Why do people still believe in Jesus and Christianity?

In this matter of the fabricated misnomer immaculate Jesus the Christ conception created from nothing there seems to be an extensive ongoing tautology for the diatribe energy to destroy all else in it's megalomaniacal crusade of "serve the Pope or die" from Islam "death to the infidels" sociopsychopathilogical homicidal human farming.

"And Lo! God said 'Let there be aluminum foil! And thus began aluminum hats."

At least you believe they might be of aluminum use against Islam beheadings, but wonder what getting paid for by Christianity & it's election crusades let's there be .......what ?

"Then God said "Let there political forums so that the nut jobs can rant their fantasies in safety!"

Good luck with your fantasies. Mine usually women and rubber sheets, but you are free to have any little dark fantasies you choose.
"Then God said "Let there political forums so that the nut jobs can rant their fantasies in safety!"

Good luck with your fantasies. Mine usually women and rubber sheets, but you are free to have any little dark fantasies you choose.

Sounds as this Christian Nation's "man is God" fabricated misnomer diatribe of immaculate Jesus the Christ conception political forums tautology in suicidal sociopscyhopathilogical homicidal human farming while anointing themselves with forgiveness is the law of the land of one nation under God with equal justice under "serve the Pope or die" from Islam "death to the infidels" lynching enforcement law of Christiananality pedophilia dhimmitude servitude.
The Catholic Church threatened to kill Galileo. A permanent stain on the Church.

except no.....

Many people believe that Galileo was hounded by the church for almost two decades, that he openly maintained a belief in heliocentrism, and that he was only spared torture and death because his powerful friends intervened on his behalf. But an examination of the fine details of Galileo’s conflict with church leaders doesn’t bear that out, according to English department distinguished research professor Henry Kelly.
So comparing other religions to this is going to be kind of difficult because no other religion controls a state.

China, like the former USSR, is an atheist state. Any nation which has an official religion such as England or Saudi Arabia, have religions with full or partial control of the state.
Instances were rare prior to Anita Bryant and those Christian Coalition assholes. The only major things I remember about it are the Scopes trial and Blue Laws. That's when science started to be a bad thing and sent our national politics towards those Dark Ages.

The Christian Right and radical Islamics are much more alike than they are different.

I agree. They are the same coin, different sides.

I grew up in a devout Xtian household, as did most middle class kids back then. Mom was a Sunday school teacher, Dad was a deacon guy. Dad was also a scientist (chemist with a masters who worked for Monsanto), as were a good lot of our neighbors, all transferred to the STL area from Ohio, Michigan, and other places when Monsanto opened its world HQ in 1961. In WWII my dad worked in a small group for the Manhattan Project. At any rate, I don't recall any conflicts with religion vs science. It was the height of the Cold War, and both (D)s and (R)s were happy to okay vast expenditures on space, weaponry, science, and so on to win over the USSR. Science then was considered almost like a god. I had to do a report on evolution when I was in 5th grade and 10 years old. I got an A on it, and no one screamed that evolution was just some made-up political/liberal bullshit.

But then came the 60s, and protesters of the VN War saw science as the enemy. Remember the hatred aimed at Dow Chemical? People got crazy about vaccines as poison, natural foods without pesticides, and a revolution against science began. It was adopted by lower-level thinkers and carried on into the 21st Century. Both sides share the blame in our idiotic fear and hate of science.

If you want your civilization to devolve, just let the religionists have control. Don't believe that? Ask the Arabs what happened to their supremacy in astronomy, science, and math.

Instances were rare prior to Anita Bryant and those Christian Coalition assholes. The only major things I remember about it are the Scopes trial and Blue Laws. That's when science started to be a bad thing and sent our national politics towards those Dark Ages.

The Christian Right and radical Islamics are much more alike than they are different.

Ya know what would be funny is if what you say were said in "sign-langage"

Does one spell out arse portal or is there a dedicated symbol all its own or is there a catch-all sign symbol?

New words for next years' OED!
"Then God said "Let there political forums so that the nut jobs can rant their fantasies in safety!"

Good luck with your fantasies. Mine usually women and rubber sheets, but you are free to have any little dark fantasies you choose.

No doubt just as those crooks on Capital Hill free dark fantasy of what's in the Federal Record can be ranted as safe fantasy.
Lucky man!! :) lol

I hike w/ some ppl that prob should just go to the gym or track.... They take no picts & only care about summiting & going..

I started w/ ppl mostly like that but have learned to smell the roses along the way, enjoy the journey & adventure....

I saw a bear hiking a few days ago, a nice big healthy reddish brown black bear.. & saw a bobcat about two hours ago on the trail..... he paid us no mind whatsoEVER..

You have taught Mr Owl well & are a great influence on him & prob your hiking buddies as well.. :thup:

Thanks, Bill. Old trite saying but still very true: It is not the destination, it's the journey.
All based.....not upon objective facts that are reproducible or observed but THEORY. More circular reasoning. :palm:

Lot of fancy words there chap, but not much in the way of clarity or understanding.

The red shift of photons from distant galaxies is observable and measurable.

The cosmic microwave background is observable in the radio wave electromagnetic spectrum.

Big bang nucleosynthesis of light elements probably started out as a mathematical prediction, but it has been confirmed by spectral analysis of the cosmos.

Those are all predictions resulting from big bang theory which have been repeatedly tested.

I do not rank the big bang theory up there with evolution by natural selection or quantuum mechanics in terms of degree of scientific confidence. We are still clueless about dark energy. But big bang theory makes predictions which can be tested to support or refute the theory. That is well within the realm of a good, conventional, testable scientific theory
Is there an idea here? I don't want to waste my time if you're going to be a troll.

well, the idea might be, is your authority greater than his?......he's a UCLA professor and you're a.......what?......think of it this way, Cypress and I have only agreed on something once in 2020......and it was that you were wrong........
I agree. They are the same coin, different sides.

I grew up in a devout Xtian household, as did most middle class kids back then. Mom was a Sunday school teacher, Dad was a deacon guy. Dad was also a scientist (chemist with a masters who worked for Monsanto), as were a good lot of our neighbors, all transferred to the STL area from Ohio, Michigan, and other places when Monsanto opened its world HQ in 1961. In WWII my dad worked in a small group for the Manhattan Project. At any rate, I don't recall any conflicts with religion vs science. It was the height of the Cold War, and both (D)s and (R)s were happy to okay vast expenditures on space, weaponry, science, and so on to win over the USSR. Science then was considered almost like a god. I had to do a report on evolution when I was in 5th grade and 10 years old. I got an A on it, and no one screamed that evolution was just some made-up political/liberal bullshit.

But then came the 60s, and protesters of the VN War saw science as the enemy. Remember the hatred aimed at Dow Chemical? People got crazy about vaccines as poison, natural foods without pesticides, and a revolution against science began. It was adopted by lower-level thinkers and carried on into the 21st Century. Both sides share the blame in our idiotic fear and hate of science.

If you want your civilization to devolve, just let the religionists have control. Don't believe that? Ask the Arabs what happened to their supremacy in astronomy, science, and math.
True, but religion is just a tool. The main reason societies devolve is because one side drowns out the other creating single-party authoritarian state be it LW or RW.

Failure to respect different points of view is bad, but seeking to assert a single dominant view always leads to excesses and eventual implosion. After two world wars in one century the US used it's considerable influence to spread democracy to both Europe and Asian. Most wars stopped once countries realized they'd be better off talking to each other and making a shitload of money. The areas of the world where war still exists is due to a huge disparity in access to this trade network. Shinto businessmen don't give a shit about Mormon or Catholic businessmen because they know it doesn't matter as long as it doesn't adversely affect profit.