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So you say. You don't get to speak for anyone else. What you believe is based on faith.
The burden of proof lies with the one making the positive assertion.
So you say. You don't get to speak for anyone else. What you believe is based on faith.
Inversion fallacy.
no.....but then I believe that not only can you be a Christian and sin, but it is impossible to be a Christian or anything else and NOT sin......
Very little literature has been written about Jesus in his lifetime. You would think for a Man-God there would be MORE.
If God is all powerful, then why can he not stop the pandemic? And if he can and does not--why?!
'Splain that to Jesus.
why do you believe he should, for that matter, why do you believe he doesn't expect YOU to?......aren't you the person he charged with that responsibility?......
Makes you wonder why he couldn't have got off that Cross if he wanted to.
why did you think he couldn't?.....
It's been obliterated by scholars for over a hundred years. We know that Jesus himself is most likely pure myth.
Typical secular. "YOU KNOW" that MOST LIKELY? That good way to begin your oxymoronic post. That's some real objective truth there pal. It goes quite with "suggests", "could indicate", etc., the usual left wing ad hominem BS attempted to be presented as FACTS. That is the reason people still have faith. No one has been able to objectively prove the Holy Scriptures to be false through history actual or applied science.
Why? Big philosophical question is along the lines of why didn't God just imprint the Bible into our brains or chisel it into the stars. Why make it have to come through the flawed instrument of man? My best guess is that, by doing so it would be like always giving school kids then answers before taking a test. They have to learn on their own. Just giving them the answers isn't in their best long-term interests. They have to earn it.
Because he didn't.
that doesn't mean he couldn't.......that just means you would have.......I'm glad my salvation didn't hinge on you......
Me, you, Jesus, or all the rest. Getting crucified will kill you.
no argument there....but be assured, no one is ever going to call you their lord and savior......
???.....he's the one who explained it to me.......it's all in the scriptures....when Jesus said "let he who is without sin....." did you take that as an invitation to step forward and let him know how well you had been doing?.......
Let me guess. Jesus spoke unto you and said "Spread hate against the Demmycunts, kill them when you can."
Bibles and scrolls and pictographs and other human forms of putting speech into something preservable are our species' genius. Our knowledge, experience, wisdom doesn't have to die when our meatspace body is done. We learned how to preserve our most beloved things -- maps to a good hunting area, a drawing of a river with places marked to avoid swamps or hostile ppl, good places to plant crops that will do well, the motions of the planets and stars, medicinal plants, paint horrible events like fires/landslides/earthquakes/deaths from disease, etc.
Religious texts are these ancient teachings and events codified. As a species we have always sought to learn why bad (and good) things happen, and in our search for knowledge we invented the gods.
There was never a need for a god to imprint His/Her image into our brains. Our DNA and our evolution sparked us to grow, to question, to be endlessly and forever curious... and to solve the answers.
anyone who can read can find what he said.......the rest of you can get help here......