Why don't you Libtard/ Progressives/ Democrats just say it?

What part of: "some things I like about it and somethings I don't" do you find difficult to understand? :palm:

The Patriot Act is a single piece of legislation. I am sure you would like to pick and choose the parts you like and dislike in all the bills passed.

But on this specific topic, I simply asked if you supported a single piece of legislation.
Some parts yes, others no.

What about the unconstitutional parts of the Patriot Act?

Like the parts that allow law enforcement to conduct secret searches, perform roving wiretaps, and gain access to private records without a warrant?
Be specific.

That was a very specific question. I asked whether you approve of the parts of the Patriot Act that allow law enforcement to conduct secret searches, perform roving wiretaps, and gain access to private records without a warrant
Talking to whom and where?

That has no relevance at all. As an american citizen, I have certain rights. Those rights are not contigent on who I am talking to. Unless I am committing a crime, my rights cannot be taken away and it still be considered constitutional.
That has no relevance at all. As an american citizen, I have certain rights. Those rights are not contigent on who I am talking to. Unless I am committing a crime, my rights cannot be taken away and it still be considered constitutional.
Actually, it is very relevant. You know this which is why whenever I call you on it you refuse to be specific, since you know it will destroy your argument. :)
Actually, it is very relevant. You know this which is why whenever I call you on it you refuse to be specific, since you know it will destroy your argument. :)

It will certainly not destroy my argument. My argument is that my rights exist regardless of where I am calling.

The police have no right to tap my phone without a warrant. They have no right to search my home without notification. They have no right to my private records without a warrant.
Talking to whom and where?

That does not matter.

And it does not even begin to address the searches of private records (medical records, bank records, ect) without a warrant.

Nor does it address searching homes and private businesses without notification, and the ability to delay notification indefinitally.

The fact that phone taps are being used without a warrant is unconstitutional, as has been shown numerous times when evidence gained with wiretaps without warrants have been disallowed in court case in both state and federal courts.

Who the person is talking with is irrelevant. If they had a warrant to tap the phone, it would be different. But they are tapping calls made to certain geographic areas.
Actually, it is very relevant. You know this which is why whenever I call you on it you refuse to be specific, since you know it will destroy your argument. :)

is it a violation of my rights for the federal government to listen in on my phone conversation to my friend Nadir in Pakistan?
is it a violation of my rights for the federal government to listen in on my phone conversation to my friend Nadir in Pakistan?
Their interest is listening to Nadir, who has no rights as an American Citizen. If you're having a conversation with him about terrorism, then you're going to be listened to as well.