Why do people still believe in Jesus and Christianity?

It's been obliterated by scholars for over a hundred years. We know that Jesus himself is most likely pure myth.
Probably because most humans feel that a materialistic view of a reality which consists of nothing more than quarks, electrons, bosons is pretty cynical and depressing.

I believe the human brain is generally wired to believe in an ultimate reality, a higher truth that reaches beyond a collection of subatomic particles.
Probably because most humans feel that a materialistic view of a reality which consists of nothing more than quarks, electrons, bosons is pretty cynical and depressing.

I believe the human brain is generally wired to believe in an ultimate reality, a higher truth that reaches beyond a collection of subatomic particles.

What is that "ultimate reality?"
Maybe. Please restate it. I am pretty sure I got it.

A Theist can not PROVE there is an Afterlife (or a God/Gods).
An Atheist can not PROVE there isn't an Afterlife (or God/Gods).

So. If you 'believe' in either, 'it's a Belief'.
A Theist can not PROVE there is an Afterlife (or a God/Gods).
An Atheist can not PROVE there isn't an Afterlife (or God/Gods).

So. If you 'believe' in either, 'it's a Belief'.

Anything which cannot be tested for truth is itself meaningless. Like I said, why not worship the possibility that God is an elephant. We can't prove it false, right?
What is that "ultimate reality?"

You will have to familiarize yourself with Plato, Saint Augustine, Immanuel Kant, Buddhist, Christian, Hindu traditions for that, because interpretations very widely. However, they all maintain that there is an ultimate truth, an ultimate reality, a metaphysical liberation which exist beyond or independent of the quarks and leptons we can detect in particle accelerators.
The same reason people still believe in Trump. When you base your life on a lie, it’s very hard to acknowledge you were duped.
You will have to familiarize yourself with Plato, Saint Augustine, Immanuel Kant, Buddhist, Christian, Hindu traditions for that, because interpretations very widely. However, they all maintain that there is an ultimate truth, an ultimate reality, a liberation which exists beyond the quarks and leptons we can detect in particle accelerators.

Why do you assume I am not familiar with them?
Thanks for admitting you are not a Christian. It's clear by your actions you were not, but confirmation is always appreciated.

Matthew 5:15-16.

Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and do not utter the words "fucking" or "cockroach" and thou shall have eternal life.......
Yes. The logical conclusion. But ... who knows? Maybe you come back as an Ant or Tadpole. Maybe there's a Parallel Universe? Maybe a non-physical dimension?
I can see religious types hoping for a 'Life-after-Death' pay off at the end of the road.

Also, 'Kings, Chiefs, Emperors, Czars' use 'religion' as a way to control the populace, so you can see how this has been used over the centuries to manipulate the People.

No one has been able to PROVE existence after death, ... or disprove it. So the Atheist and the Theist are both similar in that they both have 'Faith' that they are right.

"Agnosticism is the view that the existence of God, of the divine or the supernatural is unknown or unknowable. Another definition provided is the view that "human reason is incapable of providing sufficient rational grounds to justify either the belief that God exists or the belief that God does not exist." Hypernymously it is a degree of ambivalence between generalized metaphysical personocracy and naturalism.Wikipedia

There's obviously a difference between science and belief. Different planes of existence, the Multiverse Theory and other forms of existence are possible but unproved.

Arthur C. Clarke once wrote "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."**

A lot of myth has a basis in fact. Things like Ezekiel's Wheels could be a description of advanced technology; be it extraterrestrial, extradimensional or extratemporal. Similarly with other legends like King Arthur. The documentation on a 2000 year old carpenter executed for sedition or blasphemy would certainly be below the historical radar unless they left a pretty big impact on the population. Those claiming "total fabrication" are often "total idiots".

Arthur C. Clarke's Three Laws:
  • When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is possible, he is almost certainly right. When he states that something is impossible, he is very probably wrong.
  • The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
  • Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
It's been obliterated by scholars for over a hundred years. We know that Jesus himself is most likely pure myth.

Assumption of victory fallacy. 'Expert' worship. Circular argument fallacy (fundamentalism). It is not possible to prove any god or gods exist. It is not possible to prove a god or gods do not exist.