 42nd largest of all time.
It gives me the warm fuzzies to see a lefty trying to marginalize the huge gap between 232 and 306. Lol, Trump kicked Hillary's ass pretty good...

Trump's margin was historic.

He lost the popular vote by the largest margin of any President.
The reason they hated Hillary is that the right-wing machine demonized her for a generation. They ran phony house investigations for 2 decades. They figured she was a potential Dem candidate somewhere down the line and they went after her over and over. It was cold and ruthless, in short Republican. Those who hate her are mostly those who love Trump. They swallow the lies and propaganda completely. They are suscepible to conmen.

They want to believe Trumps lies.
So they do.
They want to believe Trumps lies.
So they do.

It is physically and psychologically impossible for them to admit they got conned because they think their judgment and instincts are sound.

Having to admit they got fooled ruins the self-image they have of themselves; that their judgment and instincts aren't good enough to suss out a con.

It would be devastating to these people to have to admit their instincts suck because their instincts are the only thing they take any pride in having.
It is physically and psychologically impossible for them to admit they got conned because they think their judgment and instincts are sound.

Having to admit they got fooled ruins the self-image they have of themselves; that their judgment and instincts aren't good enough to suss out a con.

It would be devastating to these people to have to admit their instincts suck because their instincts are the only thing they take any pride in having.

Trump could piss in their face.
They would say,love the lemonade!
Trump could piss in their face.
They would say,love the lemonade!

Arguing with Trump supporters is like seeing a piece of shit on the sidewalk and saying "Hey look! A piece of shit". Then a Trump supporter says "that's not a piece of shit, that's a delicious cheeseburger", and you say "that is definitely a piece of shit" and they say "CHEESEBURGER YOU CUCK" and shove the piece of shit in their mouths, then they post a video of the shit-eating with the caption "OWNED A LIBTARD TODAY".
Hello Evmetro,

I am glad to see that you have these good values. We must keep in mind though, that other peoples values aren't any of our business, and may be different from our own.

I understand about values and freedom. Other people's values ARE our business when we are talking about national leaders and elected public figures. Dishonesty is not an admirable value. Now, everybody lies. Or at least almost everybody, sooner or later. I get that. But are we talking about rare, occasional or constant lying? There is a big difference. Violating the sanctity of marriage, and then bragging about it in a video? If you gave a vow, and you broke it, then you lied. That is not something we should condone. Republicans RAN from Trump when that video came out. Many thought that was the end for him. And with previous elections it would have been. But Trump brought in a new kind of voter. The kind that doesn't care about constant lying or infidelity. The kind that is full of hatred. That is what Republican power is built on right now. And THAT is why the Republicans suffered a drubbing in the last election. And if you think that was bad, wait till 2020. Democrats will take over everything. And they will get to draw the new Congressional maps to be used for the next decade. Thanks, President Trump. Keep up the piece of work. And let's all say goodbye to Republican power.
Hello Evmetro,

I understand about values and freedom. Other people's values ARE our business when we are talking about national leaders and elected public figures. Dishonesty is not an admirable value. Now, everybody lies. Or at least almost everybody, sooner or later. I get that. But are we talking about rare, occasional or constant lying? There is a big difference. Violating the sanctity of marriage, and then bragging about it in a video? If you gave a vow, and you broke it, then you lied. That is not something we should condone. Republicans RAN from Trump when that video came out. Many thought that was the end for him. And with previous elections it would have been. But Trump brought in a new kind of voter. The kind that doesn't care about constant lying or infidelity. The kind that is full of hatred. That is what Republican power is built on right now. And THAT is why the Republicans suffered a drubbing in the last election. And if you think that was bad, wait till 2020. Democrats will take over everything. And they will get to draw the new Congressional maps to be used for the next decade. Thanks, President Trump. Keep up the piece of work. And let's all say goodbye to Republican power.

Sadly maybe, the Dems will try to draw fair maps. The Dems do not adopt the destroy everything to win mode. The states that have done so and are working on it are not the Red states.