Why do libs think it's OK for illegals to unlawfully invade America?

Bwahahahaha, you live in Cali and deny people hire illegals, you are hilarious!

That's not what he said. Please cease the strawman arguments.

He said "knowingly." As has been pointed out, employers are not allowed by federal law to screen applicants to see if they are illegal aliens.

You can't forbid them from asking, and then say "Ah hah! *YOU* hired an illegal alien!"
Well, first off, Rune isn't dimwitted, but someone who lives in Cali and doesn't believe that businesses don't hire illegals has got to be very dimwitted!

Yes Rune is a serious dimwit but you're just as dimwitted in your leftist hyperbolic brain dead rants.

What do you think happens to business's that knowingly hire illegal aliens? Of course, dimwits like you don't think social security cards are easy to forge.

You voted for Obama didn't you? Most dimwits did.
That's not what he said. Please cease the strawman arguments.

He said "knowingly." As has been pointed out, employers are not allowed by federal law to screen applicants to see if they are illegal aliens.

You can't forbid them from asking, and then say "Ah hah! *YOU* hired an illegal alien!"

Liberal dimwits don't care about truth or facts.
That's not what he said. Please cease the strawman arguments.

He said "knowingly." As has been pointed out, employers are not allowed by federal law to screen applicants to see if they are illegal aliens.

You can't forbid them from asking, and then say "Ah hah! *YOU* hired an illegal alien!"

I disagree with your premise. Employers are definitely required to determine the legal residency of potential employees prior to hiring them.
I disagree with your premise. Employers are definitely required to determine the legal residency of potential employees prior to hiring them.

Didn't the Mexican government encourage people to enter America illegally?

We got our revenge when Admiral Maineman went south of the border, though.
Yes Rune is a serious dimwit but you're just as dimwitted in your leftist hyperbolic brain dead rants.

What do you think happens to business's that knowingly hire illegal aliens? Of course, dimwits like you don't think social security cards are easy to forge.

You voted for Obama didn't you? Most dimwits did.

They are fined and if you do any research you will find it happens all the time. If you do further research you find that sometimes officials are paid to look the other way.
That's not what he said. Please cease the strawman arguments.

He said "knowingly." As has been pointed out, employers are not allowed by federal law to screen applicants to see if they are illegal aliens.

You can't forbid them from asking, and then say "Ah hah! *YOU* hired an illegal alien!"

"Knowingly", wink, wink! What a joke.
I disagree with your premise. Employers are definitely required to determine the legal residency of potential employees prior to hiring them.

It isn't a premise dimwit; it is a fact that the current system of providing for work status can be easily forged and in dipshit Liberal States like California, they can get a drivers license.
anything that can be "forged" in the I-9 submission can be equally forged by inaccurately answering a question, can it not?

If you think that the I-9 doesn't ask the right questions, change the fucking form.
anything that can be "forged" in the I-9 submission can be equally forged by inaccurately answering a question, can it not?

If you think that the I-9 doesn't ask the right questions, change the fucking form.

Which is simply wandering further away from the issue at hand, which is; are employers responsible if they hire illegal aliens?

The system seems stacked against them... if they press too hard the EEOC will come after them, if not hard enough they get slammed for hiring illegals.

I once got a notice from the IRS that I owed $7000 in taxes on unpaid income. After a bit of research, I found the company was based in Arkansas, where I've never been in my life. My accountant told me an illegal probably just pulled my SS number out of a hat and gave it to his employer. I wrote a letter to the IRS explaining this, and the problem went away very simply.

But I couldn't help thinking; DANG! Of all of the lotteries to win... I win *THIS* one....lol
last I knew, every prospective employee had to submit a completed I-9 form.

So you think by filling out a Government form this somehow makes them legally permitted to work here? REALLY?

Establishing Identity

A driver's license or military card can suffice to establish employee identity.

Typically when an employee or employer fills out an I-9 for a new hire, at least two forms of identification must be produced by the employee for the employer to verify and accurately identify the employee's identification and authorization to work in the U.S. The two forms of identification must include one form of ID suitable to establish identity along with one form of ID to establish employment authorization. For individuals over the age of 18, identity can be established through the use of a voter registration card; U.S. military card or draft record; or a photo identification card such as a school ID; driver's license or federal, state or local government-issued ID card. Individuals under the age of 18 can establish identity through the use of school or doctor's records.

Establishing Work Authorization

A U.S. birth certificate or report of birth abroad are acceptable as proof of work authorization.

A new employee is required to establish proof of authorization to work in the United States regardless of whether the individual's country of birth was the U.S. The most common form of verification for U.S. employment authorization is a Social Security card that includes the individual's Social Security account number and does not indicate anywhere on the face of the card that the issuance of the card does not authorize employment.

When you live in a State run by Democrats who legally provide drivers licenses to illegal aliens, enforcement appears rather moot. But hell, it is even easier for these people to VOTE!

I know it sounds retarded, but that is what you get when you elect dimwitted Democrats.

California Bill Would Allow Driver Licenses for Illegal Immigrants
They are fined and if you do any research you will find it happens all the time. If you do further research you find that sometimes officials are paid to look the other way.

Really; you think that businesses are bribing officials to turn the other way? Is there anything credible to support this or should we just take your word for it?