Why do libs think it's OK for illegals to unlawfully invade America?

Well you could all quite simply prove me wrong by pointing out legislation liberals enacted, or even introduced, to crack down on illegal aliens.

Now, who resisted Bush's immigration reform in 2006? And who supported it?


I thought cons were against a pathway to legal status.

"President Bush called for a major overhaul of America’s immigration system Wednesday to grant legal status to millions of undocumented workers in the United States, saying the current program was not working."

I thought cons were against a pathway to legal status. "President Bush called for a major overhaul of America’s immigration system Wednesday to grant legal status to millions of undocumented workers in the United States, saying the current program was not working."

Who opposed that overhaul?
Liberals and Conservative all, just stupid angry Americans screeching at each other with no real understanding of politics in the least. With a little luck this will lead to some serious gun play and help clean up the gene pool a little.
if they were blameless, they would not have paid the fine.

That's what I've always said.


Former President Bill Clinton has paid a $25,000 fine that was part of a sanction in which his Arkansas law license was suspended for five years.

Mr. Clinton paid the fine with a personal check on March 21, said Marie-Bernarde Miller, the lawyer who handled a disbarment lawsuit brought by a committee of the Arkansas Supreme Court.


President Clinton reached an out-of-court settlement with Paula Jones yesterday, agreeing to pay her $850,000 to drop the sexual harassment lawsuit that led to the worst political crisis of his career and only the third presidential impeachment inquiry in American history.
Are you like 6 years-old or something?

Anyone 7 or older can recall how the GOP revolted against Bush on this...and McCain.


I already did. The problem is, Johnny can't read.

Where is your link buddy? Which thread, which post #? That or link to it, I told you and showed you how.

Now, in reference to post #172 in this thread, are you going to respond or not? These are very simple questions. Certainly a person of your caliber could answer them with ease.

Why do you keep evading the simple facts of the matter?
Because Wal-Mart was guilty. What does Hillary's board membership in the '80s and '90s have to do with Wal-mart's illegal actions in 2005?

If Wal-Mart was guilty, you can post a link to such an adjudication, can't you?

Are you claiming that The Hildebeast of Benghazi was innocent of any knowledge of these matters?

In six years as a member of the Wal-Mart board of directors, between 1986 and 1992, Hillary Clinton remained silent as the world's largest retailer waged a major campaign against labor unions seeking to represent store workers.
An ABC News analysis of the videotapes of at least four stockholder meetings where Clinton appeared shows she never once rose to defend the role of American labor unions.

The tapes, broadcast this morning on "Good Morning America," were provided to ABC News from the archives of Flagler Productions, a Lenexa, Kan., company hired by Wal-Mart to record its meetings and events.

A former board member told ABCNews.com that he had no recollection of Clinton defending unions during more than 20 board meetings held in private.


Is it your contention that Wal-Mart only hired illegals after The Hildebeast of Benghazi left?

Democrat history (Nannygate) indicates otherwise.
Show how I am wrong retard. Prove that employers do not prefer to have more workers than jobs? That the law of supply and demand doesn't apply to labor? That wages have been flat or dropped since the iron curtain alone was destroyed, flooding the west with highly skilled, highly intelligent eastern Europeans and Russians? I have met Polish carpenters so skilled that they only work on curved stair cases in stone homes being built.Of course my speciality is fabricating and installing metal into stone so I meet other specialists.

It's kind of a no brainer to let in highly skilled and educated immigrants, it's the societies they left that should be worried.
Why do libs think it's OK for illegals to unlawfully invade America?

Well, its the way all the rest of you got there, after all. Native Americans invite you in, did they? Perhaps you better all go home, if they'll have you!
Liberals and Conservative all, just stupid angry Americans screeching at each other with no real understanding of politics in the least. With a little luck this will lead to some serious gun play and help clean up the gene pool a little.


Below see excerpts from Harry Reid's letter to then Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, 2006:

April 12, 2006

The Honorable William Frist, M.D.

U.S. Senate Majority Leader

S-230 The Capitol

Washington, D.C. 20510

Dear Bill:

I am writing to urge that you bring the immigration bill back before the full Senate at the earliest opportunity. In my view the Senate should resume the immigration debate immediately after we complete work on the supplemental appropriations bill.

The peaceful, dignified rallies across the country earlier this week underscore the need for Congress to pass comprehensive immigration reform this year. Our current immigration system is broken. We must strengthen border security, create legal mechanisms for American companies to hire essential temporary employees and allow the 11 million undocumented workers in the United States to come out of the shadows.

Last week, Senate Democrats twice voted to move forward on such a comprehensive immigration bill, but not a single Republican backed our efforts.

Similarly, President Bush’s support for comprehensive immigration reform seemed to wilt in the face of right-wing opposition.

Immigration reform is vital to America’s national security. I look forward to the Senate resuming this important debate in the very near future.


Harry Reid
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Below see excerpts from Harry Reid's letter to then Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, 2006:
T-Fat, why are you posting things which show the base underside of the GOP and the goodness of Harry Reid?

One would assume a man of your bluster and arrogance to be a conservative.
T-Fat, why are you posting things which show the base underside of the GOP and the goodness of Harry Reid?

One would assume a man of your bluster and arrogance to be a conservative.


Well for starters because you've been screeching for an historical link for the very topic that post covered; that the GOP rank and file obstructed President Bush's efforts at immigration reform. Which is obviously unnecessary to link to because common sense would tell one that Democrats have always supported it, and if Republicans got behind it as well it would have already passed and we wouldn't even be discussing it now.

This is something that happened a mere 7 years ago and is quite common knowledge. Which indicates to me that you're a political neophyte and had zero political awareness as recently as 2006. Which means you really should be doing more reading and less insulting of those more informed than you.

Well for starters because you've been screeching for an historical link for the very topic that post covered; that the GOP rank and file obstructed President Bush's efforts at immigration reform. Which is obviously unnecessary to link to because common sense would tell one that Democrats have always supported it, and if Republicans got behind it as well it would have already passed and we wouldn't even be discussing it now.

This is something that happened a mere 7 years ago and is quite common knowledge. Which indicates to me that you're a political neophyte and had zero political awareness as recently as 2006. Which means you really should be doing more reading and less insulting of those more informed than you.

Then you would be a retard. Not only am I both smarter and more well informed than you, but based upon your typical arrogance of a conservative parrot, I am older than you as well, since generally speaking, the older, or more educated or more experienced one becomes, the more liberal one becomes.

Lets try this one more time.
Common sense means nothing here, especially what you purport to be common sense.
Your word means nothing here, it proves nothing.

I already completely destroyed your effort involving that particular link, proving that it meant the opposite of what you indicated.

Posting snippets of it again, which support my argument just shows that you are unaware, out of touch with reality, and have not received this week's talking points information sheet from the Rove/Kock Bros. Foundation for the Betterment of the Excessively Wealthy, i.e., you have no fucking clue how to respond.
Lets try this one more time.

Yes. Let's.

I already completely destroyed your effort involving that particular link, proving that it meant the opposite of what you indicated.

Ehhh, no you didn't. It's a second and different link

Let me sum this up for you: For you to "destroy" my point, you would need to prove that the Republicans lined up behind President Bush's immigration reform efforts in 2006 and supported it.

It's quite simple.

I just posted a letter Harry Reid wrote to then Republican Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist bemoaning that not a single Republican in the Senate would get behind the effort.

It's really simple Einstein.... Democrats have always supported "immigration reform". If the Republicans were behind it at the time in 2006, it would have passed and we wouldn't still be talking about it, would we?

What you need to do now is answer my link from Harry Reid and demonstrate that the Republicans rallied behind President Bush's 2006 immigration reform efforts. That is how you will prove me wrong.

But you won't find that link. I think even you know that by now.

And that is why you have nothing other than insults.

EDIT: Oh, and you didn't prove that my link meant the opposite. You just read it wrong you moron. lol.