Why do libs think it's OK for illegals to unlawfully invade America?

What link would that be? .

That would be the link proving me wrong when I said the GOP did not support Bush's immigration reform in 2006.

I know you've been searching for one for hours now.

Why don't you just admit you can't find it, because it doesn't exist?

Nah, that would be the mature thing to do.

Just keep blathering your idiocy. That'll be business-as-usual for you and maybe no one will notice.
That would be the link proving me wrong when I said the GOP did not support Bush's immigration reform in 2006.

I know you've been searching for one for hours now.

Why don't you just admit you can't find it, because it doesn't exist?

Nah, that would be the mature thing to do.

Just keep blathering your idiocy. That'll be business-as-usual for you and maybe no one will notice.

Why would I care what you are wrong about?

Are you going to answer the questions repeated (again) in post# 220 on this page or not?
If not, bow down to your master.
Can you supply a link to any credible source that supports your statement, or not?

"The stereotype of a cranky old man, set in his ways, getting more conservative by the day, is an enduring one. But new research has made us rethink the myth that people become more conservative as they age.

"By comparing surveys of various age groups taken over a span of more than 30 years, sociologists found that in general, Americans' opinions veer toward the liberal as they grow older.

"All the evidence we have found refutes the idea that as people age their attitudes become more conservative or more rigid," said Nicholas Danigelis, a sociologist at the University of Vermont. "It's just not true. More people are changing in a liberal direction than in a conservative direction."

"Detailed study

"Danigelis and collaborators Stephen Cutler of the University of Vermont and Melissa Hardy of Pennsylvania State University analyzed data from the U.S. General Social Surveys of 46,510 Americans between 1972 and 2004. While the surveys did not provide data for the same individuals at different stages, they represented snapshots of the changing attitudes of respondents in different age cohorts over time. The researchers corrected for the fact that the age groups at different survey times are made of up new members with unique baseline opinions.
"In some cases, such as racial issues and questions of civil liberties for communists, the researchers measured a greater change toward liberalism in older people than in younger people."​
"The surveys assessed attitudes on politics, economics, race, gender, religion and sexuality issues. In some cases, such as racial issues and questions of civil liberties for communists, the researchers measured a greater change toward liberalism in older people than in younger people.

"'What we believe has happened, at least for the race relations, is that the older group, starting out at a position of significantly more negative feelings, had further to go,' Danigelis told LiveScience

"If people really become more liberal as they age, why does common wisdom hold the opposite to be true?

"People might find an average 60-year-old to be more conservative than an average 30-year-old, Danigelis said, but beware of extrapolating a trend. The older person, for example, might have started off even more conservative than he or she is now.

"Danigelis also blamed the misconception on pervasive negative attitudes toward the elderly in our country, and stereotypes that depict seniors as rigid, ornery and set in their ways.

"'If you look at any greeting cards about getting older you’ve got a wonderful lecture about age stereotypes,' he said. 'My colleague continues to cut out cartoons about getting old and trying to teach old dogs new tricks.'

Way ahead of you, weak sister...

The really funny thing is that Rune has a point. There are studies that indicate people become more liberal as they age. He's just too stupid to find them.

Took you long enough...next time, do the homework before you post the statement, and I won't get to mock you for hours.
[h=1]Why do you think more educated people tend to be liberal?[/h]

Im just wondering what your take on it is.

According to PEW research polls:

about 48% of liberals are college grads, as opposed to 25% of conservatives.

not to mention, almost every single top school in in a blue state.

And in addition to the above question, in general, do you think the best and the brightest on average have a better idea of whats good for this country than someone that is rather unintelligent?
[h=2]Additional Details[/h] I realize education and intelligence aren't necessarily related, but there is undoubtedly a correlation, and therefore this is a pretty moot argument considering this is a massive poll, not just one or two guys from a good school.
LOL, Rune is burning up the search engines all of a sudden...too bad he's dragging the collective intelligence of the liberals down.
Way ahead of you, weak sister...

Took you long enough...next time, do the homework before you post the statement, and I won't get to mock you for hours.

I work remember? If you think I care whether you mock me or not, you are sadly mistaken. I posted the links out of boredom.

Why can't T-Fat answer my questions?

Is it because he sucks, or he just can't argue against facts or what?

Why do you keep thanking his incorrect posts? Why have you chosesn to live under bridges?

If you thank his incorrect responses does that mean you suck too?
LOL, you had time to post lots of other crap in the meantime, though, didn't you?


Did I? Sometimes I forget that you should be the most important thing in my life. If you really needed help that badly, you should have PMed me.

Now what about your butt buddy T-Fat?
Did I? Sometimes I forget that you should be the most important thing in my life. If you really needed help that badly, you should have PMed me. Now what about your butt buddy T-Fat?

LOL, more homophobic slurs?

Are you going to threaten to add someone to your ignore list soon?

How big's that list, anyway?