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A worthless fish.
Yes, only that life which SERVES HUMAN NEEDS are of any value! WE ARE THE GODS WHO RUN THIS PLACE. All life must dance to our tune or be destroyed.
A worthless fish.
White Libs have been slaughtering the Delta Smelt for decades ... all the while virtue signaling that they are saving it!The smelt has been a bete noir for the Right for decades.
Why would I bother? Common sense tells me it's bullshit. Maybe you believe anything your Pravda media overlords tell you, but normal thinking people do not. Besides, that's not even the only issue, this particular propaganda is merely trying to draw attention away from the bigger problem, the fact that zero new reservoirs have been built. Do you know how many zero is? I'll give you a hint, it's less than one. I'll give you three guesses, and, go!Jeebus, read the article. I can tell by your response, you didn’t bother.
Raging Racist Much? Another example how Libtard Drones get everything assbackwards. What a brain on this one. You can tell when someone is smart, and this ones way off the mark. A living radical left wing cliche like so many others.Figuratively speaking, you've all willingly made yourselves trump's "niggas".
trump says "lie for me" and you N4Ts do whatever you're told and lie for him.
trump says "bend over and grab your ankles" and you N4Ts bend over.
In that sense, you're all "niggas" for trump.
You even have a theme song ...
Don't complain about being called what you are.
Orwellian White Libs try to rewrite history.Los Angeles isn't burning because of a fish.
It's burning because we put the most number of people in one megalopolis we could possibly fit then we built a few more mega cities and we put them all in a FUCKING DESERT.
Then we decided to put much of our agriculture in the Central Valley.
Then couple that with Santa Anas which normally blow hot dry air across the place setting the scene for a fire.
Then add in the FACT that the climate is changing and multi-year droughts are now quite common in the Desert SW in the US.
The conservation of fishes falls so far down the "blame ladder" as to not even be in the top 100 reasons.
LA SHOULD NOT EXIST AS IT DOES. This isn't a left - right issue. This is a fucking LACK OF COMMON SENSE ISSUE.
Orwellian White Libs try to rewrite history.![]()
"Did California have wildfires in the 1800s?
So you want to destroy your water supply to save a worthless fish. Gotit.Yes, only that life which SERVES HUMAN NEEDS are of any value! WE ARE THE GODS WHO RUN THIS PLACE. All life must dance to our tune or be destroyed.
Cali has about 8k to 9k wildfires per year. How many of them were started by power lines?Read "Cadillac Desert". It came out in about 1980 and outlines the history of SoCal's water and the limits.
Was LA a densely packed megalopolis in the 1800's?
OF COURSE they had wildfires back in the 1800's! But they also had far fewer high tension power lines and other sources of sparking and fire and a lot smaller population.
Cali has about 8k to 9k wildfires per year. How many of them were started by power lines?
So you want to destroy your water supply to save a worthless fish. Gotit.
Yet, power lines was the only ignition source YOU specifically cited, in another Orwellian attempt by a White Lib to rewrite history.That wasn't the point.
That’s why you’re stupid. You won’t read.Why would I bother? Common sense tells me it's bullshit. Maybe you believe anything your Pravda media overlords tell you, but normal thinking people do not. Besides, that's not even the only issue, this particular propaganda is merely trying to draw attention away from the bigger problem, the fact that zero new reservoirs have been built. Do you know how many zero is? I'll give you a hint, it's less than one. I'll give you three guesses, and, go!
Pesky details...Why would I bother? Common sense tells me it's bullshit. Maybe you believe anything your Pravda media overlords tell you, but normal thinking people do not. Besides, that's not even the only issue, this particular propaganda is merely trying to draw attention away from the bigger problem, the fact that zero new reservoirs have been built. Do you know how many zero is? I'll give you a hint, it's less than one. I'll give you three guesses, and, go!
He got that from Jewish teachings
Correct. It is burning because of Democrats.Los Angeles isn't burning because of a fish.
Other cities in the desert don't have this problem. They clear their brush and arrest arsonists.It's burning because we put the most number of people in one megalopolis we could possibly fit then we built a few more mega cities and we put them all in a FUCKING DESERT.
Do you know how many of those ranches are ABANDONED??? They already fled the SDTC and returned to the United States to start over.Then we decided to put much of our agriculture in the Central Valley.
Santa Ana winds do not cause fire. You can't blame the arsonists and Democrats destroying water reservoirs and power generating capacity on a wind, Dimlight.Then couple that with Santa Anas which normally blow hot dry air across the place setting the scene for a fire.
Climate cannot change, Dimlight. Climate is not a fish, a Sea Monkey, a Democrat, an arsonist, or a temperature or a wind direction or speed. Go learn English.Then add in the FACT that the climate is changing
They always were, Dimlight. It's a DESERT!and multi-year droughts are now quite common in the Desert SW in the US.
Nope. Democrats decided to remove reservoir capacity to save a worthless fish. They also did it to save Sea Monkeys.The conservation of fishes falls so far down the "blame ladder" as to not even be in the top 100 reasons.
Who are YOU to tell people where they are allowed to live??? You are not the king, Dimlight.LA SHOULD NOT EXIST AS IT DOES. This isn't a left - right issue. This is a fucking LACK OF COMMON SENSE ISSUE.
You are wrong!!! You ignorant white lib nazi racist POS. You hate the environment. You know nothing about nature.
Did you get that disinformation from your White Lib Cult leaders? Goebbels would be proud of you Nazi fucks.
How am I supposed to prove it to a White Lib supremacist like you that calls me ni88a? your majesty
White Lib cultist authoritarian propaganda.Now for the truth ...
"State and federal officials have decided to curtail additional water flows intended to support endangered fish in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta this fall — ...
The State Water Contractors, an association of 27 public agencies, said the change this year will preserve needed supplies in reservoirs.
... They said that the additional flows should not occur for several reasons, including “peer-reviewed scientific conclusions indicating that the measure is ineffective for its stated purpose.”
Decision to reduce water flows in California's delta sparks debate over imperiled fish
California water managers decided to curtail extra water flows intended to support endangered delta smelt. The change has sparked debate over protections for
And fishing with live minnows is completely different than fishing with dead minnows. Complete bullshit story.
These white libs only virtue signal environmentalism over other people's lives.
Instead of saving the reservoir water for drought years, ... white libs flushed it into the ocean to Fail at saving the delta smelt.
You're so fucking stupid and racist.Work on that reading comprehension, junior.
The water is released to save the Delta Smelt, not saved in the reservoir. Whtie Lib Fake environmentalists
Smelt are Not endangered, only the Delta Smelt is. If you are unable to google it, you are beyond my help, sorry.
Basically, the very definition of White Lib Virtue Signaling hypocrisy from another Fake Environmentalist putting on a show.![]()
Nearly extinct Delta Smelt do Not support a $40 billion dollar fishing industry, stupid college edumacated white lib.
White libs pay good money to giant corporations to hear Black men call other Black men, Ni66as, ... in music and comedy shows. But if a "White" does it, they scream Free Speech is based on skin color.
White LIbs have been slaughtering the Delta Smelt for decades while virtue signaling that they are saving them.![]()
White Libs have been slaughtering the Delta Smelt for decades ... all the while virtue signaling that they are saving it!![]()
Orwellian White Libs try to rewrite history.
"Did California have wildfires in the 1800s?
However, from a historical perspective, it has been estimated that prior to 1850, about 4.5 million acres (17,000 km2) burned yearly, in fires that lasted for months, with wildfire activity peaking roughly every 30 years, when up to 11.8 million acres (47,753 km3) of land burned."
List of California wildfires - Wikipedia
Yet, power lines was the only ignition source YOU specifically cited, in another Orwellian attempt by a White Lib to rewrite history.
During 2010, a total of 6,554 wildfires burned 109,529 acres (443.25 km2) of land in the US state of California . 2010, a total of,the US state of California .
2010 California wildfires - Wikipedia
That is nowhere near the 4.5 million avg. prior to 1850.
That was awesome...![]()
Whitey, whitey, whitey, whitey, whitey, whitey, whitey, whitey, whitey, whitey, whitey, whitey, whitey....
Warning: Nomad is a random phrase generator.
I don't support any political party. I especially HATE RINOs.
So? They had fewer arsonists and Democrats too!Read "Cadillac Desert". It came out in about 1980 and outlines the history of SoCal's water and the limits.
Was LA a densely packed megalopolis in the 1800's?
OF COURSE they had wildfires back in the 1800's! But they also had far fewer high tension power lines and other sources of sparking and fire and a lot smaller population.