Why do libs think it's OK for illegals to unlawfully invade America?

Illegal workers have become a necessity for the US economy now. To legalize them would probably just compound the problem as they would then be legitimately demanding better wages, benefits, and better living conditions. It's a problem that isn't going to be solved because there really is no will to change things.

But of course that can't be admitted by politicians. Small non-fixes will be found and will be touted as some progress. It won't make a substantial difference.
They can vote? If the Republicans would pass measure to help them become citizens it could be a voting block for them. I have always thought it foolish they didn't.

It is easier for them to vote than find a job; only a dimwitted leftist fool thinks otherwise.
so...just like gay marriage and abortion, illegal immigration is just a worthless symbolic bone that the conservatives throw at their troglodyte toothless constituents to keep them voting the right way.
It is easier for them to vote than find a job; only a dimwitted leftist fool thinks otherwise.

they don't come to America if they can't find a job. My home in Mexico was built by skilled laborers who had all spent time in California during the housing boom, but came home to Mexico when the work dried up.
This entire thread's based on a straw man, the suggestion that "libs think it's okay, etc." but there you are, thanking his posts.

No, I don't think employers should do anything illegal in the hiring process.

Now there's a straw man about a straw man.

Asking a question isn't raising a straw man argument.

So employers shouldn't ask prospective employees if they're illegal aliens, but if they turn out to be then the employer should go to prison?
Oh, so you did know it was happening and just pretended to be ignorant! Thanks for proving you are dishonest in your debates

Another remarkably stupid claim from the dimwit; WalMart wasn't bribing officials as you claimed dimwit and they were not the ones hiring illegals.

But then you're a dimwit; how could you possibly know what it is you are arguing about.
You're still not quite getting it...

It's the entire system stacked against employers. Damned if they do, damned if they don't kind of thing.

They're the only ones facing serious penalties.

Yeah, because sitting in an ICE prison, with no lawyer, no rights, no contact with family and no hope is everybody's dream, dipshit.
Illegal workers have become a necessity for the US economy now. To legalize them would probably just compound the problem as they would then be legitimately demanding better wages, benefits, and better living conditions. It's a problem that isn't going to be solved because there really is no will to change things.

But of course that can't be admitted by politicians. Small non-fixes will be found and will be touted as some progress. It won't make a substantial difference.

This is obviously why Republicans won't address the problem, won't allow a path for undocumented to beome citizens, cheap labor, no benefits required!
There's that little box on job applications that asks "Are you an American citizen?"

So you think people who break the law will answer that question honestly; boy, looking at all the dimwitted comments from the forums Liberal asshats certainly reinforces the claim that Obama was elected thanks to low information voters.
So you think people who break the law will answer that question honestly; boy, looking at all the dimwitted comments from the forums Liberal asshats certainly reinforces the claim that Obama was elected thanks to low information voters.

so, if an employer breaks the law and asks them the same question, do you think they will answer differently?
Punishing the employer drives conservatives like Taft and Truth quite mad, lol

Another dimwitted strawman; please show where Taft or myself have argued to not punish employers who break our laws.

Oh that's right, you won't find it, you just want to remove all doubt what a dimwitted uninformed partisan asshat you are.
Another remarkably stupid claim from the dimwit; WalMart wasn't bribing officials as you claimed dimwit and they were not the ones hiring illegals.

But then you're a dimwit; how could you possibly know what it is you are arguing about.

Nice dodge, you knew that officials are bribed, you asked for proof when you obviously were aware of the practice, but you were dishonest and played dumb.
This is obviously why Republicans won't address the problem, won't allow a path for undocumented to beome citizens, cheap labor, no benefits required!

Of course. But that doesn't make the solution any better. It's not just republicans and employers who will suffer the consequences, it's the entire US economy that wouldn't be able to stand the consequences. America is just barely competing with the rest of the world now and higher prices for agricultural exports would be hugely destructive. The world has a choice of bread baskets.

Nothing major will be done. Only political non-fixes that will be made to look like progress are on the horizon. You will stay with the status quo.
This entire thread's based on a straw man, the suggestion that "libs think it's okay, etc." but there you are, thanking his posts.

No, I don't think employers should do anything illegal in the hiring process.

It's not a strawman claim you dimbulb; Democrats are the ones fighting for illegals to remain in the country and once again be legalized after breaking our laws so they can become a reliable uninformed voting block for the DNC.

so...just like gay marriage and abortion, illegal immigration is just a worthless symbolic bone that the conservatives throw at their troglodyte toothless constituents to keep them voting the right way.

No asshat; illegal aliens are a serious problem in this country. You're just too damned dense and partisan to comprehend even the most obvious issues.
Now there's a straw man about a straw man.

Asking a question isn't raising a straw man argument.

So employers shouldn't ask prospective employees if they're illegal aliens, but if they turn out to be then the employer should go to prison?

The question Why do libs think it's OK for illegals to unlawfully invade America? states that libs approve unlawful behaviour, and asks why they do.

Give me some solid proof that libs actually approve this unlawful behaviour and we'll take it from there.