Why do libs think it's OK for illegals to unlawfully invade America?

Nice dodge, you knew that officials are bribed, you asked for proof when you obviously were aware of the practice, but you were dishonest and played dumb.

Nice dodge? I didn't dodge your buffoonish claims that CEO knowingly hire illegals and bribe officials, then used a case that didn't support your empty headed argument. I merely pointed out the OBVIOUS fact that you are a clueless buffoon.

But you're a dimwitted asshat who actually thinks that Wal-Mart hired illegals; obviously you're immune to reality and facts.

Carry on dimbulb.
OMG! do you honestly believe that??? you don't think that Perdue knows full well that many of its employees are illegal? really? are you honestly that fucking stupid or is it just an act?

No asshat; corporations do not knowingly hire illegals. But if you would like to support your lunatic rantings with something more substantive than "because you say so," I am all eyes and ears.

Carry on dimbulb.
Libs understand that it's a fait accompli. And there's no will from conservatives to stop it. Employers who are conservatives are aiding and abetting it.
The question Why do libs think it's OK for illegals to unlawfully invade America? states that libs approve unlawful behaviour, and asks why they do.

Give me some solid proof that libs actually approve this unlawful behaviour and we'll take it from there.

The Liberal Democrats in the State of California are fine with illegals, they even think they should get special drivers licenses to make us all safer; yes, that is truly how dimwitted Democrats are asshat.

No asshat; corporations do not knowingly hire illegals. But if you would like to support your lunatic rantings with something more substantive than "because you say so," I am all eyes and ears.

Carry on dimbulb.

how about YOU support YOUR lunatic rantings? I'll wait.
Nice dodge? I didn't dodge your buffoonish claims that CEO knowingly hire illegals and bribe officials, then used a case that didn't support your empty headed argument. I merely pointed out the OBVIOUS fact that you are a clueless buffoon.

But you're a dimwitted asshat who actually thinks that Wal-Mart hired illegals; obviously you're immune to reality and facts.

Carry on dimbulb.

Lol, you are embarrassed you were caught acting stupid, that you didn't know that officials were bribed when it looks like you did.

Walmart was fined by the federal government for the hiring of illegal aliens and knowingly doing so, Walmart is responsible for the practices of its contractors.
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cheap labor is what WE want... jobs are what they want. Again... throw three or four top shelf CEO's in jail for employing illegal aliens and the problem goes away. No jobs offered... nobody comes north.
Libs understand that it's a fait accompli. And there's no will from conservatives to stop it. Employers who are conservatives are aiding and abetting it.

That's a false comment from a young naïve buffoon who doesn’t even live here. But then, you are only 15; one cannot expect you to properly form coherent arguments that are consistent and based on fact.
So now that you have been owned by your own dimwitted lies, you know proclaim that illegal aliens are a benefit to the economy?

It's official; you're a dumbass.

owned? don't kid yourself.

every time you go to the grocery store and don't have to take out a second mortgage to buy a head of lettuce, you are benefitting from illegal labor.
The question Why do libs think it's OK for illegals to unlawfully invade America? states that libs approve unlawful behaviour, and asks why they do.

Give me some solid proof that libs actually approve this unlawful behaviour and we'll take it from there.

Sure. TD already did the lion's share of the work though...

Basically everything possible that can be done to make illegal aliens comfortable as possible in this country has been advanced by libs.

Anything to make them uncomfortable has been advanced by conservatives.

If you support something you advocate for it.

If you oppose something you advocate against it.
the benefits to our economy far outweigh the costs.

How would you deport 2.6 million people in California, alone? It is not feasible, the cost would be staggering! Then you would have to go to the other 49 states and do the same.

You are right, the benefits outweigh the costs! These people just don't think!

Most undocumented workers are productive and law abiding citizens.
cheap labor is what WE want... jobs are what they want. Again... throw three or four top shelf CEO's in jail for employing illegal aliens and the problem goes away. No jobs offered... nobody comes north.

I'll go for that, if you also include deporting every illegal alien who works here illegally, drives illegally, commits a crime while here, and collects benefits illegally.
Sure. TD already did the lion's share of the work though...

Basically everything possible that can be done to make illegal aliens comfortable as possible in this country has been advanced by libs.

Anything to make them uncomfortable has been advanced by conservatives.

If you support something you advocate for it.

If you oppose something you advocate against it.

I have TD on ignore, that's why I asked you.
For years, I have said that, if a company is found to be employing illegal aliens, the CEO of the firm needs to be sent away for five years. Simple. Once the CEOs of Tyson and Perdue and Walmart are doing hard time in a federal pound me in the ass prison, how long before either illegal immigration stops because there are no jobs for them, or we get comprehensive immigration reform that everyone can agree on? So why won't that happen? Because big business LOVES cheap illegal labor... nobody from Mexico or anywhere else south of the border would make the journey north if there were no jobs. As long as we keep hiring them, we can't be all that surprised when them come north to take the jobs we offer them.


What state - that Bill Clinton was Governor of - just happens to contain the HQ of two of those three companies?

Wasn't the Hildebeast of Benghazi on the Board of one of 'em? Why, yes, she was....

And the third has its HQ in another Democrat-run state...

And why does Admiral Maineman entertain these prison rape fantasies for Bill's buddies?