Why do libs think it's OK for illegals to unlawfully invade America?

Big Money

New member
Wildrego Jackson, 29, has been charged with conspiracy to kidnap.

The police chief also said that Juan Alberto Contreras-Rodriguez, a 40-year-old Mexican national, has been arrested on immigration-related charges.

Wildrego Jackson, 29, has been charged with conspiracy to kidnap.

The police chief also said that Juan Alberto Contreras-Rodriguez, a 40-year-old Mexican national, has been arrested on immigration-related charges.


Are you Native American? If not you dont have any right to complain about immigration.Your family came to this county as immigrants.
It's the cons that favor illegals. They drive down wages by oversupplying the labor market. Stop being a stooge.
It's the cons that favor illegals. They drive down wages by oversupplying the labor market. Stop being a stooge.

"It's the cons that favor illegals"......finally, someone that make desh look intelligent....

how can you argue with this....better yet, why would you waste you time to do it.
"It's the cons that favor illegals"......finally, someone that make desh look intelligent....

how can you argue with this....better yet, why would you waste you time to do it.

Show how I am wrong retard. Prove that employers do not prefer to have more workers than jobs? That the law of supply and demand doesn't apply to labor? That wages have been flat or dropped since the iron curtain alone was destroyed, flooding the west with highly skilled, highly intelligent eastern Europeans and Russians? I have met Polish carpenters so skilled that they only work on curved stair cases in stone homes being built.Of course my speciality is fabricating and installing metal into stone so I meet other specialists.
"It's the cons that favor illegals"......finally, someone that make desh look intelligent....

No small feat that.

If these libs were Frenchmen in 1940, they'd be standing at the German border like French waiters, towel draped over their forearms, bowing slightly, and asking..."Table for 700,000?"

Not a spec of respect for their own nation.
No small feat that.

If these libs were Frenchmen in 1940, they'd be standing at the German border like French waiters, towel draped over their forearms, bowing slightly, and asking..."Table for 700,000?"

Not a spec of respect for their own nation.

What are you trying to say, that extremist cons are our nation?

I asked for certain proofs. Either you can attempt to provide them or prove to the forum that you are a blowhard who never backs up anything he says.
Wildrego Jackson, 29, has been charged with conspiracy to kidnap.

The police chief also said that Juan Alberto Contreras-Rodriguez, a 40-year-old Mexican national, has been arrested on immigration-related charges.


The Left has never directly stated that they favor Illegal Immigration. They however have stated that "we are all immigrants" etc. The Left is the only party that did something for the children of illegals who had no choice in the illegal matter proposing a bill to let them stay if they go into the military or college and become a productive American.

The Right states they want to end illegal immigration but it's a big lie. They have had the power to in the past and didn't. To the profit focused Right wing Mexicans are today's slaves.

Of course the easiest way to stop the flow of illegal immigration is to have cops bust them at entrance points. But to pull over any Mexican at a heavy flow point would be profiling and an attack on Liberty. And even if they are pulled over for another reason it takes up to 40 minutes for a police officer to solidify their citizenship if they forget an ID. We all forget our ID from time to time. The obvious answer is to get a better and faster system so people pulled over can be screened faster and Legals won't be held for 40 minutes when they are innocent. Of course a faster system means more money and guess who doesn't want to spend more money! DING DING!

Neither party is taking a serious approach to this matter and that's fact. Until then, there will be no resolve. They know this and want this because of the cheap labor. (America kind of has a history of using cheap or free labor to get rich)
Show how I am wrong retard. Prove that employers do not prefer to have more workers than jobs? That the law of supply and demand doesn't apply to labor? That wages have been flat or dropped since the iron curtain alone was destroyed, flooding the west with highly skilled, highly intelligent eastern Europeans and Russians? I have met Polish carpenters so skilled that they only work on curved stair cases in stone homes being built.Of course my speciality is fabricating and installing metal into stone so I meet other specialists.
If we need the illegals to pick our lettuce, I have a solution, we need to have the Convicts pick our Veggies or they don't eat, since we are paying for their keep. Arizona's Sheriff Joe Apayo feeds them on like 30 cents a day, Bologna sandwiches. Stop the Convicts from lifting weights so they can beat up the Prison guards. Remember the movie "Cool Hand Luke", let's do it like that with the Prisoners and then we can deport all the "stinkin" illegales....The Treasure Of The Sierra Madre".
Pew's 2012 National Survey of Latinos shows 31 percent of Hispanic illegal immigrants identified as Democrats, while just 4 percent said they are Republicans.

What are you trying to say, that extremist cons are our nation?

I asked for certain proofs. Either you can attempt to provide them or prove to the forum that you are a blowhard who never backs up anything he says.

If you want to know why businessmen employ illegal aliens, all you need to do is look at the laws that liberals have enacted.


Employers should not ask whether or not a job applicant is a United States citizen before making an offer of employment. The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 12986 (IRCA) makes it illegal for employers to discriminate with respect to hiring, firing, or recruitment or referral for a fee, based on an individual's citizenship or immigration status.

The above basically turns the Simpson-Mazzoli law signed into law by President Reagan, which prohibited employers from knowingly hiring illegal aliens, into a "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" law. Libs feared:


According to one study, the IRCA caused some employers to discriminate against workers who appeared foreign, resulting in a small reduction in overall Hispanic employment.

So the teeth were extracted from Simpson-Mazzoli.

So you libs pass the laws and then demonize those you that you've compelled to follow them. Now we're at the stage where an employer can't ask job applicants if they're illegal aliens, but if they are and you hire them, you're in trouble. IOW, the whole system is crashed and non-functioning.

Normally at this point I'd call you a typical liberal hypocrite. But you're a special case. You've repeatedly proven yourself to be a monumental tower of ignorance, so I genuinely believe you're completely ignorant of the subject. I'll be interested now to watch and see if you continue to spew this same blather like Desh does, or if you use it to learn and grow.
If you want to know why businessmen employ illegal aliens, all you need to do is look at the laws that liberals have enacted.


The above basically turns the Simpson-Mazzoli law signed into law by President Reagan, which prohibited employers from knowingly hiring illegal aliens, into a "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" law. Libs feared:


So the teeth were extracted from Simpson-Mazzoli.

So you libs pass the laws and then demonize those you that you've compelled to follow them. Now we're at the stage where an employer can't ask job applicants if they're illegal aliens, but if they are and you hire them, you're in trouble. IOW, the whole system is crashed and non-functioning.

Normally at this point I'd call you a typical liberal hypocrite. But you're a special case. You've repeatedly proven yourself to be a monumental tower of ignorance, so I genuinely believe you're completely ignorant of the subject. I'll be interested now to watch and see if you continue to spew this same blather like Desh does, or if you use it to learn and grow.

It is interesting that you used your only tactic, deflection, rather than addressing the points I raised.
The reality is that you did not address my points, but changed the topic, again.

Like I said Debate 101.

Thanks for proving you are incapable of honestly answering simple questions.
If we need the illegals to pick our lettuce, I have a solution, we need to have the Convicts pick our Veggies or they don't eat, since we are paying for their keep. Arizona's Sheriff Joe Apayo feeds them on like 30 cents a day, Bologna sandwiches. Stop the Convicts from lifting weights so they can beat up the Prison guards. Remember the movie "Cool Hand Luke", let's do it like that with the Prisoners and then we can deport all the "stinkin" illegales....The Treasure Of The Sierra Madre".

Please don't ever quote me again.
Please don't ever quote me again.
Are you hallucinating again, WTF are talking about or is this just part of your Liberal whining routine, when someone bests you? I used to see this all the time on the old Board, when they were cyber lobotomized by me, they lashed out. Psychiatrists call it paranoid schizophrenia, so I suggest anger management counseling to alleviate your obvious mental challenge anger issues. PS, I am trying to help you, not make fun of you, so look at me as your friend and do exactly as I say, because you must get help soon.
Are you hallucinating again, WTF are talking about or is this just part of your Liberal whining routine, when someone bests you? I used to see this all the time on the old Board, when they were cyber lobotomized by me, they lashed out. Psychiatrists call it paranoid schizophrenia, so I suggest anger management counseling to alleviate your obvious mental challenge anger issues. PS, I am trying to help you, not make fun of you, so look at me as your friend and do exactly as I say, because you must get help soon.

I politely asked you not to quote me. Do it again and you get to join the other conservatards on my ignore list.