"Why do Liberals think Trump supporters are Stupid?"

Hello Nordberg,

Sadly maybe, the Dems will try to draw fair maps. The Dems do not adopt the destroy everything to win mode. The states that have done so and are working on it are not the Red states.

We will see. Dem politicians are not always angels either. Without a strong Republican party, who is to hold Dems in check? It's not like just because they are Dems they can do no wrong. Plenty of very rich and powerful people support Dems and those people want favors. If it weren't for the power of the health care industry over both parties, we would not have the profit-friendly PPACA. Didn't the insurance industry essentially WRITE that law?

Imagine how different the outcome would have been if Dems and Republicans stood together AGAINST the big corporate interests? Stood up for the PEOPLE?

What if we had two or more political parties that competed to show how they best represent the interests of ordinary citizens against powerful big money corporate interests? Why, we could probably have $10 phone bills and $15 internet bills. Have the bundle for $30. We could have higher wages for workers, fewer people on the dole, free college for grade-earners, no student debt, a healthy sustainable economy where working allows the young to buy their OWN house instead of living in the basement. An economy that works for everyone, instead of glorifying extreme wealth inequality. And healthy people incentivized to adopt preventative measures by a health care system whose goal is healthy people, not big profits for Wall Street. ( I almost make a typo and put 'Wall Streed.' Was my subconscious making it synonymous with 'greed?' )
The reason they hated Hillary is that the right-wing machine demonized her for a generation. They ran phony house investigations for 2 decades. They figured she was a potential Dem candidate somewhere down the line and they went after her over and over. It was cold and ruthless, in short Republican. Those who hate her are mostly those who love Trump. They swallow the lies and propaganda completely. They are suscepible to conmen.

You win the internet today!
Why do people keep giving the stupid racist the benefit of the doubt?

They don't deserve respect.

Their actions don't warrant them to be included in civilized society.


when dump goes and you vote republican you too will be STUPID, RACIST, IGNORANT, GREEDY right winger.
It gives me the warm fuzzies to see a lefty trying to marginalize the huge gap between 232 and 306. Lol, Trump kicked Hillary's ass pretty good...
Yet he lost the popular vote by a good margin. Something that I'm sure he still can't deal with.

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I am glad to see that you have these good values. We must keep in mind though, that other peoples values aren't any of our business, and may be different from our own.
More of your Trump apologetics?

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There's nothing complicated about Republicans: they hated President Obama because he was only half Irish and Mrs Clinton because she was female. They love Trumpf because he's an incompetent crook in their own mould.
Yet he lost the popular vote by a good margin. Something that I'm sure he still can't deal with.

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It gives me the warm fuzzies to see a lefty trying to marginalize the huge gap between 232 and 306. Lol, Trump kicked Hillary's ass pretty good.
Hello Evmetro,

232 to 306. Dodge some more.

I had a Dodge once. Pretty good car.

Hey. Hang onto those numbers as tightly as you can. I don't think you''re stupid. Misinformed, perhaps. Making incorrect assessments, definitely. In possession of misplaced priorities, certainly. And you've already explained why you believe the things you do. No. I don't think you're stupid. You have your reasons. I simply disagree with them. I base my positions on logic and altruism. You have other motivations. That is your right. And I am glad you are speaking up for yourself. When I hear why you believe the things you do, when I hear what is important to you, it only affirms that my own beliefs and my own positions are the correct ones.

It is logical to want policy that makes America strong and compassionate. Making America exclusive doesn't work for everybody, but it takes everybody to make it work. I don't want to support oppression. Supporting the glory of individual wealth is a recipe for a short lived nation. I support Promoting the General Welfare. And ya know what? Try as I might, I can't find anything in the US Constitution that says we will be a capitalist nation.

It gives me the warm fuzzies to see a lefty trying to marginalize the huge gap between 232 and 306. Lol, Trump kicked Hillary's ass pretty good.

Didn't Hilery get over 3 million votes then he did?
Trump says he had on of the largest Electoral college victories ever yet it wasn't even in the top 30 plus
Have a nice day
4 elections in history have overruled the popular vote with the electoral college. Only 2 in modern times and in both cases the Repub got a position with lesser votes. That is why the goofball rightys are fighting so hard to back it, when before Daffy won, they would have spearheaded the removal of it. We know the truth. Trump is the president of the minority of Ameriucans but he acts like he has a national mandate. But we all know Trump is nuts and self serving.
4 elections in history have overruled the popular vote with the electoral college. Only 2 in modern times and in both cases the Repub got a position with lesser votes. That is why the goofball rightys are fighting so hard to back it, when before Daffy won, they would have spearheaded the removal of it. We know the truth. Trump is the president of the minority of Ameriucans but he acts like he has a national mandate. But we all know Trump is nuts and self serving.

306 to 232! Woo hoo! Trump kicked Hillary's ass!