Anytime any protesting group, Red, Yellow, BLACK, OR WHITE blockades a highway or street without permission from the local government- I am on the side of LAW AND ORDER!
That is illegal and all those who oppose law and order should be dealt with to the full extent of the law!
???? why does an irresponsible fuckwitted demmycrat feel the need to mention put O'Biden in the White House you stupid fuck.....
This is the bigtime!
And I'd have every traffic cop and meter maid out there ticketing their asses off, watch them all cry latter when they see the hefty fines they have to settle before they can renew their trucker license
Oh, oh, "pp" has imploded, now events in Canada are all about Biden, and I thought the "it's Obama's fault" was as far as they could go
These truckers are racist fucks
Russia has been working to rile us racists world wide
They want chaos in the western world
And the Republican Party joined him lock stock and barrel
of course not.....all you demmycunts share the blame......
Doubtful, can't think of any traffic violation that would directly apply to them, and they weren't there 24/7 going on what a week now
Too bad you're not in charge, you little wanna-be Nazi prick!
Traffic obstruction...u stupid fuck
Most jurisdictions[which?] consider the obstruction of traffic an illegal activity and have developed rules to prosecute those who block, obstruct, impede, or otherwise interfere with the normal flow of vehicular or pedestrian traffic upon a public street or highway roko-,Legality,a public street or highway.
One gets a traffic ticker for that, now tell us, how is that done
Yeah piss them off so nothing gets transported anywhere in Canada that would workThey don’t have to be tough, just twice a day ticket them for violating municipal traffic laws, if it is like any other major city, traffic tickets aren’t cheap, and four or five days straight, twice a day will add up to a hefty sum, which sooner or later they will have to pay to renew their drivers license
And the clowns at the Detroit bridge, they are pissing off their fellow truckers who can’t get their goods across the bridge
Are u saying its not against the law to block, obstruct, impede, or otherwise interfere with the normal flow of vehicular or pedestrian traffic upon a public street or highway??????
BLM does it all the timeAre u saying its not against the law to block, obstruct, impede, or otherwise interfere with the normal flow of vehicular or pedestrian traffic upon a public street or highway??????
Yeah piss them off so nothing gets transported anywhere in Canada that would work