Why does God have a Penis?

The created man in his image to me just illustrates the arrogance of mankind that wrote that down.

But it also demonstrates good salesmanship.

If there is no God, as you believe, then arrogance is an illusion. Normative statements have no meaning, since there is only the physical world.

Oh, and Grind, Genesis is referring to th human soul, but I assume you knew that and are just having fun. Jesus had one though, and he used it for the basic day-to-day things you referred to. Also, some pietistic faiths (like the German Moravians) have historically obsessed over the physical nature of Jesus, and celebrated his penis, which is a little odd...
This is possibly the most disturbing thread i have happened upon. Most disturbing, I suppose, is the fact I will be contemplating this until sleep takes over.
If there is no God, as you believe, then arrogance is an illusion. Normative statements have no meaning, since there is only the physical world.

Oh, and Grind, Genesis is referring to th human soul, but I assume you knew that and are just having fun. Jesus had one though, and he used it for the basic day-to-day things you referred to. Also, some pietistic faiths (like the German Moravians) have historically obsessed over the physical nature of Jesus, and celebrated his penis, which is a little odd...

No god means humans are not arrogant ???
God has a penis AND a vagina
he fucks himself every "night" whatever that may be for him

I am not a religious man myself, you could say that I am a borderline Atheist. That being said, I have read some and I have always thought that, if there is a God as described in religious texts, he was equipped more along the lines of a Ken doll.

As for the whole Man being created in His image, if this were true, I would think that the best interpretation of this would be "mankind," humans in general, rather than men specifically.

Actually upon reflection I think the truth is "Man made God in his own image".
Yes, you are assigning non-material meanings to wholly material objects. If God does not exist, then everything is just a clump of cells with no intrinsic value or lack of value. Arrogance is just made up, and has no value.

If God exists, then everything is just a clump of cells with no intrinsic value or lack of value.

God also sends special creations to a place called "heavan", where for all eternity he pleases them by sending pleasurable chemicals to the brains he created. Rather self-defeating and pointless.
If God exists, then everything is just a clump of cells with no intrinsic value or lack of value.

God also sends special creations to a place called "heavan", where for all eternity he pleases them by sending pleasurable chemicals to the brains he created. Rather self-defeating and pointless.

Not true, the Creator is not material. He is like Plato's world of Being, where everything exists in perfect abstractions (ideas like perfect goodness, justice, kindness, love, sex?, wit, etc.). In the scenario where God exists, everything necessarily has value, although like the alternative, man has nothing to do with that...
Yes, you are assigning non-material meanings to wholly material objects. If God does not exist, then everything is just a clump of cells with no intrinsic value or lack of value. Arrogance is just made up, and has no value.

whether god made things or not they have value.

did god make a ferrari ?

did God make Beer ? (has value to most people)

Are you saying that if god did not make your children they have no value ?
Its wierd for me to realize that some people just cant see any value in life with a god being there to make it valuable.

If shows me how many people never really questioned what they were told as a child about religion and god.

I was thinking some of this stuff through while in single digits.

How does there being or not being a god make it that people and things have no value?

The ohter one that always scares me it when people question why you would not just "do whatever you wanted" if you believe there is not god. Those are the people you need to stay away from. They are the ones who can only keep from hurting others by remembering they will burn in hell if they do.

God is the manifestation of peoples little inner voice which tells them "hey that would be a horrible idea" some of us just dont need the fear of burning in hell for eternity to reason out why hurting others is a horrible idea. Unfortunately sone do (Im not talking all religious people folks) and this is why religion is a needed part of society.
but Desh, God is the only thing keeping us from being like the Devil you know!

I do not believe in an God, heaven or hell, but I do try to live by the "golden rule".
Because I believe this is all we have.
The things Jesus sujested were for the most part very humanistic sound ideas.

He was a great philosopher. I too try to take to heart his best ideas along with other great philosophers.

I really think there are many good reasons to do so but like you also dont need the threats inherent in most religions to see them.

I wish more did.