Why does the left consistently protect pedophiles?


Leftists are incapable of learning

In July 2023 it was reported that Jimmy Savile's victims turned their anger on Sir Keir Starmer over a leftists' refusal to prosecute the notorious serial pedophile.

In 2009, child rapist, Jimmy Savile was interviewed by police in Surrey and Sussex.

Subsequently, the police referred 4 cases to the Crown Prosecution Service (CPs) with evidence that Savile had raped at least three learning-disabled girls under the age of 16.

The CPS refused to prosecute Savile, and dropped the claim, citing 'insufficient evidence'.

After Savile's death, and despite multiple attempts at high-level cover ups, he abused at least 500 known victims over a four decade period.

The lefty in charge of the CPS at the time - the man that decided that there was 'insufficient evidence' to charge Saville - is now the 'leader' of the UK Labour government Party and the Prime Minister.

'Sir' Keir Starmer.


Simple answer is: For the Left all sins are forgiven that do not go against political dogma. Like a religion, so long as you are faithful to it, any perceived sin outside of the faith can be overlooked no matter how egregious or vile it might be.
Simple answer is: For the Left all sins are forgiven that do not go against political dogma. Like a religion, so long as you are faithful to it, any perceived sin outside of the faith can be overlooked no matter how egregious or vile it might be.

I suspect that you're correct, and brother Moon is being unusually circumspect.

The goal is to destroy the established culture so that the cult can make UTOPIA.......there are few Western values more bedrock then that adults should not be fucking kids.....which is why it is under attack.
I think it was Rectenwald I heard say that as the marxists failed in the 40's and 50's they decided that they could not win without first destroying the established culture. They also decided that the marxist class struggle had to be swapped for race in part because race conflict would help them to win.

They then set out on the long march that has gotten us to the Hell we are in.