Why does the convicted felon hate this tiny fish so much? As Los Angeles burns, resident-elect felon Trump is yelling at a fish.

By all means, continue to unhinge NoNads. It's very easy to do, and quite fun!

I had him/her/zer/them very unhinged towards the end of last year regarding the abortion issue,
You know how leftists need their death-fix.

Leftist Step 1. Kill as many living humans as possible while they are still in the womb. So much in the way of major bonus points is lost if they are killed after exiting the womb, and leveling up on the virtue-signaling becomes more difficult and time consuming.

Leftist Step 2. Orchestrate as many school shootings as possible to at least capture the "dead youth" bonus points and push the "abolish both the NRA and the 2nd Amendment" virtue-signaling beyond the legislation tipping point. Demand increased defenselessness imposition as though children's unliving depends on it.

Leftist Step 3. Legitimize the extrajudicial execution of conservatives and of anyone who wishes to make America great again. Be gleeful at their deaths when they occur and proclaim just how much they totally deserved it.

Leftist Step 4. Pretend to be horrified at the death penalty for even the most heinous of crimes. Claim maximum inconsistency bonus points.

You know how leftists need their death-fix.

Leftist Step 1. Kill as many living humans as possible while they are still in the womb. So much in the way of major bonus points is lost if they are killed after exiting the womb, and leveling up on the virtue-signaling becomes more difficult and time consuming.

Leftist Step 2. Orchestrate as many school shootings as possible to at least capture the "dead youth" bonus points and push the "abolish both the NRA and the 2nd Amendment" virtue-signaling beyond the legislation tipping point. Demand increased defenselessness imposition as though children's unliving depends on it.

Leftist Step 3. Legitimize the extrajudicial execution of conservatives and of anyone who wishes to make America great again. Be gleeful at their deaths when they occur and proclaim just how much they totally deserved it.

Leftist Step 4. Pretend to be horrified at the death penalty for even the most heinous of crimes. Claim maximum inconsistency bonus points.

Dumb-Boy, is that what dumb studies told you?
Like all N4Ts,
What's an N4T and why should I like them all?

you French kiss the a-hole of a lying, low rent, criminal scumbag grifter con artist traitor.
You got me. For a moment there, I forgot that you were a random phrase generator.

Why? Because like all N4Ts you're a trump wannabe. You admire the worst characteristics of the worst people.
I shouldn't be responding to this bot.

As devastating wildfires continue to burn through Los Angeles, so far killing at least 10 people and forcing well over 100,000 people to evacuate, or try to, President-elect Donald Trump has decided to point his ire toward a fish. Not the severe Santa Ana winds that fueled the fires. Not the unusually dry weather. Not the steady march of home development into fire-prone areas.
A fish.

In a post Wednesday morning on Truth Social, Trump blamed California Gov. Gavin Newsom, a Democrat, for depriving the LA region of water because he wanted to protect “an essentially worthless fish called a smelt.” Trump chided Newsom for not approving a water restoration declaration that doesn’t exist, per Newsom’s office. He also implied that protections for the delta smelt — a small fish species found only in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta, an expansive wetland in Northern California — caused some fire hydrants to run dry in parts of LA. (Earlier this week, fire hydrants in the Pacific Palisades neighborhood ran dry, not because the city had no water but because of water pressure and other infrastructure issues.)

This isn’t the first time that Trump has bad-mouthed this fish. For nearly a decade now, the incoming president has claimed that he can solve California’s incredibly complex water problems by simply undoing regulations designed to help the delta smelt skirt extinction, as E&E News’s Jennifer Yachnin has reported. Those problems are not rooted in drought, Trump claims, but in Democratic rules that restrain private interests. In reality, rising temperatures have made California’s droughts even dryer.
A better question is why are you such an unhinged, low IQ moron on steroids?
It is not $775 for losing your home. It is $775 to tide you over for a few days while you apply to get more money.
You think that $775 will tide someone over who has lost everything? In LA? You really are quite the gullible brainless moron.

Explains why you would vote for an empty headed dunce like Kamala.