Why do libs think it's OK for illegals to unlawfully invade America?

That's a false comment from a young naïve buffoon who doesn’t even live here. But then, you are only 15; one cannot expect you to properly form coherent arguments that are consistent and based on fact.

No, I'm 13 but that makes me 70 in American years.

If you are interested in discussing it in a rational manner then I'm all for it. So first off, I think liberals understand that not much can be done about the problem. That's what I think but I could maybe be persuaded by you to think otherwise. I know that I as a Canadian liberal don't think the problem is solvable. What's your solution?

I also think that conservatives have no will to stop illegal immigration and that is shown at least in part by the footdragging. Or, again you could explain what the conservative remedy really is?
Another of your naive and patently absurd claims; I have personally seen many cases myself that I argued to CEO’s to fight; the legal advice was settle, it will be cheaper.

If you think that deep pocketed corporations do not pay out millions to settle unfounded claims, you live in a parallel universe.

The Feds wire tapped phones. They had Walmart officials on record stating they were aware of the subcontractors hiring undocumented workers.

Walmart didn't want the bad publicity, so they settled.
Well you could all quite simply prove me wrong by pointing out legislation liberals enacted, or even introduced, to crack down on illegal aliens.

Now, who resisted Bush's immigration reform in 2006? And who supported it?

LOL, from the title of your link....
GOP resists Bush's immigration pitch

So, moron, who resisted? THE GOP moron. Like I sad earlier. Good job proving yourself wrong, retard.

Not to mention... who gutted Simpson-Mazzoli? Libs.

Who supports the Dream Act? Libs.

Who gives scholarships to illegals? Libs.

Who gives welfare to illegals? Libs.

Who gives housing to illegals? Libs.

Who won't close the border? Libs.

We could go on and on, but why bother? You always scream "LINK UP!", and when people do you run away.

Libs, libs, libs, ?

You really don't understand how this works, do you, retard.

Your word means nothing. Especially yours. Some here do have that kind of credibility but you ain't it.

So as usual, YOU FAILED AGAIN.

You provided no proof of your claim whatsoever, and, speaking of running, you still have not addressed the 3 points I raised. (I know, it is hard to argue with facts)

You are officially the laughing stock of the entire internet, galaxy-wide. There is simply no one less capable of debate than you.

Can't your mom explain the big words or something?
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Also, T-Fat, show one instance where I have run from you. All you have to do is right click on the post number that I didn't reply to and put a link in your reply. It is so easy, even you can do it.

Otherwise shut the fuck up about me running.
Quite. Perhaps the problem is that you have so overated your own intellect, you simply can't match wits with anyone but another moron.

Yeah, that's simply *got* to the problem.

I posted the link to show that the GOP rank and file are cracking down on illegal immigration and oppose reform that makes it easier for illegal aliens to remain illegally.

Yet somehow, your superior intellect read it all in reverse.

On the plus side, Nelson Rockefeller also suffered from dyslexia. So maybe someday you too will succeed. Not likely, but maybe.
Yeah, that's simply *got* to the problem.

I posted the link to show that the GOP rank and file are cracking down on illegal immigration and oppose reform that makes it easier for illegal aliens to remain illegally.

Yet somehow, your superior intellect read it all in reverse.

On the plus side, Nelson Rockefeller also suffered from dyslexia. So maybe someday you too will succeed. Not likely, but maybe.

T-Fat fail;



Can't address questions, can't debate.
Yeah, that's simply *got* to the problem.

I posted the link to show that the GOP rank and file are cracking down on illegal immigration and oppose reform that makes it easier for illegal aliens to remain illegally.

Yet somehow, your superior intellect read it all in reverse.

On the plus side, Nelson Rockefeller also suffered from dyslexia. So maybe someday you too will succeed. Not likely, but maybe.

Yes perhaps dyslexia is your problem. From your article;

That led Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid to complain that "the president needs to talk to his own leaders here if he wants comprehensive immigration reform."
"We've got a lot of tough votes coming up," the Nevada Democrat said. "He's got to do more than say, 'I want comprehensive reform.' "

Your article only proves that the GOP is divided against itself.

It in no way, shape or form indicates or implies that the GOP is opposed to imigration, legal or otherwise.

You sir, are quite entirely delusional.
Yes perhaps dyslexia is your problem. From your article;

That led Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid to complain that "the president needs to talk to his own leaders here if he wants comprehensive immigration reform."
"We've got a lot of tough votes coming up," the Nevada Democrat said. "He's got to do more than say, 'I want comprehensive reform.' "

Your article only proves that the GOP is divided against itself.

It in no way, shape or form indicates or implies that the GOP is opposed to imigration, legal or otherwise.

You sir, are quite entirely delusional.

Are you like 6 years-old or something?

Anyone 7 or older can recall how the GOP revolted against Bush on this...and McCain.


I already did. The problem is, Johnny can't read.
Duh, most employers aren't so dumb they ask direct questions. Stop being disingenuous.

Duh, you're missing more points than a bald porcupine.

The employer is being held responsible for the answer to a direct question that he's not allowed to ask.

That's the point.
Lol, you are embarrassed you were caught acting stupid, that you didn't know that officials were bribed when it looks like our did.

Walmart was fined by the federal government for the hiring of illegal aliens and knowingly doing so, Walmart is responsible for the practices of its contractors.

Yep, it's called due diligence. Wal-mart failed.