Hello Evmetro,
I understand about values and freedom. Other people's values ARE our business when we are talking about national leaders and elected public figures. Dishonesty is not an admirable value. Now, everybody lies. Or at least almost everybody, sooner or later. I get that. But are we talking about rare, occasional or constant lying? There is a big difference. Violating the sanctity of marriage, and then bragging about it in a video? If you gave a vow, and you broke it, then you lied. That is not something we should condone. Republicans RAN from Trump when that video came out. Many thought that was the end for him. And with previous elections it would have been. But Trump brought in a new kind of voter. The kind that doesn't care about constant lying or infidelity. The kind that is full of hatred. That is what Republican power is built on right now. And THAT is why the Republicans suffered a drubbing in the last election. And if you think that was bad, wait till 2020. Democrats will take over everything. And they will get to draw the new Congressional maps to be used for the next decade. Thanks, President Trump. Keep up the piece of work. And let's all say goodbye to Republican power.