Why do libs think it's OK for illegals to unlawfully invade America?

I'll go for that, if you also include deporting every illegal alien who works here illegally, drives illegally, commits a crime while here, and collects benefits illegally.

why include anything else? throw the CEO's of three or four Fortune 500 companies in prison for five years and jobs for illegal aliens disappear.
Sure. TD already did the lion's share of the work though...

Basically everything possible that can be done to make illegal aliens comfortable as possible in this country has been advanced by libs.

Anything to make them uncomfortable has been advanced by conservatives.

If you support something you advocate for it.

If you oppose something you advocate against it.
Hey Retard! She asked for solid proof. Your word is not solid proof. Fucking moronic dweeb.
Lol, you are embarrassed you were caught acting stupid, that you didn't know that officials were bribed when it looks like our did.

No; you should be embarrassed for making asinine claims you cannot begin to back up and then use a case that is non-existent.

Go ahead dimwit; post a link that supports your moronic claim that Wal-Mart broke our immigration laws so you can remove all doubt what an incredibly dumb moron you really are.

Walmart was fined by the federal government for the hiring of illegal aliens and knowingly doing so, Walmart is responsible for the practices of its contractors.

Wal-Mart was not criminally prosecuted and could not have known that companies they contracted with employed aliens.
But then, facts are not relevant for low information partisan asshats who stupidly parrot DNC/Union talking points.

Wall-Mart was assaulted by this idiot Government in an effort to extract fines for something it did not do. As a good Corporation, it settled the “allegations” because paying off the Feds was less costly than a long drawn out struggle.

Wal-Mart is a deep pocketed business Liberal Democrats see as opportunity to blackmail and extract based on fraudulent claims. These businesses were contracted to provide janitorial services and not directly employed by Wal-Mart which is why no criminal prosecution was charged.

Of course in the dimwitted world of Liberal asshats like yourself who could care less about the truth, reality or the facts, dragging down a huge business like Wal-Mart that employs hundreds of thousands is a great way to create more jobs.

Now the real question is this; how many of those presumed illegal aliens that worked for these companies used forged documents and were immediately deported? Funny how asshats like you think that the case is satisfied when the “evil” big corporation is blackmailed by Democrat officials and think that is the end of the case or that it somehow solves a much larger problem in the US.

LITTLE ROCK — Wal-Mart Stores Inc. escaped criminal charges but agreed Friday to pay $11 million, a record fine in a civil immigration case, to end a federal probe into its use of illegal immigrants to clean floors at stores in 21 states.

A dozen contractors who actually hired the laborers for work inside stores for the world’s largest retailer agreed to plead guilty to criminal immigration charges and together pay an additional $4 million in fines.


Facts are not your forte' dimwit; clueless parroting the dimwitted talking points of the left are.
Most republicans are for illegal immigration too, for the cheap labor. Nobody really wants to protect american workers from this labor glut. Their reasoning varies though. Libs are generally just pro-everyone who's not american, having let identity politics eclipse their labor oriented origins, and republicans just flat out want cheap labor.

I predict lefties will call me a racist, and neocons will call me a racist, a socialist, and a protectionist.
Please give details why you believe they are a serious problem and the data to back your claims, thank you.

When dimwitted idiots make false claims; it is incumbent for them to prove their claims, not the other way around.

But then, you are a dimwitted partisan asshat, how could you possibly comprehend the OBVIOUS?
No; you should be embarrassed for making asinine claims you cannot begin to back up and then use a case that is non-existent.

Go ahead dimwit; post a link that supports your moronic claim that Wal-Mart broke our immigration laws so you can remove all doubt what an incredibly dumb moron you really are.

Wal-Mart was not criminally prosecuted and could not have known that companies they contracted with employed aliens.
But then, facts are not relevant for low information partisan asshats who stupidly parrot DNC/Union talking points.

Wall-Mart was assaulted by this idiot Government in an effort to extract fines for something it did not do. As a good Corporation, it settled the “allegations” because paying off the Feds was less costly than a long drawn out struggle.

Wal-Mart is a deep pocketed business Liberal Democrats see as opportunity to blackmail and extract based on fraudulent claims. These businesses were contracted to provide janitorial services and not directly employed by Wal-Mart which is why no criminal prosecution was charged.

Of course in the dimwitted world of Liberal asshats like yourself who could care less about the truth, reality or the facts, dragging down a huge business like Wal-Mart that employs hundreds of thousands is a great way to create more jobs.

Now the real question is this; how many of those presumed illegal aliens that worked for these companies used forged documents and were immediately deported? Funny how asshats like you think that the case is satisfied when the “evil” big corporation is blackmailed by Democrat officials and think that is the end of the case or that it somehow solves a much larger problem in the US.

LITTLE ROCK — Wal-Mart Stores Inc. escaped criminal charges but agreed Friday to pay $11 million, a record fine in a civil immigration case, to end a federal probe into its use of illegal immigrants to clean floors at stores in 21 states.

A dozen contractors who actually hired the laborers for work inside stores for the world’s largest retailer agreed to plead guilty to criminal immigration charges and together pay an additional $4 million in fines.


Facts are not your forte' dimwit; clueless parroting the dimwitted talking points of the left are.

so they agreed to pay $11M because they were blameless? LOL
how about YOU support YOUR lunatic rantings? I'll wait.

When dimwitted idiots make false claims; it is incumbent for them to prove their claims, not the other way around.

But then, you are a dimwitted partisan asshat, how could you possibly comprehend the OBVIOUS?
No; you should be embarrassed for making asinine claims you cannot begin to back up and then use a case that is non-existent.

Go ahead dimwit; post a link that supports your moronic claim that Wal-Mart broke our immigration laws so you can remove all doubt what an incredibly dumb moron you really are.

Wal-Mart was not criminally prosecuted and could not have known that companies they contracted with employed aliens.
But then, facts are not relevant for low information partisan asshats who stupidly parrot DNC/Union talking points.

Wall-Mart was assaulted by this idiot Government in an effort to extract fines for something it did not do. As a good Corporation, it settled the “allegations” because paying off the Feds was less costly than a long drawn out struggle.

Wal-Mart is a deep pocketed business Liberal Democrats see as opportunity to blackmail and extract based on fraudulent claims. These businesses were contracted to provide janitorial services and not directly employed by Wal-Mart which is why no criminal prosecution was charged.

Of course in the dimwitted world of Liberal asshats like yourself who could care less about the truth, reality or the facts, dragging down a huge business like Wal-Mart that employs hundreds of thousands is a great way to create more jobs.

Now the real question is this; how many of those presumed illegal aliens that worked for these companies used forged documents and were immediately deported? Funny how asshats like you think that the case is satisfied when the “evil” big corporation is blackmailed by Democrat officials and think that is the end of the case or that it somehow solves a much larger problem in the US.

LITTLE ROCK — Wal-Mart Stores Inc. escaped criminal charges but agreed Friday to pay $11 million, a record fine in a civil immigration case, to end a federal probe into its use of illegal immigrants to clean floors at stores in 21 states.

A dozen contractors who actually hired the laborers for work inside stores for the world’s largest retailer agreed to plead guilty to criminal immigration charges and together pay an additional $4 million in fines.


Facts are not your forte' dimwit; clueless parroting the dimwitted talking points of the left are.

Oh yeah. wal-mart "could not have known". Stop towing the corporate line, you ridiculous fascist. Using subcontractors gives them "plausible deniability".
When dimwitted idiots make false claims; it is incumbent for them to prove their claims, not the other way around.

But then, you are a dimwitted partisan asshat, how could you possibly comprehend the OBVIOUS?

and I say that the benefits of illegal cheap labor are greater than their costs. That is obvious, and everytime you go to the supermarket, it should be obvious to you too.
When dimwitted idiots make false claims; it is incumbent for them to prove their claims, not the other way around.

But then, you are a dimwitted partisan asshat, how could you possibly comprehend the OBVIOUS?

you claim my claims are false. prove it.

If you claimed that the earth revolved around the sun, and I called that claim false. You could easily prove me wrong. Prove me wrong. Show how the costs of illegal immigration outweigh the benefits of the cheap labor they provide us.
cheap labor is what WE want... jobs are what they want. Again... throw three or four top shelf CEO's in jail for employing illegal aliens and the problem goes away. No jobs offered... nobody comes north.

Wrong again; you cannot pay laborers less than the legal minimum wage or hire them if they are here illegally. The reason we need immigrant labor is because Americans refuse to do the dirty hard work immigrant labor is willing to do. CEOs will not risk their businesses or jobs by knowingly hiring illegals.

But then, you're a dimwitted low information voter who supported Democrats who ignore our immigration laws, why would you care about the truth?
so they agreed to pay $11M because they were blameless? LOL

No dimwit; they paid $11 million because it was expedient and cheaper than fighting the Federal Government in a long drawn out case. What part of not criminally negligent do you not comprehend?
Wrong again; you cannot pay laborers less than the legal minimum wage or hire them if they are here illegally. The reason we need immigrant labor is because Americans refuse to do the dirty hard work immigrant labor is willing to do. CEOs will not risk their businesses or jobs by knowingly hiring illegals.

But then, you're a dimwitted low information voter who supported Democrats who ignore our immigration laws, why would you care about the truth?

Illegal aliens are hired everyday. You live in a fog of lies.
Wrong again; you cannot pay laborers less than the legal minimum wage or hire them if they are here illegally. The reason we need immigrant labor is because Americans refuse to do the dirty hard work immigrant labor is willing to do. CEOs will not risk their businesses or jobs by knowingly hiring illegals.

But then, you're a dimwitted low information voter who supported Democrats who ignore our immigration laws, why would you care about the truth?

you are a complete idiot if you honestly believe that the agricultural industry does not knowingly hiring illegal immigrants to harvest and process their products.
and I say that the benefits of illegal cheap labor are greater than their costs. That is obvious, and everytime you go to the supermarket, it should be obvious to you too.

No it is not; but you are free to post a credible link that supports this absurd and bizarre claim.
you are a complete idiot if you honestly believe that the agricultural industry does not knowingly hiring illegal immigrants to harvest and process their products.

And you are a complete asshat if you think they do yet post nothing to support your emotional hysterics.

But of course, the Democrats in California are all for illegal immigration based on their rhetoric and legislation. Something you seem to be leaving out of your dimwitted anti-Company Marxist talking points.
if they were blameless, they would not have paid the fine.

Another of your naive and patently absurd claims; I have personally seen many cases myself that I argued to CEO’s to fight; the legal advice was settle, it will be cheaper.

If you think that deep pocketed corporations do not pay out millions to settle unfounded claims, you live in a parallel universe.
Oh yeah. wal-mart "could not have known". Stop towing the corporate line, you ridiculous fascist. Using subcontractors gives them "plausible deniability".

Another ridiculous post from the forums pet ass-clown; give it a rest asshat, you don't have to constantly remind everyone what a petulant ass clown you really are.