Now I think I understand.
I know why people don't want to talk about politics. They are like I was. They don't really feel well informed, are somewhat embarrassed to admit it, so they derail such discussions by getting angry and mean. Either that, or they have become hopelessly misinformed, taken in by conspiracy theories, they blame certain groups for the problems of the nation, and they vent their frustrations by attacking people whom they perceive to be representative of the demonized bad people they blame for the nation's problems.
What is really going on is powerful interests exert outsized control over our nation, people are helpless to change it, and they are frustrated that they have no control over what happens to them. They are looking for someone or some group to blame for this preposterous power usurpation, and the conspiracy theories attempt to fill that void.
The right and the left blame each other for the lack of more prosperity in the most prosperous large nation on Earth, but really it is the very rich power junkies who control most of our government.
Basically, people shy away from talking about politics real life in person because they are frustrated and angry, and they don't want to lose their cool.
That's a problem. If people don't talk about politics they remain uninformed.
If everybody got well informed it would transform our nation. The very rich power junkies would not be able to control most of our government. Government would begin to serve the people as intended. That is the one thing the very rich power junkies who control most of our government don't want. They LIKE the control they have and they LIKE being very rich and they don't want anything which might cause their power to slip away. They don't want everybody else to become as rich as they are because if that happens they are no longer special. So they spend money to keep the populace mixed up and poorly informed. They spend money on PR campaigns to spread misinformation and propaganda.
And it works.
People are all mixed up, not very well informed, and they don't want to talk about politics.
The reason is because they feel helpless, like they have no control, and it won't matter if they know more about what's going on but it will only make them feel more helpless.
Fortunately there is now an answer to this frustration. The corruption of our government is about to be drawn to an end. And that is wonderful news. It won't happen overnight because the way to return control to the people is going to be a long process. But the exciting thing to know is that process has already begun. Smart people have figured out how to fix our legalized corruption problem.
Here is what's going on:
Here's the website with all the answers:
There, you'll find many more short videos and resources which explain exactly how we are going to get the corruption out of government. The good news is it can be done, and it is already happening. And you can help out. Check out the short video, the link, and learn how we are going to build a better America using the best the left
and the right.
Then SMILE! Our country is going to get better!
That is really cool to know. And it's also cool to know we don't have to get angry when talking about it.