Why do people obsess over abortion?

God you are the worst lawyer on the planet that you think you are making good lawerly arguments.

Again, here is another example to show how stupid you are:

- Legislator pushes for death penalty law, showing he is pro death, in certain circumstances

ProModernIdiot argues : prove he is pro death in certain circumstances. Name the people who have been killed by the law he wants.

Me : You dullard. You brain dead idiot. We DO NOT need examples of who was killed to show he is pro death in certain circumstances. The very fact he is FOR the death penalty proves that.

Me : it is the same if God and the Priest give numerous women a potion that would kill the fetus if the woman has cheated. We DO NOT need a single example of a woman who cheated and whose fetus died to PROVE God and the Priest were pro killing the fetus, if she did cheat.

PostModernIdiot : herr derr. I cannot follow that logic. It seems like you are saying if I vote for the death penalty i am pro death penalty even if no one is ever killed and as a lawyer that does not make sense to me. Herr derr.
yes, baby killer, I am a lawyer......and actually I don't suport the death penalty.......I guess that leaves you as the fucking idiot that supports death.....sucks to be stupid, but its what you chose...
They must think when the Dems get complete power they will have mandatory abortions. In truth, the Dems want you to have that choice. The Reds want to decide for you. Abortion has to do with finances, actually being mature enough, financially able to raise a kid, employment, education and so many more things in a girl's life. It is a complicated decision for a girl that affects her whole life. Rightys say, no problem. I will decide your life for you.
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liar.....he set up a way for the woman and the child to live, since drinking dirt mixed with soil doesn't cause a miscarriage.....you a liar and a very bad one, at that.....
OR for any woman who hated cheated to see her baby DIE.

...“may the Lord cause you to become a curse among your people when he makes your womb miscarry and your abdomen swell

funny how you make that claim with zero evidence any unborn child was ever killed.......produce the temple records, oh purveyor of lies.......

Again you abject stupidity is showing.

If you push for legislation for the death penalty you are PRO death penalty even if that legislation fails to be enacted. Or if it is enacted but no one is killed yet.

Do you understand that you dunce? You do not need a list of names of who was killed to be shown to be pro death penalty.

Just as God demanding the Priest give the woman a potion that will "...make her womb miscarry", if she cheated means he is pro the death penalty for cheating moms babies even if we do not cite any examples of it happening.

The examples DO NOT define the position. The position is established BEFORE a first case is ever assessed. As soon as God put in place the PROCESS to kill the babies of the cheating mom's he became pro baby death of the cheating moms.

Be less stupid.
OR for any woman who hated cheated to see her baby DIE.

...“may the Lord cause you to become a curse among your people when he makes your womb miscarry and your abdomen swell

Again you abject stupidity is showing.

If you push for legislation for the death penalty you are PRO death penalty even if that legislation fails to be enacted. Or if it is enacted but no one is killed yet.

Do you understand that you dunce? You do not need a list of names of who was killed to be shown to be pro death penalty.

Just as God demanding the Priest give the woman a potion that will "...make her womb miscarry", if she cheated means he is pro the death penalty for cheating moms babies even if we do not cite any examples of it happening.

The examples DO NOT define the position. The position is established BEFORE a first case is ever assessed. As soon as God put in place the PROCESS to kill the babies of the cheating mom's he became pro baby death of the cheating moms.

Be less stupid.

you've repeated your ignorance enough......give it a rest....we realize you know fuck all about the Bible......there's no need to reinforce it.......
Sure he does. God also loves to kills countless babies, born and unborn himself. God also loves to command others to kill babies int eh mothers womb and post birth.

God just loves killing babies. Directly or indirectly, he luves him some baby slaughter.

The above is god telling mothers and fathers to bash their babies against the rocks to kill them.

Such good fun!

God kills no one

An accidental truth by you.

Religious Fundamentalist can NEVER see any view but their own.

They will never ask a simple question like 'if it is ok for me to force my religion on others when i have power, would it then be ok for other religions to force theirs on me if they gain power?'

I am quite certain you would very quickly understand what i mean if another religion was slowly taking over the levers of power and demanding you follow their religious views. Suddenly you would be woke to how wrong that is. That they should live to their religion but leave you to live to yours.

Are you talking about Muslims?
Over 20 percent of pregnancies miscarry. Who is responsible for that, if not god?

But you're responsible for 65 million abortions mostly done for convenience. Whatever God does his business what you do is yours and you will answer for it.
Over 20 percent of pregnancies miscarry. Who is responsible for that, if not god?


Your question is as silly as saying God is responsible for the quarter of a million deaths from the 2004 Tsunami. <--- Earthquake. Planetary physics.

Who was responsible for the asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs, in your opinion? God? Cosmic physics?
you've repeated your ignorance enough......give it a rest....we realize you know fuck all about the Bible......there's no need to reinforce it.......

lol at you not knowing that is a quote of the passage so if it is ignorant it is the bible ignorance and not mine.

Anyone can read it and it is clear. God via the priest is giving the woman a potion that will cause any cheating women to have an abortion in the same way current abortion medications work.

God and the priests are very pro medicated abortion and all other kinds.
God kills no one

lol at how much of the Republicunts have no clue what the bible ACTUALLY says and speak from ignorance. I guess Trump set that stage for pretending to know the bible while not having a clue.

A couple passages for you to read and i can cite dozens more...

- Psalms 135:8 & 136:10 - God is praised for slaughtering little babies.

- Psalms 137:9 - God commands that infants should be “dashed upon the rocks”.

- Exodus 12:29- God got angry at a Pharaoh for actions God caused him to take and killed every first-born child of every family in Egypt.

God is not big on taking responsibility for his actions but he is big on murdering others for them.
Are you talking about Muslims?

Yes we are.

Every form of Fundamentalist practices the same play book. Evangelicals, Muslims and other Christian fundamentalists.

When they are in the minority they support the idea of religious freedom from gov't so the majority can practice their religion but not force it on others so the minority religions can practice there own.

Each of them, when they gain majority, seeks to coopt government so they can force their religion on others.

Fundamentalists of all stipes refuse to believe it is enough for them to live by their religion and let god judge them, when they die. The believe they must force others to as well, and not just let the others live to their beliefs and deal with god and be judged when they die.
So you think the Biblical stories of the Flood and Sodom and Gomorrah are fucking lies. Thanks for the input.

It is clear that for most Republicunts they actually have no clue what the bible says, and just like Dear Leader is only a prop.


Look at PostModernIdiot who clearly has no idea how eager God is in the bible to kill the unborn, newly born and children and adults of all ages.
But you're responsible for 65 million abortions mostly done for convenience. Whatever God does his business what you do is yours and you will answer for it.

I am happy to answer to god for my actions. I am happy to tell him i acted in his image and followed in his path, with him being the biggest killer of the unborn and newly born and people of all ages.

You do your thing and let god judge you, and let us do ours and let god judge us.

And BTW you have touched on the right answer any hard core religious person gives when it comes to God and the murder he does. They know the bible and they know the facts, that god is the biggest mass murderer this planet has known so they do not try to deny it. What they say is 'we are not to judge the actions and choices of God as he has a bigger plan and taking anyone into heaven is not a punishment', and also ' if God does anything it is necessarily good, because God is good'. So that includes Point 1, and any baby murders.

Those well schooled in the bible make those defenses (which also fail btw) and do not try to deny what we all can read in the bible as true.

the republicunts on this forum simply do not know the bible or the proper defenses of it.
Fundamentalists of all stipes refuse to believe it is enough for them to live by their religion and let god judge them, when they die. The believe they must force others to as well, and not just let the others live to their beliefs and deal with god and be judged when they die.

This is true.
I am happy to answer to god for my actions. I am happy to tell him i acted in his image and followed in his path, with him being the biggest killer of the unborn and newly born and people of all ages.

You do your thing and let god judge you, and let us do ours and let god judge us.

And BTW you have touched on the right answer any hard core religious person gives when it comes to God and the murder he does. They know the bible and they know the facts, that god is the biggest mass murderer this planet has known so they do not try to deny it. What they say is 'we are not to judge the actions and choices of God as he has a bigger plan and taking anyone into heaven is not a punishment', and also ' if God does anything it is necessarily good, because God is good'. So that includes Point 1, and any baby murders.

Those well schooled in the bible make those defenses (which also fail btw) and do not try to deny what we all can read in the bible as true.

the republicunts on this forum simply do not know the bible or the proper defenses of it.

I wish I could be there for that discussion.

God: "Why did you support killing 65 million innocent babies?"

QP!: Because 20% of pregnancies miscarry and Nordberg says you're responsible."

God: LOL

Your question is as silly as saying God is responsible for the quarter of a million deaths from the 2004 Tsunami. <--- Earthquake. Planetary physics.

Who was responsible for the asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs, in your opinion? God? Cosmic physics?

That is the position of the vast majority of the most religious scholars.

That God has a master plan for everything and there is responsible for everything despite us having some free will to play in the sand boxes God ultimately controls.

They say it unabashedly along with 'we are not to assume to know the mind or plan of God' and 'since God is good we just must accept it is all good, even if it does not seem that way to us with our myopic view of the universe'.

that is why Religious people can say 'God is good' and they can give God credit if their child is saved from a burning house. "It would not have happened if not for God'. A priest would tell them to thank God for his miracle.

But if in the house next door if another baby burns to death the exact same priest would say to not blame God and to not assume his motivations and just to know that it is good that the baby is with god now.

So when Good things happen - you should give God credit by assuming he orchestrated it, whether it is saving a baby or a touchdown in a football game.

When horrendous things happen like the deaths of hundreds of babies in a fire - you should not blame or judge God. It is not for us to assume.

(but note we are to assume he did the good things, it is just when it comes to bad suddenly we are not to assume. FLOL)