So you need a AR15 because you "want one?"
What happens next if you decide you want an Abrams Main Battle Tank?
I'll save my money for one.
So you need a AR15 because you "want one?"
What happens next if you decide you want an Abrams Main Battle Tank?
my AR14 is outdated......
One thing about the Future ... there will be something Bigger, Badder and more Deadlier ....
I like the new AR that's chambered in .45 ACP
Did you have to pick the worst fucking image to reply with? How fucking bad are you at this shit?
So my nephew, 23 years old, who's staying at our house while he's completing his training for his new job; asked me :Why do I need and AR-15"?
I told him, I don't need anything but Food, Water and Air to breath.
Having an AR-15 is a want for me.
Then said, people say it's their Right to own an AR-15.
I told him, they're full of shit.
I can live comfortably for the rest of my life without owning a AR-15;
My 30-06, 12 gauge, .45, .357 and 9mm, more than satisfies any need to own a firearm.
The same reason I own an AR-15 is the same reason I own a Corvette ... I Fucking wanted one.
I also told him, I'm sure Al Capone thought he had a right to own as many Tommy-Guns as he wanted, but the Supreme Court thought different.
NO ONE NEEDS AN AR-15 ... need has nothing to do with it.
Lastly ... I told him to stay the Fuck away from my Guns, don't even look at my safe or ask me to touch one; now go git me a Beer.![]()
I've been hearing a lot about zombies lately. What huge giant long super loud gun is best for them?
I know a lot of hunters and sportsmen...and you know what? Not a single one of them uses a military style civilian knock off of M-16s or Ak-47 assault rifles.
From everything I have seen, these assault rifle knock offs are generally 1) penis extenders, for dudes needing to compensate; or 2) fetishes for paranoid anti-government survivalists and sociopaths.
It pretty much says if it all that the corporate gun profiteers market them to appeal to a belligerent style of male machismo, specifically marketed for weird dudes who have Rambo fantasies.
I've been hearing a lot about zombies lately. What huge giant long super loud gun is best for them?
Really? Because I know a lot of hunters that DO use those rifles. To great effect. Not everyone is a Boomer Fudd. You wanna know something else? I know A LOT of women who own ARs and similar rifles. Hell, even married one. I know its pretty much the ONLY rifle for any sort of competition shooting nowadays.
A samurai sword is obviously the best weapon for zombies. Loud noises attract more zombies. Duh
That is exactly why I used the word "generally" which does not mean the same thing as "universally" to native English speakers.
I have not doubt that for every ten sociopathic, anti-social, paranoid Rambo-wanna be's there are several responsible, socially well adjusted owners of AR15s.
that is why the "well regulated militia" has adapted suppressors and sub sonic ammo. besides, the idea is to draw the zombies out so you can eliminate the threat and pursue happiness. a 200 + grain slug will incapacitate a zombie with quickness. a hypersonic 55 grain can also do the damned job..
Suppressed rounds, sub-sonic rounds and supressed sub-sonic rounds are all much louder and more attention drawing than a sword. But realistically if you're dealing with zombies, having the endurance to run away is most important. You'll probably be outnumbered 1000 to 1.