Why do libs think it's OK for illegals to unlawfully invade America?

The Dems idea of 'immigration reform' is amnesty for law breaking illegals, and lax border security so it continues forever.....its not reform, its more of the same.
Yes. Let's.

Ehhh, no you didn't. It's a second and different link

Let me sum this up for you: For you to "destroy" my point, you would need to prove that the Republicans lined up behind President Bush's immigration reform efforts in 2006 and supported it.

It's quite simple.

I just posted a letter Harry Reid wrote to then Republican Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist bemoaning that not a single Republican in the Senate would get behind the effort.

It's really simple Einstein.... Democrats have always supported "immigration reform". If the Republicans were behind it at the time in 2006, it would have passed and we wouldn't still be talking about it, would we?

What you need to do now is answer my link from Harry Reid and demonstrate that the Republicans rallied behind President Bush's 2006 immigration reform efforts. That is how you will prove me wrong.

But you won't find that link. I think even you know that by now.

And that is why you have nothing other than insults.

EDIT: Oh, and you didn't prove that my link meant the opposite. You just read it wrong you moron. lol.

OK, Lets start again, just for your sake, since you are so unbearably simple.

You didn't prove a fucking thing with either of your links.

If you want to continue this discussion answer these links. I have posted them repeatedly, you have ignored them constantly.

I am done playing your little boy temper tantrum games.

Reply to the links I am again presenting or remain who you are now, a blithering blowhard, with no skill except changing the topic.

Yeah, reality. If you need a hint, start by looking at how rulings of the Supremes become more liberal as the justices age.

Like your partisan butt-fuck buddy says, it is common sense.

Well, that is reality in some cases.........Senility affects even those on the Court...
OK, Lets start again, just for your sake, since you are so unbearably simple.

You didn't prove a fucking thing with either of your links.

If you want to continue this discussion answer these links. I have posted them repeatedly, you have ignored them constantly.

I am done playing your little boy temper tantrum games.

Reply to the links I am again presenting or remain who you are now, a blithering blowhard, with no skill except changing the topic.


Alas. Taft is right. I can't find a link that demonstrates the Republicans supported Bush's immigration reform efforts in 2006. Oh! The public humiliation!

Wait! Let me try diverting everyone's attention to other threads. Yes! That may do it! Most of my liberal colleagues here have the attention span of a kitten in a yarn factory! Aha! I'm a genius!
Yeah, reality. If you need a hint, start by looking at how rulings of the Supremes become more liberal as the justices age. Like your partisan butt-fuck buddy says, it is common sense.

LOL, your homophobic slur tells me you have no data to support your claim....do you?

Run along, weak sauce.
LOL, your homophobic slur tells me you have no data to support your claim....do you?

Run along, weak sauce.

Which Native American tribe do you come from? Nez Percé? Seneca? Your English is remarkably good. I agree with you, anyway - chuck all these bloody Europeans out!
It's really hard to decide on whether the leftists or the rightist are the biggest assholes on this forum. Both sides are so immersed in their political dogma that it's obvious there can't be a common ground.

So go right ahead Americans and destroy what's left of your country. And might just as well use your guns to persuade the other side too because the other side is going to beat you to it if you don't hurry.

It's really hard to decide on whether the leftists or the rightist are the biggest assholes on this forum. Both sides are so immersed in their political dogma that it's obvious there can't be a common ground.

So go right ahead Americans and destroy what's left of your country. And might just as well use your guns to persuade the other side too because the other side is going to beat you to it if you don't hurry.


Monty, you're lookin' for love in all the wrong places.

It's you. You're the biggest asshole on the forum. You don't take any positions and snipe from the sidelines about everybody else being an asshole.

I hold even Rune in higher esteem. At least he takes a position, and in his own primitive and moronic way, tries to make a case for it.
LOL, your homophobic slur tells me you have no data to support your claim....do you?

Run along, weak sauce.
The ultimate master needs help with google searching lol
It is so because I say so.
You thank Tfat when he makes totally bullshit posts. Acord me the same respect.
Still no linkee?

What link would that be? Feel free to include the post # where you ask me for a specific link.

Now, how about those answers you keep dodging? You must be an actual polititican. Explains a lot.

Here, I will help you again, though I tire of doing so.

This is from post #8 of this thread. Either answer this question now, in entirety (3 distinct answers) or forever bow your head to me, your superior.

Prove that employers do not prefer to have more workers than jobs? That the law of supply and demand doesn't apply to labor? That wages have been flat or dropped since the iron curtain alone was destroyed, flooding the west with highly skilled, highly intelligent eastern Europeans and Russians? I have met Polish carpenters so skilled that they only work on curved stair cases in stone homes being built.Of course my speciality is fabricating and installing metal into stone so I meet other specialists.
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