Why do people get butthurt over rep?


No one believes that. Rep is your religion, Yurtsie.

you're so right, thats why i'm constantly making fun of it and laughing that it is all from grind, telling grind to give me negative rep so you and darla would stop crying all over the board about negative rep -- you are constantly butthurt and whining about it

its meaningless to me, but its clear from your continued projections that rep means very much to you....weird, but you're a kook

Sure....I'm "constantly" whining about it.

Rep is your world; I've never seen a poster talk about it so much, or start threads about it.

Tom is so pussy deficient, he believes if he incessantly whines he'll get one.

Did they ever find your last husband?


Maybe it's not the problem of every fucking place you have posted; but instead, it's possible that the fucking problem lies with you and your fucking attitude.

It's only fucking meaningless, if you fucking make it so.

But you're just as fucking guilty of this fucking crap, as anyone else; because there have been many fucking posts, where it's obvious that you're just fucking trying to get a fucking rise out of someone.

If your fucking example of Yurt, carries any weight, then you've just fucking described your own fucking behavior and maybe it's you who are of a fucking lesser character and are showing your own fucking insecurity.

Now; put that in your fucking pipe and fucking smoke it.


Dear taintwallow, I have never neg repped anyone in my entire life.

The cons in my experience use the neg rep like tehir little worlds depended on it.

Oooppss forgot to say Fuck.

I have better things to smoke than your silly anger weilded at the point of a click.
dear rep god grind:

give me uber negative rep as i am tired of kooks like onceler, pendergasp, evince crying and getting butthurt over rep...since rep is so important to them, perhaps my negative rep will allow them to get through the day with more confidence and perhaps be more productive members of society instead of wasting time crying about rep

I don't get it, why post about it if it's no big deal?

i'm posting about why people get butthurt over it...i would think you could figure out the difference between people like onceler crying about getting rep vs. wondering why people get all butthurt over it

why do you think they do?
Well... Let's see how people do without it. Thank you/Groan system is still available, no rep...

awesome...finally no more whining from onceler et al...the thank/groan is much better

i think its buggy though, i show two new reps, but i click on them and there is nothing and since there is nothing it still says two new reps :(
awesome...finally no more whining from onceler et al...the thank/groan is much better

i think its buggy though, i show two new reps, but i click on them and there is nothing and since there is nothing it still says two new reps :(
Nah, I negged you twice just before shutting it off.... You should be able to get rid of it just by going to your UserCP.
Dear taintwallow, I have never neg repped anyone in my entire life.

The cons in my experience use the neg rep like tehir little worlds depended on it.

Oooppss forgot to say Fuck.

I have better things to smoke than your silly anger weilded at the point of a click.

Where or when did I ever say any fucking thing about fucking negative rep? :palm:

Maybe you should widen your fucking experiance in the real fucking world and not the one you've fucking created for yourself. :good4u:

You should try, maybe it will soften your feminazi behavior. :)