Why does God have a Penis?

You guys are confusing material value with intrinsic value. In a strictly material world, most things have some sort of cash value or added benefit. But to say that humanism and compassion for cellular matter is some sort of value is nonsense. How does that pay the bills or stimulate your pleasure receptors, or purchase ferarris, summer houses and prostitutes?
but Desh, God is the only thing keeping us from being like the Devil you know!

I do not believe in an God, heaven or hell, but I do try to live by the "golden rule".
Because I believe this is all we have.

We only have the golden rule if we say we have it, and even then its all pretense.
You guys are confusing material value with intrinsic value. In a strictly material world, most things have some sort of cash value or added benefit. But to say that humanism and compassion for cellular matter is some sort of value is nonsense. How does that pay the bills or stimulate your pleasure receptors, or purchase ferarris, summer houses and prostitutes?

Monetary value ? As I said before whether god creates them or not, do not your children have any value ?

Monetary value is your injection into this value thing and all too many people put too much value on possessions.

A persons value is not on how many posessions they have but what kind of person they are. The Bush family might have lots of money but are poor in value in my opinion. As are most that only chase and strive for money.
Its wierd for me to realize that some people just cant see any value in life with a god being there to make it valuable.

If shows me how many people never really questioned what they were told as a child about religion and god.

I was thinking some of this stuff through while in single digits.

How does there being or not being a god make it that people and things have no value?

The ohter one that always scares me it when people question why you would not just "do whatever you wanted" if you believe there is not god. Those are the people you need to stay away from. They are the ones who can only keep from hurting others by remembering they will burn in hell if they do.

God is the manifestation of peoples little inner voice which tells them "hey that would be a horrible idea" some of us just dont need the fear of burning in hell for eternity to reason out why hurting others is a horrible idea. Unfortunately sone do (Im not talking all religious people folks) and this is why religion is a needed part of society.

Those people, the ones who only do the right thing because the omnipotent being is watching them, are seriously sick individuals. Most normal adults have some sort of internalised value system which allows them to function without being constantly monitored. The ones who feel they need to be monitored by the eye in the sky to keep them from giving in to their impulses are in need of major therapy.
Those people, the ones who only do the right thing because the omnipotent being is watching them, are seriously sick individuals. Most normal adults have some sort of internalised value system which allows them to function without being constantly monitored. The ones who feel they need to be monitored by the eye in the sky to keep them from giving in to their impulses are in need of major therapy.

I agree, but I think your statement is more true in Australia and other countries than in the USA. In other words the USA has lots of people in need of major therapy.
Those people, the ones who only do the right thing because the omnipotent being is watching them, are seriously sick individuals. Most normal adults have some sort of internalised value system which allows them to function without being constantly monitored. The ones who feel they need to be monitored by the eye in the sky to keep them from giving in to their impulses are in need of major therapy.

They have always scared the shit out of me. I have been an athiest for a long time and have experienced the reaction of people who I tell this to many times. The ones that scare me the most are these ones. I have had far to many express this type of sentiment "What keeps you from doing whatever you want". One young muslim man back in the early 80s mind was just blown by the fact that I did not believe in some God. He was a Saudi and I could just see the wheels in his head spinning after I told him I did not believe in God. He truely looked as if no one had ever said that to him in his entire life.

As he sat there with his mouth wide open struggling with the concept I briefly explained to him why I still practiced very basic christian concepts of love for my fellow man and honesty. Some have never had to think of these concepts without God as part of the equation.
Yep some of us do not need the God gun pointed at our head to make us do the right thing. well most of the time anyway :rolleyes:
Those people, the ones who only do the right thing because the omnipotent being is watching them, are seriously sick individuals. Most normal adults have some sort of internalised value system which allows them to function without being constantly monitored. The ones who feel they need to be monitored by the eye in the sky to keep them from giving in to their impulses are in need of major therapy.

You sound like Decartes, imagining that God exists, and therefore he does... Because, where else did we get this concept of perfection?
Intrinsic value, you might want to lear just what that means.

Perfection is different for each of us, there is not any one universal concept of perfection.
Intrinsic value, you might want to lear just what that means.

Perfection is different for each of us, there is not any one universal concept of perfection.

Which is why I dissed everyone as being "Cartesian." I would not stake my Christianity on his rationalism. On the other hand, "I think, therefore I am," holds water...