Why do people obsess over abortion?

lol at how much of the Republicunts have no clue what the bible ACTUALLY says and speak from ignorance. I guess Trump set that stage for pretending to know the bible while not having a clue.

A couple passages for you to read and i can cite dozens more...

- Psalms 135:8 & 136:10 - God is praised for slaughtering little babies.

- Psalms 137:9 - God commands that infants should be “dashed upon the rocks”.

- Exodus 12:29- God got angry at a Pharaoh for actions God caused him to take and killed every first-born child of every family in Egypt.

God is not big on taking responsibility for his actions but he is big on murdering others for them.

God is not the author of Psalms. They are attributed to King David and other Hebrew prophets are. The Old Testament is, in some large part, a history of the Hebrew people. King David is portrayed as a flawed individual in the Bible, basically a rapist.

Now the other thing I notice is that 99 times out of a 100, when atheists want to complain about God, they pick something out of the Old Testament, and almost never anything from the gospels or anything Jesus said.

These atheists never complain to Jews about what's written in the OT, even though Jews are the authors of the OT, and are the sole protagonists and participants in it's stories. And that has always seemed strange
lols at you being stupid enough to make up more lies about what I know....you've been looking like the clown at the birthday party who forgot to zip up his fly and doesn't realize why everyone is laughing at him.....,......priest giving a woman a "potion" of dirt and water......I guess you ascribe to the same Jewish mediaeval science Guano believes in.....the fetus is mere water......dirt mixed in water causes abortions.....the unborn child is not a living human.......lib'rul ignorance........

Says the guy who cannot read...

...“may the Lord cause you to become a curse among your people when he makes your womb miscarry and your abdomen swell

It is laughable how little you know about your god. You are just like Trump. You do not know he takes simple bread and wine and turns them into the blood of Christ and the body of christ. You do not know he can take simple dirt and water and turn into something the bible says clearly will make her "...womb miscarry..".

You revel in your stupidity and lack of knowledge and its hillarious.
only the idiot atheists......

Nope. that is your ignorance showing again.

The most religious, the fundamentalist take the bible literally and accept the things God does in the old testament. They just say 'it is good because God is necessarily good and thus every action God does is good, even if we mere humans cannot comprehend it'.

You do not know this as you have a Trump level understanding of the bible and thus with dozens upon dozens of versus where God is commanding death or kiiling mass amounts of adults, children, babies and unborn, you say 'nope that is not what it says'.

You cannot admit God killed all the innocent new born and baptized babies when he caused the great flood that Noah rescued some from.

You just cannot admit that happened if you take the bible as accurate and true.
If you had a scientific background, you'd know 1) anecdotal experiences can be useful but limited and 2) single instances of evidence are not very scientific.

Additionally, I'm curious how you know your time in Bible Study was more than others on JPP.

Observationally, it's clear you have a lot of anger about your religious experiences growing up. Does this resentment imply to poor relations with your parents?

One example of such poor relations I've witnessed a few times are staunchly religious parents and a gay adult son. Are you gay, QP?

FWIW, let's be clear that there's a huuuuuge fucking difference between whatever created the Universe and the truth behind existence versus ancient human views of such things.

If you think what i point to is 'single instances' and not continual and vast patterns, that are very indicative of belief you live in a closet. Scores of people citing God as the reason they got a good outcome or a miracle. He gets the credit. Scores of people saying not to blame god when tragedy happens despite the fact is if god was not so intent on making sure the touchdown happened he could have instead saved a child about to be burned to death in a fire and gave that child a miracle.

Sorry but GDNGAF about babies or lives generally, thus why he is the biggest mass murder in the bible. And that is ok but just stop lying about it. Call it out.
If you think what i point to is 'single instances' and not continual and vast patterns, that are very indicative of belief you live in a closet. Scores of people citing God as the reason they got a good outcome or a miracle. He gets the credit. Scores of people saying not to blame god when tragedy happens despite the fact is if god was not so intent on making sure the touchdown happened he could have instead saved a child about to be burned to death in a fire and gave that child a miracle.

Sorry but GDNGAF about babies or lives generally, thus why he is the biggest mass murder in the bible. And that is ok but just stop lying about it. Call it out.
You posted a lot of words and didn't answer the questions. LOL

I've seen less shit coming out of babies with diarrhea.

Let's just go with the fact you were a gay kid with religiously strict parents.
Says the guy who cannot read...

...“may the Lord cause you to become a curse among your people when he makes your womb miscarry and your abdomen swell

It is laughable how little you know about your god. You are just like Trump. You do not know he takes simple bread and wine and turns them into the blood of Christ and the body of christ. You do not know he can take simple dirt and water and turn into something the bible says clearly will make her "...womb miscarry..".

You revel in your stupidity and lack of knowledge and its hillarious.
everything you post is a lie.......I blame your ignorance......you've always been a stupid fuck.....
Nope. that is your ignorance showing again.

The most religious, the fundamentalist take the bible literally and accept the things God does in the old testament. They just say 'it is good because God is necessarily good and thus every action God does is good, even if we mere humans cannot comprehend it'.

You do not know this as you have a Trump level understanding of the bible and thus with dozens upon dozens of versus where God is commanding death or kiiling mass amounts of adults, children, babies and unborn, you say 'nope that is not what it says'.

You cannot admit God killed all the innocent new born and baptized babies when he caused the great flood that Noah rescued some from.

You just cannot admit that happened if you take the bible as accurate and true.

it is sad that the most ignorant atheists sit here and complain about Christians believing things that atheists make up, just so they can complain about things Christians believe in.....
everything you post is a lie.......I blame your ignorance......you've always been a stupid fuck.....

I get that you think the entire bible is one big lie and thus 'every' direct quote from the bible is a lie.

I am sympathetic to that view and agree with you.
it is sad that the most ignorant atheists sit here and complain about Christians believing things that atheists make up, just so they can complain about things Christians believe in.....

Says the guy who just admitted that all the bible passages i direct quote are all lies and thus the bible is filled with lies.
I get that you think the entire bible is one big lie and thus 'every' direct quote from the bible is a lie.

I am sympathetic to that view and agree with you.

Pmp is not a Christian.

His conduct is the opposite of Christianity: he constantly lies about others and spreads division. He epitomizes evil.

IMHO, his retirement home caretakers should exorcise the demons out of him with either a large dose of fentanyl or a pillow.
Pmp is not a Christian.

His conduct is the opposite of Christianity: he constantly lies about others and spreads division. He epitomizes evil.

IMHO, his retirement home caretakers should exorcise the demons out of him with either a large dose of fentanyl or a pillow.

Nothing could be more clear than that PostModernIdiot has a Donald Trump like understanding of the bible. It is a prop and something he almost certainly has never read or studied.

He is still in denial that the God of the old testament was a murderous and vengeful god, something religious scholars do not deny and why the New Testament is said to 'soften things'.

He does not even know that innocent people were killed in the Noah flood if you accept that story as truth, as bible literalists due. Again bible scholars do not deny that part of the Noah Story. the religious ones acknowledge it and just say 'we are not to try and judge God nor know his mind. If God does it, it is necessarily good.' thus even the most heinous things god does to innocents in the bible is good because 'God is good'.
Nothing could be more clear than that PostModernIdiot has a Donald Trump like understanding of the bible. It is a prop and something he almost certainly has never read or studied.

He is still in denial that the God of the old testament was a murderous and vengeful god, something religious scholars do not deny and why the New Testament is said to 'soften things'.

He does not even know that innocent people were killed in the Noah flood if you accept that story as truth, as bible literalists due. Again bible scholars do not deny that part of the Noah Story. the religious ones acknowledge it and just say 'we are not to try and judge God nor know his mind. If God does it, it is necessarily good.' thus even the most heinous things god does to innocents in the bible is good because 'God is good'.

Agreed. It's why I know he's not a Christian. He has done nothing Christian-like my entire time on JPP.

Most intelligent people, Christian or not, know the difference between the actions of God and man's interpretation of the actions of God. Your argument only applies to those Christians who take the Bible literally. It doesn't apply to those who understand the Bible is man's interpretation of God. Your hatred of Christianity is working against your own best interests. Both psychologically and spiritually since hate, by itself, is a corrosive emotion.
Agreed. It's why I know he's not a Christian. He has done nothing Christian-like my entire time on JPP.

Most intelligent people, Christian or not, know the difference between the actions of God and man's interpretation of the actions of God. Your argument only applies to those Christians who take the Bible literally. It doesn't apply to those who understand the Bible is man's interpretation of God. Your hatred of Christianity is working against your own best interests. Both psychologically and spiritually since hate, by itself, is a corrosive emotion.

The principle taught in Fundamentalist and Evangelical teachings is that the bible is inerrant. What you read is INCAPABLE of being wrong because it is God speaking through the authors.

Paul was convinced that “all Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness” (2 Timothy 3:16).
the Bible passages aren't lies......the absurdities you twist them into, are lies......

I have directly quoted them, which you know had you ever studied the bible.

So when you read what i quoted and called them 'lies' that was you calling the direct bible quotes lies.
The principle taught in Fundamentalist and Evangelical teachings is that the bible is inerrant. What you read is INCAPABLE of being wrong because it is God speaking through the authors.

Paul was convinced that “all Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness” (2 Timothy 3:16).
So why not confine your arguments against the Fundies and Evangelistas instead of condemning all Christians? Agreed the vast majority of them are Biblical literalists.

Paul never met Jesus, was a Johnny-come-lately who wrote a lot of letters which, IMO, went against the teachings of Jesus. Over 200 years later, some geezers under the Roman Emperor cherry-picked which way they wanted Christianity to go and ended up making most of the NT about Paul.

Let's not forget how much Christian blood was spilled by other Christians arguing about the divinity of Jesus and his relationship with God (the beginnings of the Trinity POV).
I have directly quoted them, which you know had you ever studied the bible.

So when you read what i quoted and called them 'lies' that was you calling the direct bible quotes lies.

you've lied about what the Bible says.......you've also stuck a penis in your ear......both were stupid things that a rational man should not repeat......sorry, but it sucks to be as ignorant as you.....
you've lied about what the Bible says.......you've also stuck a penis in your ear......both were stupid things that a rational man should not repeat......sorry, but it sucks to be as ignorant as you.....

As said prior, you see quotes from the Bible and call them lies because you do not know what the bible says and you did not know, that God in the bible is so murderous of the pre born and newly born.

You still think that statement is wrong despite the direct quotes from the bible with god slaying countless babies, born and pre born.