Why don't you Libtard/ Progressives/ Democrats just say it?

You mean the courts doing that. The People think differently.

People thought differently during the segregation era too. The majority of people in the south disagreed with integration.

The courts were right then, and they are right now. Since we have a rule of law and not a mob rule, having the majority of people believe something often has no bearing.
People don't choose to be of African ancestry. They choose to lead abnormal, immoral, unnatural and unhealthy lifestyles.
People don't choose to be of African ancestry. They choose to lead abnormal, immoral, unnatural and unhealthy lifestyles.

According to the overwhelming majority of evidence, they don't choose to be gay either. But that is simply an attempt at distraction.

The facts of what people choose to be or what they do not choose to be has little or nothing to do with what I said.

Also, as I have said before, what is normal, natural or healthy is not any part of allowing straight people to marry. So it cannot be used to deny gays their marriage.

And as far as morality goes, the only way you can claim homosexuality is immoral is to use the dogma of a select few religions as the basis for your morality.

And that is unconstitutional. Why not just admit you hate the US Constitution?
Your attempt to equate an unnatural act with race is the distraction.

I did not equate homosexuality with race. I equated the fact that the majority was against integration when the courts made it the law, with the fact that many people are against homosexual marriage and the courts are striking down the laws against it.

The comparison is between the legal v. social reactions to each situation.

And weren't you one of those people who was in favor of the Patriot act? Now there is a nice piece of unconstitutional work. Nothing like trampling rights in the name of fear.
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You hate the Constitution, treat it like a joke, ignore it when you can and want to dump it in the trash heap. :pke:

See, this is how it works... They are Socialists who are hell bent on destroying America. For years now, the moderate types have raised an eyebrow at that statement, telling me I am being "extreme" and claiming it's not really all that bad, they aren't really socialists, and they just have a different viewpoint... blah blah blah. These are the useful idiots to the Socialists, because they enable them to continue implementing their socialist destructive agenda unfettered, and in some cases, they even side with them and help them in their efforts. Take John McCain and Lindsey Graham for example.... (or just TAKE them! Far away!)

The Socialists will never admit they are socialists, because they understand it is not something people will endorse or support, they are very smart people. They will remain stealthy and coy, and continue slowly eroding everything that has made America great. They will attack religious freedom and have the gall to use our own Constitution to do it... they will attack Family Values, and again, utilize the Constitution in their efforts. And finally, they will attack Capitalism, playing on inherent jealously through class envy, and pretending to be "for the little guy" while they completely dismantle corporate free enterprise. Once these institutions have been destroyed, they will usher in the Czar or Dictator, who will fully implement Totalitarianism, and their mission will be complete. It will be far too late to "save America" by then, we will likely be enslaved for centuries. Gone, will be any freedom we ever knew, and generations of the future will wonder how the hell we let it happen.

The sad part is, I don't think we are going to wake up. I firmly believe they have brainwashed enough minions, and persuaded enough idiots who think they are being "independent minded" and we just don't stand a chance at this point. Those of us courageous enough to point out what is happening right before our eyes, are castigated, ridiculed, ostracized as fanatics and wackos, and summarily dismissed. And the beat goes on... we move ever closer to full blown Socialism and Totalitarianism, and it doesn't appear that anything will stop it.
People thought differently during the segregation era too. The majority of people in the south disagreed with integration.

The courts were right then, and they are right now. Since we have a rule of law and not a mob rule, having the majority of people believe something often has no bearing.
What I find uncomfortable about his reasoning is that it was the same reasoning that southern conservatives used to prohibit interacial marriage.
That's not a specific question at all. What part do you have a problem with?

Its a very specific question. The Patriot Act is a statute that was passed back in 2001.

My question is do you support that statute? I am not asking you about details in the act, revamping the act, or extending portions of the act.

I asked whether or not you supported The Patriot Act.

Its a yes or no sort of question.
There's some things I like about it and somethings I don't. I support my government for tracking down and killing terrorists.