Why Do Trumppers pretend we are not a Democracy?

'Common knowledge'? Dictionaries are not etymology.

For instance, the root words for some English words are found in Greek dictionaries.

Basically, all oral definitions have been recorded in dictionaries. But to each his own.
Where is this coming from? Steve Bannon, or Q, or some other Right Wing rag?

DO they hate Democracy because they are losing?


a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives.
"capitalism and democracy are ascendant in the third world"

We should have all learned in 6th Grade we are a Constitutional Representative Democracy, a form of Republic. We are not a direct Democracy, such a thing has never existed on any large scale.

Now you know why I argued this subject since I came to the internets

It was a huge red flag
The rule of law means that everyone is subject to the law.

Including Leticia James, Merrick Himmler, and Mobster Jack. It means that laws don't end because you are desperate to "get" your political enemy.

The rule of law means Trump can be indicted and tried.
The rule of men would mean Trump can't be indicted because he is special.

It means that Trump is held to the same rule of law that covered Obama, Bush, and Clinton.

Even you aren't absurd enough to claim that lie.
Because they are fed up with losing the popular vote in national presidential elections, and have concluded they can never convince a majority-plurality of voters that their ideas are superior. GOP has only won one single national popular vote since the 1980s.

So you admit that you lust after destroying the sovereign states so that New York and California can disenfranchise the rest of the nation.

The ONLY thing you Marxists care about is raw, unfettered power, You'll burn it all down so that your Reich can rule.
Why Do Trumppers pretend we are not a Democracy?

No one is pretending, we aren't a democracy. We are a Constitutionally limited Republic.

A Democratic Republic

Want me to go get all the threads where you assholes demanded that the USA is not a democracy?
Their ideology is not in step with the will of the people. They need to accept that and maybe do a better job of educating the people to their way of thinking or amending their ideology.

The will of WHAT people?

Should those in Wyoming be compelled through force to comport themselves as the Marxist elite in Manhattan see fit?

Because you have no grasp of law, you simply cannot grasp the concept of regional sovereignty. You seek to impose the rule of your Reich on all based on the merit that you have densly populated cities that are easy to bribe.
republic noun

​a country that is governed by a president and politicians elected by the people and where there is no king or queen.

You may have squeaked out of the 6th grade, but that obviously didn't make you smarter than old Ben Franklin. And I notice that the oxford dictionary makes no mention of the constitution in either definition. Reduced to it's basic elements, your precious, sacred "democracy" is just voting. Russians vote, Iraqis vote. Hell, North Koreans vote.
This is an eternal, stupid argument for a direct democracy that you jackasses engage in when you're losing the battle against real issues, all while "winning" elections and building a voter base of mouth breathing unibrows.

We are a democracy you ass lipped Russian tool
Democracy is a popularity contest, republicanism is a system of governance. This is another jackass contrived first world “crisis” that you ass hats piss and moan about when you’re sucking hind tit on real major issues. Relax. Your precious system of selecting leftist morons to drag this country into the cesspool is safer than it has ever been because of the way you politically educate the young, and continue to pervert the democratic process you claim to love and cherish.

Your argument is not with us

It’s with every dictionary and encyclopedia in the world
The will of WHAT people?

Should those in Wyoming be compelled through force to comport themselves as the Marxist elite in Manhattan see fit?

Because you have no grasp of law, you simply cannot grasp the concept of regional sovereignty. You seek to impose the rule of your Reich on all based on the merit that you have densly populated cities that are easy to bribe.

The majority of the American people. On Constitutionally Federal Issues those in Wyoming must abide by the Majority rule (within the constraints of the Constitution) . On State issues the Wyoming majority gets the say.
You really are astoundingly stupid.


At the time he said that the only kind of democracy was a direct democracy

Then our brilliant founders created a hybrid government

A Democratic Republic

Forever changing the meaning of the word democracy

Now that kind of direct democracy it labeled world around as a direct or pure democracy

They changed the world