Why Do You Believe What You Believe?

Oh, I have. There were guys like Hamilton who wanted a monarchy. He was in the minority and lost the debate. lol

Poor illiterate toadstool. How many times do I have to cite those 3 SCOTUS rulings for you to realize the Hamiltonian philosophy prevailed? Would mentioning Medicare and Social Security help?

The General Welfare Clause is alive and well, moron. Keep soiling yourself about it.
The point went completely over your head, idiot. Your claim is that all the signers agreed with all parts based solely on the fact they signed it. I just gave you proof that your claim is ignorant bullshit. And you can't even figure that out. Pathetic.

Maybe Ben wanted term limits, your quote does not specify. Provide proof that Franklin wanted unlimited FedCo. lol
Poor illiterate toadstool. How many times do I have to cite those 3 SCOTUS rulings for you to realize the Hamiltonian philosophy prevailed? Would mentioning Medicare and Social Security help?

The General Welfare Clause is alive and well, moron. Keep soiling yourself about it.

We're talking about the Constitution, not some arbitrary SCOTUS rulings that happened many years later. Let's get back to your claim that the Founders created unlimited Federal power. lol
Maybe Ben wanted term limits, your quote does not specify. Provide proof that Franklin wanted unlimited FedCo. lol

Not even a shitty try at diversion. Try to stay on topic, turdlicker.

The Franklin citation was in response to your other diversionary tactic that signers agreed with all in the Constitution because they signed it. I provided proof they didn't.

I repeat. No matter how much you bitch and wail and gnash your teeth, the General Welfare Clause is alive and well.

Go cry a river about it, loser.
We're talking about the Constitution, not some arbitrary SCOTUS rulings that happened many years later. Let's get back to your claim that the Founders created unlimited Federal power. lol


There is assistance for the functionally illiterate. Seek it, cretin.

Find it and post it where I mentioned unlimited Federal power.

It feels like I'm talking to a third grader.
Not even a shitty try at diversion. Try to stay on topic, turdlicker.

The Franklin citation was in response to your other diversionary tactic that signers agreed with all in the Constitution because they signed it. I provided proof they didn't.

I repeat. No matter how much you bitch and wail and gnash your teeth, the General Welfare Clause is alive and well.

Go cry a river about it, loser.

Provide proof that Franklin wanted unlimited FedCo lol
Provide proof that Franklin wanted unlimited FedCo lol

Sorry, dimwit, not gonna play your diversionary game. Start another thread if you'd like.

This one-sided conversation is about the General Welfare Clause and whether Hamilton's or Madison's philosophy prevailed.

Your massive ignorance is becoming tiresome.
Sorry, dimwit, not gonna play your diversionary game. Start another thread if you'd like.

This one-sided conversation is about the General Welfare Clause and whether Hamilton's or Madison's philosophy prevailed.

Your massive ignorance is becoming tiresome.

Nope, it sure isn't stupid fuck. That's why this conversation is so one-sided. Your inability to comprehend simple English makes it so.
lol Your demands are a diversion tactic. Such irony. lol
the extreme level of cognitive dissonance displayed by domehead is astounding. I seriously can't and won't deal with such ignorance anymore.

I see an ignoramus like you can't refute a single thing I've presented. Have someone read and interpret them for you, moron. Obviously, you are incapable.
I see an ignoramus like you can't refute a single thing I've presented. Have someone read and interpret them for you, moron. Obviously, you are incapable.

EVERYTHING you posted was refuted. EVERYTHING!!!!! you're the only moron here for steadfastly holding on to the altered reality you've created.
What demands, twit? That you make an effort to understand simple English and concepts?

lol. I realize what a monumental task that is for you.

Your demand to limit the discussion down to a hair-thin reference, as an excuse to avoid debate. It's rather Zippy of you. lol
EVERYTHING you posted was refuted. EVERYTHING!!!!! you're the only moron here for steadfastly holding on to the altered reality you've created.

Not once, punk. I cited not only SCOTUS decisions, but other examples of the general welfare. I gave you quotes from the signers about not necessarily agreeing with certain contents of the Constitution. I even provided a quote of the endorsing document, which you failed to understand.

Not much more I can do for you, cretin. I made every attempt to fix your ignorance. I just can't cure your stupid.

Dismissed, twit. You have nothing to offer.
Your demand to limit the discussion down to a hair-thin reference, as an excuse to avoid debate. It's rather Zippy of you. lol

From the beginning, dumbshit, it was about Madison's limited government philosophy versus the Federalist Hamilton's stronger, more centralized philosophy. But, when you're continually getting your ass handed tomyou, you try to divert. Sorry, pally boy, try that horseshit on someone else. It doesn't cut it with me.

I've done everything I can to provide case law, cite other examples, provide signer quotes to you and even quoted a portion of the endosing document. Nothing more I can do to educate you. You're responsible for your own willful ignorance, not me.

Get back to me when you have something of substance to add. Otherwise, we've exhausted this subject.

Dismissed now. Run along.
We should probably bring back discussion about the Balanced Budget Amendment, but, I also didn't say that there was. There is a moral obligation on he part of government to not cause this country to collapse, if for no other reason then that it's bad manners. Also, the relationship between the governed and the government has been referred to as a "social contract."

WW2 couldn't have been financed with a balanced budget.