Why do people get so angry...


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Why do people, especially blacks, get so angry with other blacks especially who don't fall in line with the current BLM narrative? Why do those people scare blacks so much?
Why do people, especially blacks, get so angry with other blacks especially who don't fall in line with the current BLM narrative? Why do those people scare blacks so much?

Because becoming spoiled and forgetting where you come from is pretty annoying. I'd do the same for people of my German heritage if they dismiss our troubled past.
Why do people, especially blacks, get so angry with other blacks especially who don't fall in line with the current BLM narrative? Why do those people scare blacks so much?

Because they are sure that if their egos are not getting petted then they are being abused, these people who have been well trained in taking offense, in being a victim.
Because becoming spoiled and forgetting where you come from is pretty annoying. I'd do the same for people of my German heritage if they dismiss our troubled past.

WTF kind of answer is this? Do not speak for others. You are insinuating that successful minorities in this country who make something of themselves are wrong? They are all smart enough to realize the past is the past. The future is what is important. My god are you a fucking idiot.
Why do people, especially blacks, get so angry with other blacks especially who don't fall in line with the current BLM narrative? Why do those people scare blacks so much?

And all of your many black friends have told you this is a thing how, again?

Damn. <old lady voice>Back in OUR day we had REAL trolls! Not like these namby-pamby pussies they got now!
Why do people, especially blacks, get so angry with other blacks especially who don't fall in line with the current BLM narrative? Why do those people scare blacks so much?

There is not a Black person anywhere that does not think that their life matters too.

So your premise is off-kilter, and you must just be talking out your ass as if you don't understand a fucking thing!

It doesn't require brains or balls to be a racist- as ignorance and hate is all that is required.
There is not a Black person anywhere that does not think that their life matters too.

So your premise is off-kilter, and you must just be talking out your ass as if you don't understand a fucking thing!

It doesn't require brains or balls to be a racist- as ignorance and hate is all that is required.

"They all think alike those black people, not like regular folks.....they are half breeds".

"They all think alike those black people, not like regular folks.....they are half breeds".


Did you have your DNA traced yet? I want to! I'll probably end up being 4/3rds Apache and 2/3rd's Scottish with a pinch of Black Deutch!!

I think we are all breeds of some kind by now!
BTW this story of enormous pressure being put on blacks by other blacks to support BLM just as the feminists put enormous pressure on women to support women who claim....often without evidence....to be the victims of men....is a story that the propaganndists the so-called journalists will not touch...probably ever.....it hurts their narrative a ton.

I have verified this story by way of my grapevine.
There is not a Black person anywhere that does not think that their life matters too.

So your premise is off-kilter, and you must just be talking out your ass as if you don't understand a fucking thing!

It doesn't require brains or balls to be a racist- as ignorance and hate is all that is required.

Too bad you have neither the balls nor the brains to actually answer the questions
Because becoming spoiled and forgetting where you come from is pretty annoying. I'd do the same for people of my German heritage if they dismiss our troubled past.

Why is it annoying? Does their existence blow your fucking BS narrative out of the water?
From The Guardian March 25, 2020
Kanye West likens backlash over support for Trump to racial profiling

Joe Biden says you ain't black if you vote for trump.

You have to be a complete idiot to try and deny this.

Or dishonest....people are colossal liars now.