Why do libs think it's OK for illegals to unlawfully invade America?

So you think by filling out a Government form this somehow makes them legally permitted to work here? REALLY?

Establishing Identity

A driver's license or military card can suffice to establish employee identity.

Typically when an employee or employer fills out an I-9 for a new hire, at least two forms of identification must be produced by the employee for the employer to verify and accurately identify the employee's identification and authorization to work in the U.S. The two forms of identification must include one form of ID suitable to establish identity along with one form of ID to establish employment authorization. For individuals over the age of 18, identity can be established through the use of a voter registration card; U.S. military card or draft record; or a photo identification card such as a school ID; driver's license or federal, state or local government-issued ID card. Individuals under the age of 18 can establish identity through the use of school or doctor's records.

Establishing Work Authorization

A U.S. birth certificate or report of birth abroad are acceptable as proof of work authorization.

A new employee is required to establish proof of authorization to work in the United States regardless of whether the individual's country of birth was the U.S. The most common form of verification for U.S. employment authorization is a Social Security card that includes the individual's Social Security account number and does not indicate anywhere on the face of the card that the issuance of the card does not authorize employment.

When you live in a State run by Democrats who legally provide drivers licenses to illegal aliens, enforcement appears rather moot. But hell, it is even easier for these people to VOTE!

I know it sounds retarded, but that is what you get when you elect dimwitted Democrats.

California Bill Would Allow Driver Licenses for Illegal Immigrants

7% of California's population is undocumented workers. Democrats realize this problem is not going away and that it is time for the Federal government to deal with these people, many of them children and young adults who have lived here most of their lives.

Jerry Brown stated taking this measure will hopefully be a wake up call to Washington that they need to deal with this issue because 2.6 million people aren't going away.

2.6 million in California alone.
anything that can be "forged" in the I-9 submission can be equally forged by inaccurately answering a question, can it not?

If you think that the I-9 doesn't ask the right questions, change the fucking form.

You think changing a form is the answer? REALLY??

How about a complete revamp of our terribly broken immigration system including criminal prosecution of businesses and politicians who purposefully ignore our laws and break them?

Firs stop; a computerized ID system for any alien entering the country on a temporary work permit; a plastic ID card identifying them as a temporary resident with photo that cannot easily be forged. Any business can then easily look up potential applicants to see if they are legally here.

Second; the moment a visa has expired, the computerized system instantly "red tags" the ID indicating that they are in violation of our laws. If these violators cannot find work, they most likely will head home.

Third; a quick and easy temporary work visa system that provides ready access for farms and factories who need the help of immigrant workers to do work spoiled Americans refuse to do.

Fourth; a more efficient system of processing applicants to become resident aliens so that waiting times can be reduced and not bog down the system with unnecessary steps and paperwork.

We don't need a fence; we need a system and politicians who defend our borders and laws and when someone is in violation of these laws, they are tracked down and deported.

There are millions of temporary visa violators with SS numbers that actually live and work here and pay their taxes and whom the politicians willfully ignore as long as they keep paying. This merely encourages more violations.

Lastly; we as a nation have to recognize why so many from South of our border come here by the millions. Their nations simply cannot offer them decent work at decent pay; typically as a result of Socialism and third world notions about economics.

Until we do at least this much, this debate is much about nothing and political posturing with no intent to actually do anything.
7% of California's population is undocumented workers. Democrats realize this problem is not going away and that it is time for the Federal government to deal with these people, many of them children and young adults who have lived here most of their lives.

Jerry Brown stated taking this measure will hopefully be a wake up call to Washington that they need to deal with this issue because 2.6 million people aren't going away.

2.6 million in California alone.

This is because Democrat politicians willfully look the other way and don't care; it is a voter block for them.
do we give social security cards to illegal aliens?

No dimwit; if you come here on a work visa, you get a SS number to pay taxes. Do you think they can come here and work without paying any taxes?

We don't give SS cards to illegal aliens; they buy/obtain forged cards which makes it easier to find work illegally. Are you really this naive about this topic?
Walmart, as a matter of fact, there was a documentary done on the subject.

Wrong again dimwit; it was a contractor with careless policies in place. But then, when did dimwitted Liberals ever care about the truth, facts or reality.
This is because Democrat politicians willfully look the other way and don't care; it is a voter block for them.

They can vote? If the Republicans would pass measure to help them become citizens it could be a voting block for them. I have always thought it foolish they didn't.
Wrong again dimwit; it was a contractor with careless policies in place. But then, when did dimwitted Liberals ever care about the truth, facts or reality.

Oh, so you did know it was happening and just pretended to be ignorant! Thanks for proving you are dishonest in your debates
No dimwit; if you come here on a work visa, you get a SS number to pay taxes. Do you think they can come here and work without paying any taxes?

We don't give SS cards to illegal aliens; they buy/obtain forged cards which makes it easier to find work illegally. Are you really this naive about this topic?

so... if anyone can get forged documents that can be used to prove their residency status, I fail to see what asking a few questions is going to change. YOur own documentation stated that a SSN card was required.
so... if anyone can get forged documents that can be used to prove their residency status, I fail to see what asking a few questions is going to change. YOur own documentation stated that a SSN card was required.

Hoisted by his own petards, twice in one thread!

Guess he should dismiss himself!
For years, I have said that, if a company is found to be employing illegal aliens, the CEO of the firm needs to be sent away for five years. Simple. Once the CEOs of Tyson and Perdue and Walmart are doing hard time in a federal pound me in the ass prison, how long before either illegal immigration stops because there are no jobs for them, or we get comprehensive immigration reform that everyone can agree on?

So why won't that happen? Because big business LOVES cheap illegal labor... nobody from Mexico or anywhere else south of the border would make the journey north if there were no jobs. As long as we keep hiring them, we can't be all that surprised when them come north to take the jobs we offer them.
so... if anyone can get forged documents that can be used to prove their residency status, I fail to see what asking a few questions is going to change. YOur own documentation stated that a SSN card was required.

You're still not quite getting it...

It's the entire system stacked against employers. Damned if they do, damned if they don't kind of thing.

They're the only ones facing serious penalties.
The EEOC prohibits all sorts of discrimination yet regularly I read of lawsuits because the prohibition was ignored. It's disingenuous to think employers don't ask the wrong questions just because of the EEOC.

Do you think it's wrong for an employer to ask a perspective employee if he/she is an illegal alien?

And I didn't say they don't the questions...I said it's a violation of federal law to ask them.

Please stop the straw men.
For years, I have said that, if a company is found to be employing illegal aliens, the CEO of the firm needs to be sent away for five years. Simple. Once the CEOs of Tyson and Perdue and Walmart are doing hard time in a federal pound me in the ass prison, how long before either illegal immigration stops because there are no jobs for them, or we get comprehensive immigration reform that everyone can agree on?

So why won't that happen? Because big business LOVES cheap illegal labor... nobody from Mexico or anywhere else south of the border would make the journey north if there were no jobs. As long as we keep hiring them, we can't be all that surprised when them come north to take the jobs we offer them.

Your answer to the problem is very American. Throw the employers in jail and forget completely about solving the problem with a socially responsible solution. It seems that after your solutions have proven to be failures for so many years that you would start looking for different ones. And that's not to suggest that employers are not a big part of the problem.

Your jails are full and overflowing and so your solution would call for building more jails. Yet your incarceration rate outstrips all first world countries.

Another way in which America is exceptional.
serious penalties? my ass. when's the last time any bigtime corporate CEO did hard time for employing illegal aliens?
Your answer to the problem is very American. Throw the employers in jail and forget completely about solving the problem with a socially responsible solution. It seems that after your solutions have proven to be failures for so many years that you would start looking for different ones. And that's not to suggest that employers are not a big part of the problem.

Your jails are full and overflowing and so your solution would call for building more jails. Yet your incarceration rate outstrips all first world countries.

Another way in which America is exceptional.

Punishing the employer drives conservatives like Taft and Truth quite mad, lol
Do you think it's wrong for an employer to ask a perspective employee if he/she is an illegal alien?

And I didn't say they don't the questions...I said it's a violation of federal law to ask them.

Please stop the straw men.

This entire thread's based on a straw man, the suggestion that "libs think it's okay, etc." but there you are, thanking his posts.

No, I don't think employers should do anything illegal in the hiring process.
Your answer to the problem is very American. Throw the employers in jail and forget completely about solving the problem with a socially responsible solution. It seems that after your solutions have proven to be failures for so many years that you would start looking for different ones. And that's not to suggest that employers are not a big part of the problem.

Your jails are full and overflowing and so your solution would call for building more jails. Yet your incarceration rate outstrips all first world countries.

Another way in which America is exceptional.

my solution would require only three of four additional jail cells. The problem with illegal immigration can only be solved by stopping the thing that motivates them to come here in the first place. If we threw just a handful of really really wealthy, well connected corporate giants into jail, the rest of them would get the message very quickly. Illegal immigration would disappear.