domer has committed a "Gish Gallop" lol
A form of extreme trolling lol
The "flood" are facts and specific citations. The lazy and ignorant refuse to follow up.
domer has committed a "Gish Gallop" lol
A form of extreme trolling lol
congratulations, you've been added to the certifiably ignorant also.
Wrong, idiot. Hamilton was a proponent of a strong central government with broad powers. So was Washington.
So sad to see that you're ignorant of history, too. Oh well, just add that to your resume of "Things Guille Doesn't Know". That thing must be huge.
Yep. I agree. Perhaps you should have Rudy hook you up with an ESL class.
Did Rudy fuck your mom, Guille? You certainly have a fixation with him lately.
This is how I know you're a troll. I post something that actually supports the opinion you've been expressing (in my thread btw) and you still think you have to attack. You're fucking stupid.
What's with the Rudy shit? You have a weird fixation with the guy.
Me taking ESL? lol I school most of you poor fucks on the proper use of English.
I posted agreeing with you and you attacked anyway. You're a fucking lemming.
You didn't answer my questions.
What's with the Rudy fixation?
What's with the ESL crack?
Are you on your period again?
You think I owe you an answer to misdirection.
Yep, you're typical and that's why you lost...and why you will lose again.
When you sober up, we can continue.
I already asked you to call me out. I'd call you out myself except I'm giving you the courtesy of picking the topic. Call me out you little punk ass bitch. Start a thread...a movement...whatever you red fucknuts are into.
Illiterate and willfully ignorant. I've grown weary of trying to educate you. You have failed on every account.
Did Rudy fuck your mom, Guille? You certainly have a fixation with him lately.
Rudy! Rudy! Rudy!
pussy pussy pussy!
Pull that stick out of your ass, Guille. Gently, because it's inserted WAY up there. Stop the drinking for the day and sober up. That will help with your anger issues.
Feel free to return when you're lucid.
The "flood" are facts and specific citations. The lazy and ignorant refuse to follow up.
32 pages are "specific". Hilarious that you think that lol
So............not calling me out? Even though I said you could pick the topic? Wow, you're a huge pussy.