Statistics show you are wrong. Life expectancy is either on par or superior. In other words one can not live longer if they're dead.
Nonsense. How many times do I have to repeat myself? Many countries have had universal plans for 40 or 50 years. They had plenty of time to revert but they didn't. Many of those same countries don't even have a recognizable political movement advocating reverting to a "pay or suffer" system.
In plain English the people don't want to revert to a "pay or suffer" system.
Exactly! It's called preventive medicine. Just like a regular checkup at the dentist. The dentist spots a cavity and tells you it needs to be fixed. You can pay for a $100.00 filling or wait until the tooth decays and you need a root canal and crown for $1000.00. Which one costs LESS money?
People can be alerted to rising blood pressure and diabetes and change diet or start taking medication. A free checkup and less than $50/mth for medication can prevent a stroke from high blood pressure. Or one can have a stroke and the government can feed and house the invalid for the next 20 or 30 years. Which costs LESS money? One can adjust diet or start on meds for diabetes or go blind or have a limb amputated and collect welfare for the rest of their life. Which one costs LESS money?
What is wrong with you, Dixie? You're intelligent enough to operate a computer and post sentences and paragraphs but the content of those sentences and paragraphs are the ravings of a lunatic.
The least that can be said for a universal plan is folks like you could get a free medical diagnosis.