OK let me explain this to you as simply as possible.
My argument was stated: “Solitary should have no expectation of privacy talking to a non-citizen of the US from a foreign territory with known terrorist activity.” [emp added]
You then ax’d: “how would they know it's terrorist activity?”
I replied: “Because its Pakistan, duh.”, then I *prepared for your straw man*.
To which you predictably replied: “so all Pakistanis[sic] are terrorists?”
My argument discussed a “territory”, and you created a caricature of that by asserting that I meant ‘“all” citizens in that territory’, meeting the definition of a straw man precisely.
Bullshit. You haven't explained your comment "Because it's Pakistan, duh". What makes Pakistan special?
There is known terrorist activity in the USA (i.e. McVeigh and the Murrow Bldg bombing, the KKK, NeoNazi's ect)
There is known Terrorist in Ireland (IRA)
In Northern Ireland (Irish CIRA, Orange Volunteers)
This is known Terrorist in India (Sikh's)
There are known Terrorist in the Philippines (Abu Sayyaf)
There are known Terrorist in Greece (Revolutionary Nuclei)
Israel has known Terrorist (Kach and Kahane Chai)
Japan has known Terrorist (Aum Supreme Truth and the Japanese Red Army)
Spain has known Terrorist (The Basque Euzkadi Ta Askatasuna)
Sri Lanka has known Terrorist (The Tamil Tigers)
Turkey has known Terrorist (The Kurdistan workers party)
So either your argument is indeed a Strawman or by using your logic since there are known terrorist organizations with known terrorist activity in the USA that, prior to Sept 11, 2001, had killed more Americans then foreign terrorist, I should have no expectations of privacy when making a phone call because I'm making a phone call in or to a country with known Terrorist/Terrorist Activity.
You're logic defies reason!
Please explain to me what makes Pakistan so different from all these other nations with known terrorist (including the USA) that the government can, with impunity, violate my rights?
You're either for freedom and liberty or you are not. Apparently as a conservative you are not.