Why Does the Global Warming Faith Claim to be Science?


Well-known member
Why should any rational adult believe as warmizombies and climate lemmings believe? Why do warmizombies and climate lemmings believe in a global climate, which is a contradiction in terms?

The speculation is that they are all egregiously undereducated and ill-prepared for the world at large, leaving them highly gullible to the craziest of beliefs.
Why should any rational adult believe as warmizombies and climate lemmings believe? Why do warmizombies and climate lemmings believe in a global climate, which is a contradiction in terms?

The speculation is that they are all egregiously undereducated and ill-prepared for the world at large, leaving them highly gullible to the craziest of beliefs.

Are you suggesting that climate science is based on faith, not studies?
Because science until recently still had a good reputation that could be put to use by the WOKE Cult.
Why should any rational adult believe as warmizombies and climate lemmings believe? Why do warmizombies and climate lemmings believe in a global climate, which is a contradiction in terms?

The speculation is that they are all egregiously undereducated and ill-prepared for the world at large, leaving them highly gullible to the craziest of beliefs.

Oh one of very Low IQ, it isn't a belief , you are thinking of your christ insanity. Maybe if you had some science classes, but I guess your Lauren Boebert GED classes didn't cover it
Are you suggesting that climate science is based on faith, not studies?
It would seem that you believe that Christian Science is science as well. There's a reason there is no such thing as climate science, i.e. there is no science of any religion. This should explain why you worship that religion, i.e. because you were told to by your thought-masters ... and you OBEYED ... not because there is any particular science that you understand.

I notice that you didn't answer my question. Big surprise, right? Why should any rational adult believe the Global Warming dogma? Well, you know very well that there is no reason, but your thought-masters won't permit you to admit it publicly. You'll pretend to answer the question by pointing to other members of the congregation who worship as you do, but that's all you can do, i.e. point to other people, not to any science ... because there isn't any. You'll also try to leverage the page in the playbook that tells you to "admit to not being a scientist" as if that somehow legitimizes your lack of any science.

So, if you wouldn't mind, pretend to answer my question and let the EVASION begin.
Just look at all the lies we were told about COVID by people of science who claimed to be following the science who also claimed that the science of COVID was certainly and to question it would kill Grandma when questioning and continue to look is at the core of science. ( so is providing evidence, another thing these abusers refused to do).

They will tell the boldest of lies now.

Buckle Up.
It would seem that you believe that Christian Science is science as well.

Christianity is a religion.

There's a reason there is no such thing as climate science, i.e. there is no science of any religion. This should explain why you worship that religion, i.e. because you were told to by your thought-masters ... and you OBEYED ... not because there is any particular science that you understand.

Because you say so? Do you have evidence that climate science is based only on faith?

I notice that you didn't answer my question. Big surprise, right? Why should any rational adult believe the Global Warming dogma?

A rational adult who is interested will research and study. Apparently you haven't. That makes you irrational.

Well, you know very well that there is no reason, but your thought-masters won't permit you to admit it publicly. You'll pretend to answer the question by pointing to other members of the congregation who worship as you do, but that's all you can do, i.e. point to other people, not to any science ... because there isn't any. You'll also try to leverage the page in the playbook that tells you to "admit to not being a scientist" as if that somehow legitimizes your lack of any science.

So, if you wouldn't mind, pretend to answer my question and let the EVASION begin.

Who are my "thought-masters"? Name them.
Oh one of very Low IQ,
Just remember, that would be you. You are a scientifically illiterate and mathematically incompetent buffoon. You should be taking notes on everything I teach you. However, your thought-masters have instilled in you a fierce pride in being too stupid to learn. As a result, you are a moron who is convinced he is a science genius. I'm going to have a lot of fun with you.

it isn't a belief ,
It's more than just a belief. It's an entire religion, with a political structure and everything. American Jews, especially those from New York, have long since been enslaved. It's very humorous watching them bend over for Marxists that totally hate them.

you are thinking of your christ insanity.
One of us is extremely slow on the uptake ... and it's not me.

I noticed that you couldn't answer my question. If there were a rational basis for belief in Global Warming, you would have written it out in far less time than it took you to vomit your incoherent smokescreen post, biding for time but not fooling anyone.

Go on, say it ... "I'm no scientist" ... so I can say "No shit, Shirley."

This is another question leftists cannot answer for fear of retribution from their thought-masters.
Christianity is a religion.
... as is Global Warming and Climate Change. They are all religions devoid of any science.

Do you have evidence that climate science is based only on faith?
Your complete lack of any science checks that box quite nicely.

A rational adult who is interested will research and study.
Science is science. Research is research. Study is study. Neither is the other.
Non sequitur fallacy. False analogy.
Here we have another one of your phony "fallacy!" declarations. Of course you don't support it, because you cannot. All are religions. All are isomorphic (math term) which is why you can't show that any one of them is somehow not a religion. There is nothing stopping you from taking a course in Group Theory and learning about isomorphisms and how they can help bring much-needed clarity to a confusing world.

Your refusal to answer my question is noted.
I have answered every one of your questions. You refuse to answer mine. We have already established that you are deathly afraid of the severe reprisals that will surely and swiftly come if you publicly answer without authorization.

How do you imagine that Christianity is a religion such that Global Warming is not? If you answer "Because Global Warming is 'thettled thienth!' then I am obviously going to require you to post that 'thettled thienth' here in this thread ... and you know that it won't be science and that I'll pick it apart utterly. If you try to EVADE with the standard "I'm no thientitht" then we'll have come full circle and I will ask you why you, therefore, believe it. Around and around we will go, and everyone will be able to see that you have a WACKY, fanatical religion on your hands, one that has you convinced that it is thettled theinth.

It will be too funny. Let's get started.

Science is based on researches and studies.
Incorrect. Science can be based on anything. What is clear is that you don't know what science is.

Also, it doesn't matter how science comes into existence but the norm is for a concept to just come to someone, as an epiphany, that gets written down and ultimately published. Once the null hypothesis has survived the scientific method, it joins the ranks of falsifiable models in the body of science. The bottom line is that science is not research. Science is not data. Science is not a paper. Science is not subjective and is not determined by consensus. Nobody owns science and nobody's permission or approval is required for science to come into existence.
I've never seen anyone call scientific consensus a faith. I never knew someone was fool enough to.
1. You are a scientifically illiterate moron who should just stay over at the children's table
2. There is no such thing as a "scientific consensus." Science is not determined by consensus. That's how religion is shaped.
3. I'm sorry that I am the first person to mention to you that consensus applies to religion and has no place in science, but seeing as how you reached adulthood without ever learning this, you should definitely seek out those who were responsible for your education and bitch-slap the fuqq out of them.
4. I will reiterate, for the time being, just remain at the children's table. I'll have someone bring you something to color.
Here we have another one of your phony "fallacy!" declarations. Of course you don't support it, because you cannot. All are religions. All are isomorphic (math term) which is why you can't show that any one of them is somehow not a religion. There is nothing stopping you from taking a course in Group Theory and learning about isomorphisms and how they can help bring much-needed clarity to a confusing world.

I have a degree in mathematics. I know all about the groups and rings.

I have answered every one of your questions.

No you have not.

How do you imagine that Christianity is a religion such that Global Warming is not? If you answer "Because Global Warming is 'thettled thienth!' then I am obviously going to require you to post that 'thettled thienth' here in this thread ... and you know that it won't be science and that I'll pick it apart utterly. If you try to EVADE with the standard "I'm no thientitht" then we'll have come full circle and I will ask you why you, therefore, believe it. Around and around we will go, and everyone will be able to see that you have a WACKY, fanatical religion on your hands, one that has you convinced that it is thettled theinth.

Your irrational utterances are dismissed.

Incorrect. Science can be based on anything. What is clear is that you don't know what science is.

If science is based on faith, then it is not science at all. Again, you are being irrational.

Also, it doesn't matter how science comes into existence but the norm is for a concept to just come to someone, as an epiphany, that gets written down and ultimately published. Once the null hypothesis has survived the scientific method, it joins the ranks of falsifiable models in the body of science. The bottom line is that science is not research. Science is not data. Science is not a paper. Science is not subjective and is not determined by consensus. Nobody owns science and nobody's permission or approval is required for science to come into existence.

More irrational ramblings.

Science is based on observations, researches, evidence and such. Yes you are correct that theories are falsifiable.

Are you claiming that Newton's law of gravitation is not based on observation?
Another, "duhhhhh science is dumb duhhhh" thread.
I have already mentioned how terrified you leftists are of anything related to science and/or logic and/or honesty. So much so that you will feel compelled to derail the discussion if you can.

Please go ahead and try. I know you want to.
I have already mentioned how terrified you leftists are of anything related to science and/or logic and/or honesty. So much so that you will feel compelled to derail the discussion if you can.

Please go ahead and try. I know you want to.

Science is a big stupid poopy head!