Why do people still believe in Jesus and Christianity?

I think that it's important to distinguish between the existence of a pretty-well attested historical person and all the 'God' stuff that goers with what's said about him. There's plenty of mythological stuff even in the New Testament (the Wise Men from the East, the Flight into Egypt and such) but for someone with a critical training the gospels sound nothing like myth, and who on earth in any sort of power can we imagine to have benefited from such stuff?

There are no facts about Jesus being son of God. That is myth. Not false, not true, just myth.
There are no facts about Jesus being son of God. That is myth. Not false, not true, just myth.

So only a fortnight for an electoral decision of Christiananality pedophilia's Islamidiotocracy of thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament - absentee voting ballots arsonists SCOTUS granted standing fabricated misnomer immaculate "Jesus the Christ" conception to maintain a national religion in suicidal sociopsychopathilogical homicidal human farming to continue anointing master race legends in their own minds fantasy as one nation under God with equal justice under "serve the Pope or die" from Islam "death to the infidels" dhimmitude servitude 9/11 patriot act lynching enforcement megalomaniacal crusades law.
So only a fortnight for an electoral decision of Christiananality pedophilia's Islamidiotocracy of thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament - absentee voting ballots arsonists SCOTUS granted standing fabricated misnomer immaculate "Jesus the Christ" conception to maintain a national religion in suicidal sociopsychopathilogical homicidal human farming to continue anointing master race legends in their own minds fantasy as one nation under God with equal justice under "serve the Pope or die" from Islam "death to the infidels" dhimmitude servitude 9/11 patriot act lynching enforcement megalomaniacal crusades law.

Gibberish. Troll someone else.
I think that it's important to distinguish between the existence of a pretty-well attested historical person and all the 'God' stuff that goers with what's said about him. There's plenty of mythological stuff even in the New Testament (the Wise Men from the East, the Flight into Egypt and such) but for someone with a critical training the gospels sound nothing like myth, and who on earth in any sort of power can we imagine to have benefited from such stuff?

Jesus of Nazareth was tortured, humiliated, mocked, rendered helpless, and executed as a common criminal.

It is hard to imagine any group of people inventing out of whole cloth a mythological story like that as a foundational myth of their religion.

Whether or not Jesus was divine or performed actual miracles is a matter of faith. But denying the historicity of the human Jesus flies in the face of virtually all reputable modern scholarship.
That is what you do.

No, the reasonable and fair minded person who bothers to read my posts would undoubtedly find my views on science and religion to be measured, informed, generally fair and even handed.

The only posters who get frothing mad at me are radicals: jihaddist bible thumpers, and belligerent militant atheists
No, the reasonable and fair minded person who bothers to read my posts would undoubtedly find my views on science and religion to be measured, informed, generally fair and even handed

You're not rational. You say a lot of stuff and never address the argument.
I'm still waiting on the actual picture of my great, great, . . . . great, great grandfather

Perhaps you can provide the actual photo of MY great, great, . . . great, great grandfather the OP and those that believe the same as him claim I evolved from 20,000 generations ago. I've asked and none have been able to provide it..

I saw one, he was standing @ the airport in Baltimore waiting for a plane to Delaware for a boat ride w/ General Washington..;)

You ask stupid questions then tell yourself how smart you are because someone can't answer it........

It serves to promote your inferiority, not superiority....:palm:

IMHO your best course of action would be keep your fuckin yap shut & give up on trying to empress anyone here........
Jesus of Nazareth was tortured, humiliated, mocked, rendered helpless, and executed as a common criminal.

It is hard to imagine any group of people inventing out of whole cloth a mythological story like that as a foundational myth of their religion.

Whether or not Jesus was divine or performed actual miracles is a matter of faith. But denying the historicity of the human Jesus flies in the face of virtually all reputable modern scholarship.
"he suffered and died on the cross, was buried for 3 days and rose from the dead"

It makes perfect sense in terms of sacrifice. Much of western religion is based on sacrifice for atonement
Then the rise from the dead shows eternal life for his followers - and Jesus equal to God
Jesus of Nazareth was tortured, humiliated, mocked, rendered helpless, and executed as a common criminal.

It is hard to imagine any group of people inventing out of whole cloth a mythological story like that as a foundational myth of their religion.

Whether or not Jesus was divine or performed actual miracles is a matter of faith. But denying the historicity of the human Jesus flies in the face of virtually all reputable modern scholarship.
"he suffered and died on the cross, was buried for 3 days and rose from the dead"

It makes perfect sense in terms of sacrifice. Much of western religion is based on sacrifice for atonement
^^ Anachronistic thinking. Your anachronisms are not applicable to the middle iron age of two millennia ago.

No religions of antiquity were based on the premise of a peasant who was tortured, humiliated, and executed as a common criminal.

Religions of antiquity were based on pagan or monotheistic Gods of great power and prestige. The God of the Hebrew Bible, Ahuramazda, Mars, Zeus, Shiva, et al.

Even the early Christians of late antiquity did not use the symbol of the cross as an icon of their religion. Use of the cross as a symbol of Christianity came many hundreds of years later. Early Christians feared the cross was kind of a symbol of humiliation and weakness.
^^ Anachronistic thinking. Your anachronisms are not applicable to the middle iron age of two millennia ago.

No religions of antiquity were based on the premise of a peasant who was tortured, humiliated, and executed as a common criminal.

Religions of antiquity were based on pagan or monotheistic Gods of great power and prestige. The God of the Hebrew Bible, Ahuramazda, Mars, Zeus, Shiva, et al.

Even the early Christians of late antiquity did not use the symbol of the cross as an icon of their religion. Use of the cross as a symbol of Christianity came many hundreds of years later. Early Christians feared the cross was kind of a symbol of humiliation and weakness.
what is your point? Christianity is not based on sacrifice, suffering and dying for our sins, and rising from the dea to eternal life?

Christianity came directly from Judaism - not these other religions
. ( unless you wanna talk about "Jesus was a Buddhist monk")

It's the promise of a savior revealed.. I'm not an expert on Judaism, but atonement thru sacrifice is the common theme. The idea of an afterlife is only briefly mentioned in the Torah -but it's there

Maybe the ressurection part cam from Zoroastrian etc... dont know
^^ Anachronistic thinking. Your anachronisms are not applicable to the middle iron age of two millennia ago.

No religions of antiquity were based on the premise of a peasant who was tortured, humiliated, and executed as a common criminal.

Religions of antiquity were based on pagan or monotheistic Gods of great power and prestige. The God of the Hebrew Bible, Ahuramazda, Mars, Zeus, Shiva, et al.

Even the early Christians of late antiquity did not use the symbol of the cross as an icon of their religion. Use of the cross as a symbol of Christianity came many hundreds of years later. Early Christians feared the cross was kind of a symbol of humiliation and weakness.
what is your point?
Christianity is not based on sacrifice, suffering and dying for our sins, and rising from the idea to eternal life?
It's the basis

Christianity came directly from Judaism - not these other religions
( unless you wanna talk about "Jesus was a Buddhist monk")

It's the promise of a savior revealed.. I'm not an expert on Judaism, but atonement thru sacrifice is the common theme. The idea of an afterlife is only briefly mentioned in the Torah -but it's there

Maybe the ressurection part cam from Zoroastrian etc... dont know
I think that it's important to distinguish between the existence of a pretty-well attested historical person and all the 'God' stuff that goers with what's said about him. There's plenty of mythological stuff even in the New Testament (the Wise Men from the East, the Flight into Egypt and such) but for someone with a critical training the gospels sound nothing like myth, and who on earth in any sort of power can we imagine to have benefited from such stuff?

Well, I don't know what you mean by "critically trained," but among scholars, the Christ myth idea is gaining traction.
I'm still waiting on the actual picture of my great, great, . . . . great, great grandfather those of you touting evolution claim I evolved from 20,000 generations ago. Unless and until you can provide the missing picture for the family photo album, disbelief in what you claim is a rational position.

As far as the proof you want, rest assured you'll get it. What you don't get to do is dictate when.

Will there be 72 Virgins?