I am happy to answer to god for my actions. I am happy to tell him i acted in his image and followed in his path, with him being the biggest killer of the unborn and newly born and people of all ages.
You do your thing and let god judge you, and let us do ours and let god judge us.
And BTW you have touched on the right answer any hard core religious person gives when it comes to God and the murder he does. They know the bible and they know the facts, that god is the biggest mass murderer this planet has known so they do not try to deny it. What they say is 'we are not to judge the actions and choices of God as he has a bigger plan and taking anyone into heaven is not a punishment', and also ' if God does anything it is necessarily good, because God is good'. So that includes Point 1, and any baby murders.
Those well schooled in the bible make those defenses (which also fail btw) and do not try to deny what we all can read in the bible as true.
the republicunts on this forum simply do not know the bible or the proper defenses of it.