Why don't you Libtard/ Progressives/ Democrats just say it?

Not all of them Soc. Far more people think like me than you believe.
Not enough to change things. If they were like you then I would vote like you do. But until your point of view takes hold of the conservative movement, I will not vote for a party that believes the bible is the "foundation of all morality".
"Sexual Misconduct ...

There are also occasions on which it is unsuitable to have intercourse even with your rightful companion. ...

3. It is unsuitable to have intercourse in an inappropriate orifice, such as engaging in the manner of animals.

Tsogyal, ... As before, the act of sexual misconduct is consummated by means of the four completing aspects, and again there are three types of results.

1. Through the result of ripening you will be reborn in the three lower realms. Even if you do take rebirth in the higher realms, you will have fights with your spouse and so forth.

2. The dominant result is that even in future lives your helpers, spouse, and so forth will be unresponsive and show various acts of ingrattitude.

3. The result corresponding to the cause is that your unwholesome habitual tendencies will cause you to take pleasure in sexual misconduct.

Tsogyal, if you give up these acts and refrain from engaging in them, you will obtain the opposites of their results, so abandoning them is of great importance. ..."

(Dakini Teachings, pp. 39-40)

Yeah, very not Theravada Buddhism. Theravada Buddhism doesn't speak about "God" as your link does. I guess I should have been more specific since I don't know about all forms of Buddhism and their proscriptions that include things like "God".
The only reason I posted it is because Assmonkey seemed to think you were not relaying to him the true position of Buddhism. Unless they can see a source they won't believe you.
Yeah, I figured he'd come up with some source that disagreed with me. But I am a Theravada Buddhist, and your link described exactly what I was talking about very well.
1. Yet it is the source of morality as I stated.
2. Nevertheless, it is part of the Founder’s culture.
3. Defying common sense; obviously tainted by APA PC and its queer agenda.
4. I’ve done no such thing.
7. We defend traditional marriage because of its benefit to society, families and the next generation. This wouldn’t be necessary but for liberal attacks.
1. Yet it is the source of morality as I stated.
2. Nevertheless, it is part of the Founder’s culture.
3. Defying common sense; obviously tainted by APA PC and its queer agenda.
4. I’ve done no such thing.
7. We defend traditional marriage because of its benefit to society, families and the next generation. This wouldn’t be necessary but for liberal attacks.

So, people who don't believe in the bible are immoral?
which religion accepts homosexuality?

Buddhism does not claim homosexuality is evil.

Paganism accepts homosexuality as just another part of the divine that his humanity.

I think I remember Hinduism being either accepting or at least lenient of homosexuality.
Buddhism does not claim homosexuality is evil.

Paganism accepts homosexuality as just another part of the divine that his humanity.

I think I remember Hinduism being either accepting or at least lenient of homosexuality.

Reread, douchey.

Originally Posted by AssHatZombie
"Sexual Misconduct ...

There are also occasions on which it is unsuitable to have intercourse even with your rightful companion. ...

3. It is unsuitable to have intercourse in an inappropriate orifice, such as engaging in the manner of animals.

Tsogyal, ... As before, the act of sexual misconduct is consummated by means of the four completing aspects, and again there are three types of results.

1. Through the result of ripening you will be reborn in the three lower realms. Even if you do take rebirth in the higher realms, you will have fights with your spouse and so forth.

2. The dominant result is that even in future lives your helpers, spouse, and so forth will be unresponsive and show various acts of ingrattitude.

3. The result corresponding to the cause is that your unwholesome habitual tendencies will cause you to take pleasure in sexual misconduct.

Tsogyal, if you give up these acts and refrain from engaging in them, you will obtain the opposites of their results, so abandoning them is of great importance. ..."

(Dakini Teachings, pp. 39-40)

1. The source of all morality: The Bible. Also see texts of the world’s other main religions.

The teachings of the Bible were isolated to a small area and population until the last 1500-1800 years. In those areas uninfluenced by the Bible there were no moral codes or morality before the Bible's introduction? That's plainly absurd.
1. Yet it is the source of morality as I stated.
2. Nevertheless, it is part of the Founder’s culture.
3. Defying common sense; obviously tainted by APA PC and its queer agenda.
4. I’ve done no such thing.
7. We defend traditional marriage because of its benefit to society, families and the next generation. This wouldn’t be necessary but for liberal attacks.

1) It is a source of morality. But it is not the only source. And to create laws based on religious beliefs that have no other basis for being laws is unconstitutional.

2) It is part of the Founder's culture. But so are many of the other friezes displayed at the Supreme Court building. And you are purposefully ignoring the key part of the equation, that making it a singular display and excluding all others is the biggest part of the problem.

3) Numerous studies by different research groups and these studies have not been refuted. Your paranoia about the APA is funny.

4) :palm:

7) The benefits to society would not be effected at all. In fact, you have yet to give me one single benefit to society that would still not be a benefit offered by gay marriage. And yet, there is still no reason for the gov't to regulate what should essentially be a private and/or religious ceremony.
1. It is the recognized source of morality that the Founders used to write the supreme law of the land.
2. The frieze consist of the entire triangular edifice. The Ten Commandments is center, prominent, indicating it relative importance.
3. Your blind devotion to the APA above all other psych experts is funny.
7. Schools would have to teach children that queer marriage is equal to traditional marriage; a lie.

How about the Bible. But you probably have not read that.

Judaism was a religion practiced by the tribes of Israel. It had not spread very far prior to Christ. It's numbers are still very small and mostly concentrated in Israel.

Christianity and Islam spread the biblical texts to the rest of the world. The first missionaries took place about 50 years after Christ's death and the religion did not really take of until about 300 years after Christ via Constantine.

Moral codes were already highly developed prior to the rise of Christianity.

Here is what Jefferson said about your argument in a letter to Major John Cartwright.

"I was glad to find in your book a formal contradiction at length of the judiciary usurpation of legislative powers; for such the judges have usurped in their repeated decisions, that Christianity is a part of the common law. The proof of the contrary which you have adduced is incontrovertible; to wit, that the common law existed while the Anglo-Saxons were yet Pagans, at a time when they had never yet heard the name of Christ pronounced, or knew that such a character had ever existed."
How about the Bible. But you probably have not read that.

Judaism was a religion practiced by the tribes of Israel. It had not spread very far prior to Christ. It's numbers are still very small and mostly concentrated in Israel.

Christianity and Islam spread the biblical texts to the rest of the world. The first missionaries took place about 50 years after Christ's death and the religion did not really take of until about 300 years after Christ via Constantine.

Moral codes were already highly developed prior to the rise of Christianity.

Here is what Jefferson said about your argument in a letter to Major John Cartwright.

"I was glad to find in your book a formal contradiction at length of the judiciary usurpation of legislative powers; for such the judges have usurped in their repeated decisions, that Christianity is a part of the common law. The proof of the contrary which you have adduced is incontrovertible; to wit, that the common law existed while the Anglo-Saxons were yet Pagans, at a time when they had never yet heard the name of Christ pronounced, or knew that such a character had ever existed."

Good post, but you misunderstood my point, and admittedly I should have been more explicit. The Bible is the recognized source of morality that the Founders used to write the supreme law of the land. Jefferson was better educated than most and may have been influenced by other sources, but this is not reflective of most of the founders, who were likely to rely on the Bible as a sole source.