Why do people often vote against their own interests?

there are solutions to health care that don't require us to become more like Europe.....have you even looked at what things are like in Europe.....why on earth would any sane person use them as a role model........
Yes, yes I have as a fact and I've also looked at how they're done in top industrialized nations in Asia, such as, Japan, Taiwan and South Korea and I can tell by your comments that you have not looked at how things are done in Europe. Please tell me, what are the similarities between how they manage HC in the UK, France, Germany and Switzerland and the differences? Those are the four wealthiest nations in Europe. Tell me how they do it? I honestly don't think you do know.

I mean your basing your comment on a false premis. That how they manage HC in Europe is inferior to ours when the numbers don't bear that out. They manage HC superiorly to the USA and were fools if we don't learn from them.
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mott you expect above room temperature IQ out of bravo who's never been on a college campus. LOL
Superfreak is about as unbalanced as asshat, this is an engineer who doesn't except blow jobs from his wife.
Expecting one flew over the cuckoo's nest would be more appropriate.
Sorry....you're right..... I haven't had my first cup of coffee yet. :cof1:
Yes, yes I have as a fact and I've also looked at how they're done in top industrialized nations in Asia, such as, Japan, Taiwan and South Korea and I can tell by your comments that you have not looked at how things are done in Europe. Please tell me, what are the similarities between how they manage HC in the UK, France, Germany and Switzerland and the differences? Those are the four wealthiest nations in Europe. Tell me how they do it? I honestly don't think you do know.

I mean your basing your comment on a false premis. That how they manage HC in Europe is inferior to ours when the numbers don't bear that out. They manage HC superiorly to the USA and were fools if we don't learn from them.
at what cost......cradle to grave socialism has turned Europe into a non-entity.....cripes, the nations that once ruled the world had to form a union just so the rest of us wouldn't forget they existed......is that the utopia you have envisioned for the US?........

we can fix health care without surrendering our balls......
at what cost......cradle to grave socialism has turned Europe into a non-entity.....cripes, the nations that once ruled the world had to form a union just so the rest of us wouldn't forget they existed......is that the utopia you have envisioned for the US?........

we can fix health care without surrendering our balls......

Yes we can, and are you referring to the Europe that is crushing our dollar with the Euro?
people are influenced to vote against their own interests by propaganda, and a dishonest use of abstractions.

Consider dixie and his simplistic "people are corporations" idiocy.

the idea that it's fine if the middle class is decimated as long as coporate profits rise is a great example.

It could be that hell has frozen over, I agree with AssHatZombie!

Those who deny the proposition of the article can easily change (probably not) their position with a simple examination of a contemporary event. The Iraq invasion and the myths that surrounded it. That Iraq was involved in 911 or al Qaeda. We won't go into the other idiotic belief that they had WMD, but clearly Americans are fooled or is that educated by story. And still are. I would bet many still believe these things.

Those who chose to believe myths, will always believe, as they serve purposes other than truth, they fit into their worldview, and that view like the child who believes in the bogeyman is not open to reason.

"People hold the beliefs they do because of the way they think and they think the way they do because of the nature of the societies they live in." Richard E. Nisbett
there are solutions to health care that don't require us to become more like Europe.....have you even looked at what things are like in Europe.....why on earth would any sane person use them as a role model........

Because some of those countries have had government health care for fifty years. Two generations. Not bad for something that supposedly doesn't work.

As Mott and others have said the opponents of universal health care don't know how it works. The just listen to other opponents spouting lies and propaganda.

The tiniest bit of research would show that the citizens of every country that has universal health care want to keep it. Every country. No exception.

There are only two reasons one would oppose universal health care; gross ignorance or greed. It's as simple as that.
at what cost......cradle to grave socialism has turned Europe into a non-entity.....cripes, the nations that once ruled the world had to form a union just so the rest of us wouldn't forget they existed......is that the utopia you have envisioned for the US?........

we can fix health care without surrendering our balls......
You don't know what your talking about. The French system is not socialised and is even less regulated then our pay or suffer system and Switzerland, banking capital of the world, is even more capitalistic then the USA. You just flat out don't know what your talking about.
at what cost......cradle to grave socialism has turned Europe into a non-entity.....cripes, the nations that once ruled the world had to form a union just so the rest of us wouldn't forget they existed......is that the utopia you have envisioned for the US?........

we can fix health care without surrendering our balls......
Oh and by the way, maybe you should study a little history too. Europe didn't lose it's grip on world power due to socialism they lost it due to the unsustainability of Imperialism.
Because some of those countries have had government health care for fifty years. Two generations. Not bad for something that supposedly doesn't work.

As Mott and others have said the opponents of universal health care don't know how it works. The just listen to other opponents spouting lies and propaganda.

The tiniest bit of research would show that the citizens of every country that has universal health care want to keep it. Every country. No exception.

There are only two reasons one would oppose universal health care; gross ignorance or greed. It's as simple as that.
There also under the mistaken notion that all nations with universal health care are socialized systems like Canada and the UK when such is not the case. France, Switzerland, Germany, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea all have universal health care coverage and none of those nations have the socialized health care model of Canada or the UK.
Oh gawd. Why do you insists on making such ignorant and stupid comments. HC reforms is only attempting to implement, in part, what other modern nations are doing. Those nations spend half of what we do and get substantially superior results in health care. So instead of standing there like an ignorant rube and mouthing empty platitudes about "leftist" and "socialism" why don't you actually try reading something informative on this topic that isn't spoon fed to you from Fox News or Rush Limbaugh and come back when you can actually know something about this topic and can say something intelligent.

Fuckin A. HC reform is dangerous to our economy? We Spend 16% of GDP on Health Care, which is twice what most modern nations do, it eats up 15 to 20% of business over head in our country and we get results barely above third world standards with about 15% of the population not covered and another 25 to 40% underinsured and you're saying that HC reform is dangerous to the economy?

You had a tough time in 3rd grade math didn't you?

Dude, you can watch Fox News till the cows come home and mouth all the empty platitudes you want but I got some news for you. Health Care reform will come, if not now then later and it will be modeled on the same basic principles that other modern industrialized nations are using and it will be economics that will drive that reform. It will be this nations businesses and corporations who will drive that reform. You can put that in the bank pal.

Are you fucking people just stupid or just don't understand what you read...
Its gotta be one or the other...

I said HC promoted by the left...

that certainly doesn't mean our HC is perfect or that our HC doesn't need some reforms....
So....learn to freekin' understand what your reading....
those 'on-line' college degrees you and topcat have were a waste of money....you needed the real thing...
Are you fucking people just stupid or just don't understand what you read...
Its gotta be one or the other...

I said HC promoted by the left...

that certainly doesn't mean our HC is perfect or that our HC doesn't need some reforms....
So....learn to freekin' understand what your reading....
those 'on-line' college degrees you and topcat have were a waste of money....you needed the real thing...
Well fuck yea it's promoted by the left. The right is to busy protecting the rights of Insurance companies to maximize their profits are out expense. Thank you Captain Obvious for that little tid bit of wisdom.
Well fuck yea it's promoted by the left. The right is to busy protecting the rights of Insurance companies to maximize their profits are out expense. Thank you Captain Obvious for that little tid bit of wisdom.

seems to me that mandating insurance coverage directly benefits the insurance companies also, so how is it just the right?
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
So a guy doing cheesecake photos for the ladies and who is on record as being pro-choice is you two clowns idea of ethics and values? Hmmm, will wonders never cease!

Wow suddenly soft porn and abortion are unethical to you, Libby. :palm:

What are you....fucking stupid or stoned? As the the chronology of the posts on these threads show, I am NOT the one dancing with glee over Brown's election.

I merely pointed out the sheer hypocrisy of a statement by your fellow parrot that you chimed in on. What I said about Brown is a documented, bonafide FACT. TFB for you if the truth isn't to your liking.
So a guy doing cheesecake photos for the ladies and who is on record as being pro-choice is you two clowns idea of ethics and values? Hmmm, will wonders never cease!

Is he one of those people voting against their own interests?


Did Brown vote against his own interests or don't you have a freekin' clue what the thread topic is about ?

Obviously you don't have a clue...
Well fuck yea it's promoted by the left. The right is to busy protecting the rights of Insurance companies to maximize their profits are out expense. Thank you Captain Obvious for that little tid bit of wisdom.
Tops out as the hypocritical statement of the thread.

What the fuck do you think this great, super, healthcare "reform" bill being touted by you morons is? It's a gift wrapped multi-trillion dollar government mandated boon to insurance companies.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
So a guy doing cheesecake photos for the ladies and who is on record as being pro-choice is you two clowns idea of ethics and values? Hmmm, will wonders never cease!

Is he one of those people voting against their own interests?


Did Brown vote against his own interests or don't you have a freekin' clue what the thread topic is about ?

Obviously you don't have a clue...

:palm: Pay attention, you intellectually impotent cretin. I responded to neocon parrots carrying on about ethics and values. Well, as I pointed out (see above)you neocons were all a twitter about the Massachusetts election of a man that has public stands that CONTRADICT your party's "ethics" and "values". So isn't that voting against your interests?

THINK, YOU FOOL, THINK before your fingers hit the keys.....makes you look less foolish. This tag team of you, Dixie and Southie is just truly pathetic!
:palm: Pay attention, you intellectually impotent cretin. I responded to neocon parrots carrying on about ethics and values. Well, as I pointed out (see above)you neocons were all a twitter about the Massachusetts election of a man that has public stands that CONTRADICT your party's "ethics" and "values". So isn't that voting against your interests?

THINK, YOU FOOL, THINK before your fingers hit the keys.....makes you look less foolish. This tag team of you, Dixie and Southie is just truly pathetic!
You such a fuckin' moron its a wonder you can breathe and walk at the same time...

WTF have has "MY" party's ethics and values have to do with the thread...?
NOT A THING...you don't even know what party I belong to....

If you mean the voters voted for a man whose values and ethics are different than the voters....thats close to the question asked....but still different