lol at how much of the Republicunts have no clue what the bible ACTUALLY says and speak from ignorance. I guess Trump set that stage for pretending to know the bible while not having a clue.
A couple passages for you to read and i can cite dozens more...
- Psalms 135:8 & 136:10 - God is praised for slaughtering little babies.
- Psalms 137:9 - God commands that infants should be “dashed upon the rocks”.
- Exodus 12:29- God got angry at a Pharaoh for actions God caused him to take and killed every first-born child of every family in Egypt.
God is not big on taking responsibility for his actions but he is big on murdering others for them.
God is not the author of Psalms. They are attributed to King David and other Hebrew prophets are. The Old Testament is, in some large part, a history of the Hebrew people. King David is portrayed as a flawed individual in the Bible, basically a rapist.
Now the other thing I notice is that 99 times out of a 100, when atheists want to complain about God, they pick something out of the Old Testament, and almost never anything from the gospels or anything Jesus said.
These atheists never complain to Jews about what's written in the OT, even though Jews are the authors of the OT, and are the sole protagonists and participants in it's stories. And that has always seemed strange