Why don't you Libtard/ Progressives/ Democrats just say it?

If the FBI had a phone tapped from some criminal in the US, with a warrant because he has citizen rights, and you were talking to him they'd listen to your voice as well. Same thing as you talking to Nadir. *shrug*

so your contention is that any communication that crosses the border of the USA removes any restrictions on the federal government to have to obtain warrants based upon probable cause as defined in the 4th Amendment?
nice dodge. if they are listening to Nadir, by default they are also listening to me. And we've also talked about this before, the constitution doesn't grant rights to american citizens, but restricts the government from infringing on rights. Your totalitarianism is still showing.

Now, by listening in on my phone conversation, are my rights being violated?

Nice try putting your words in my mouth and changing "rights as an American Citizen" to 'the constitution grants rights to American citizens'. But I ain't buying.

If the FBI had a phone tapped from some criminal in the US, with a criminal warrant, and you were talking to him they'd listen to your voice as well. Same thing as you talking to Nadir.
Their interest is listening to Nadir, who has no rights as an American Citizen. If you're having a conversation with him about terrorism, then you're going to be listened to as well.
So any rights I have are abrogated by speaking to a non-citizen? So what your telling me is that because I'm married to a non-citizen that because of that I have no constitutionally protected rights as a citizen?

Would the government have the right to listen to our private conversations because my wife is a non-citizen?

Would they have the right to enter my house with out a warrant to search and seize what ever they like because my wife is a non-citizen?

Would they have the right to deny me my 5th ammendment rights because my wife is a non-citizen?

Would they have the right to bar me from purchasing a fire arm because my wife is a non-citizen?

Do you even believe what you are saying SM? Cause if you do you're just reinforcing my point that you don't care about the Constitution or Freedom or Liberty. You only care about your Freedoms and Liberties.
Nice try putting your words in my mouth and changing "rights as an American Citizen" to 'the constitution grants rights to American citizens'. But I ain't buying.

If the FBI had a phone tapped from some criminal in the US, with a criminal warrant, and you were talking to him they'd listen to your voice as well. Same thing as you talking to Nadir.

so to tap Nadirs phone in pakistan, they would need a warrant, same as they would a criminal in the US, is that what you're saying?
If the FBI had a phone tapped from some criminal in the US, with a warrant because he has citizen rights, and you were talking to him they'd listen to your voice as well. Same thing as you talking to Nadir. *shrug*
No it's not. Nadir is not a criminal nor do they have a warrant. You're comparing apples to oranges and your denying WB his right to privacy and his right to the presumption of innocence.
Don't be a tool Mott you're wife became a citizen as soon as you married her.
Like hell she did. She is not a US Citizen and is still in the process of naturalization (which should be completed this summer). She is still considered a permanent resident alien. A non US Citizen does not automatically gain citizenship by marrying an American Citizen.
No it's not. Nadir is not a criminal nor do they have a warrant. You're comparing apples to oranges and your denying WB his right to privacy and his right to the presumption of innocence.
No one's a criminal until they lose at trial. Solitary should have no expectation of privacy talking to a non-citizen of the US from a foreign territory with known terrorist activity.
No one's a criminal until they lose at trial. Solitary should have no expectation of privacy talking to a non-citizen of the US from a foreign territory with known terrorist activity.
You mean like Canada or Mexico or Ireland or England or Japan?

Solitary should have every right, as a US Citizen, to have an expectation from having his Constitutional rights violated, at any time, by his Government. That is WHY we have a Constitution with a bill of rights.

So you are saying that since my wife is a non-citizen from a nation with known terrorist activity (Abu Sayiff) that I should have no expectations of privacy?

You're INSANE!!!!
LOL Just as predicted. :good4u:

you made a strawman?

I asked you how they would know it's terrorist activity. You answered 'because it's pakistan, duh. So there's only two logical conclusions that can be garnered from that and that is 1) all pakistanis are terrorists, or 2) all communications from pakistan are terrorist related.

So, why don't you tell us whats real and whats strawman. if you can.
you made a strawman?

I asked you how they would know it's terrorist activity. You answered 'because it's pakistan, duh. So there's only two logical conclusions that can be garnered from that and that is 1) all pakistanis are terrorists, or 2) all communications from pakistan are terrorist related.

So, why don't you tell us whats real and whats strawman. if you can.

Dude it was your straw man; I predicted that you'd make it, and within one minute, you did.

I pwned you epically and had a great laugh this morning. :lol: