Why do people still believe in Jesus and Christianity?

Science isn't a community. It has no voting bloc. Science is a set of falsifiable theories. The Big Bang theory is not falsifiable. It is a religion.
Science isn't a method. Science is a set of falsifiable theories. There is no theory of science about a past unobserved event. They are not falsifiable. You can't go back in time to see what actually happened.
What asteroid? How do you know an asteroid ever did what you say? Nope. Not a theory of science. This is also a religion.
Nope. You can't go back in time to see what actually happened. That is the only test available. It is not possible to conduct it.
So it's a meaningless buzzword.
A meaningless buzzword is contributing to the expansion of the Universe? How do you know it's expanding? Have you seen the boundaries?
Circular definition. Try again.
No argument presented. Denial of science. Buzzwords. Circular argument fallacies (fundamentalism).

The buzzword is cognitive dissonance with assertions of denials of science where, with advances in multiple sciences as photography from space above where the asteroid impacted down in Mexico at The Chicxulub crater. Super ego fallacies where argument fallacies renders it little more than the Christiananality pedophilia religion falsifications.

We are also the only ones that see the fact that we will die in the future. No matter what we will die and we know it.

Why does that make a difference? The great cycle of life. It's why farm and ranch girls are so much fun; they've seen the cycle of life and seek to enjoy it.
Originally Posted by Cypress View Post
His profound historical role did not come to fruition until centuries after his death.
????.....it came to fulfillment three DAYS after his death.......
You would likely never have heard of Christianity or Jesus without Paul's missionary work to the Gentile communities, or without Constantine deciding to give the Empire's blessing to a minor and fairly obscure religion.

Without Paul and Constantine, Christianity might well have remained an obscure and tiny sect of Judaism and might have faded away with time.

That is what I meant that in the context of history, Jesus would never have been of profound historical influence without Paul and Constantine, and the events surrounding them over the course of three centuries.
You would likely never have heard of Christianity or Jesus without Paul's missionary work to the Gentile communities.

then its a good thing God gave him that kick in the butt on the road to Damascus......but then I guess he's given lots of kicks over the last 2000 years.......
then its a good thing God gave him that kick in the butt on the road to Damascus......but then I guess he's given lots of kicks over the last 2000 years.......

I accept your tacit admission that the profound historical importance of Jesus ultimately depended on the outcome of events involving Saint Paul and Constantine, decades and centuries after his crucifixion